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second led run




Today I put these plants under ufo.


back:grape krush, grenadella, papaya
middle:trainwreck 2x, chemdog d diesel

Other than gums and wreck are unsexed, so there could be some interesting pollinations to be made in the future, but maybe not. This is day 1 of the second run with this lamp (90 watt ufo). We'll see what will it produce in coming months.


What yield did you get from your first run, unthing? Saw your photos from the previous thread and all looked very interesting... would like to hear your gram/watt ratio for that harvest

I know it's a matter of some controversy but when someone perfects the a LED for growing I am quite convinced they will become the lamp of choice. I am sticking with 250w HPS for now though...


Hi limey

we'll see the results of that in couple of weeks. I'd love to try one those 200w panels even when they're the same 1 watt diodes. But better lights are coming too I quess.


They've clearly reacted to the change of light and gonna put much bigger leaves soon, but that really can't be seen from the pic I quess. full 24 on now as the light is gentle kind.



Gonna train them lot more this time, some are given some time to adjust to the light before trained. Also gonna put little bit smaller pics here. Still searching for better size, but being lazy about visual presentation.



Thanks guys

Today I topped all that wasn't topped already, except the chem dd. Still keeping 'em in small pots so I can sex them and put possible males (and even mothers) back to the microveg chamber. Some of them gave me some nutrient lockout problems after feeding (too early), but the new growth is lush green.



Today I painstakigly confirmed that the grape krush is female, nice since she has this hint of sweet scent even as a small plant in veg. The ufo is now running on a 18/6-cycle. Couldn't take a picture of the pre-flower 'cause my cheapo digi doesn't handle that kind of close-ups. Endep up with fuzziness only.

Grape krush is in the back row, far left. 1/4 sexed for now. It seems that the feeding(surprisingly..)did good for them as the old soil was poor on nutrients. Growth is bit slow still because of that, but it'll accelerate. Hoping to sex the rest in couple of weeks time.



Yeah, they are little sad with ufo abduction, but they're getting better.


Iimey, now that I remembered and they're properly dry, the g/w-ratio for the last one was roughly 0,45g/w (as 90w)and that time some specimen was already mysteriously lost. Not that great ratio, but it was the first test run, this time little improvement.


this is exciting to see i got a led panel last year this one to be exact http://cgi.ebay.com/All-BLUE-225-LED-Grow-Light-Panel-stimulate-Growth-Lamp_W0QQitemZ370213776125QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item563275eafd&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=65%3A12%7C66%3A2%7C39%3A1%7C72%3A1205%7C240%3A1318%7C301%3A0%7C293%3A1%7C294%3A50 tested a pepper and a pansy at the time, after a month of being under the light for 24 hours a day there was no growth nor decline.... i might have to get it back out and run some more tests. goodluck man teach us all about leds!


Hi searcher

There's some discussion about those panels and the ebay in the ledlab 2009-thread in this forum. Those panels with low power leds are best for cuts in my opinion. Cfls are more economical choice too.


Upon further magnified inspection, grenadella is also showing really small clump of pre-flower, impossible for me to determinate gender now, maybe next week.


I think you should def get some CFLs goin as well, LEDs are good sure, but are better as supplement light for now. CFL's or a HPS would help you out big time.



I've been thinking about hps/led-combo, but probably gonna do it after this run, but then again maybe not. I own 250 w hid (totally on another power class for sure)but the point of these ufo runs is to see what can be done just with it.


Plant looking healthier. changed their order a bit so the smallest one could get more in the spotlight. They are bit unhappy in those small pots, but that's gonna change soon, when I get trough with sexing the mysteries.


Oh and the hps-thing. Besides the 250, I also have 100 watt one which I think it could be better fitted to that small space (2x2x4 foot roughly or 64x64x110 cm). It's an interesting combo for sure.


Started training couple of bubblegums too. Hopefully not all 9 will be flowered under the ufo. Some will given away and 3 of them might be males. If males are found, they're gonna go under different light to pollen collecting for hobby crosses. I'm aiming to flower 4-6 plants.

Hey unthing. I agree with punx. A CFL for supplemental lighting would definitely improve the results. I ran an LED grow with two T5's last fall and I'm still smoking on what I harvested. Looking great, buddy! The more you show, the more interest LED's get and that leads to better technology with them eventually. Awesome.

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