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Second 400w DR60 Multi-Strain Grow Show!


Hey guys, a quick update.

6 total Lemon G's are above ground, i anticipate that official day 1 for them will begin on the 5th. Any that don't sprout before then i will be tossing out. The 6 or so that are above ground i've moved to my veg tent into all are sprouted, the game plan is to monitor the strongest phenos and eliminate the rest somewhat around week 2.

Here are my various skunk crosses. They're each about a foot tall now and just beginning to grow a strong plant structure, internode/node growth has begun to increase moreso in some plants than others. I plan to give these all a chance to show sex and decide what to do from there.

Comments always welcomed.




One of the plants i topped working on it's new tops




The majority of beans are above ground! We may actually get a 100% germ rate out of 32 seeds! This makes my job of selecting the best extremely tough for the road ahead.

Hell, even the runty type seeds have sprouted. I put 4 seeds in one beercup that i thought probably had about a 10% of germinating and two of the ones in that beercup are above ground lol. Soon i'm going to have 4 plants in one beer cup, that will be an interesting experiment.


More variety = better selection for keepers :D

bonus pic of my new glass:


I am absolutely ripped right now, have a nice day everyoen :D


1/5 :joint: = me, good morning everyone

All seeds are above ground! I repeat, all 32 Lemon G are above ground. 100% germ rates always make me extra happy, specially since i normally put my brand new girls under my MH, all most of these have had are very diffused CFL light. The youngest Lemon G (7) that was placed in my MH veg tent (other than my clone/seed chamber) is actually not the biggest despite being the first above ground. Lemon G (2) has taken the lead, showing a very strong straight growth shoot with well proportioned dark green leaves. These will probably go about 2 weeks before i make my selection.

A couple of the things i will be looking for: branch structure, nutrient tolerance (going to give them weak nutes around week 1), general growth, bushiness, smell and stretch. I've also decided to do something wacky and place two of my brand new lemon G's immediately in my flower tent and observe their flower cycle as well. Obviously this will not be a strong indication of their actual power, however it will give me a ballpark idea and i figure why not, i have plenty of rooted babies and i'm throwing them away anyway. I'll just have to keep checking them for nanners, that's really the only potential threat.

The girls are sleeping at the moment but i snapped a picture, i hope i didn't wake them :). They are around week 2 at the moment, budding up nicely not frosty yet however, still working on those trichs. I will take some more macro pics of buds sooner or later. Thanks for tuning in. The Lemon Skunk has continued to outperform everyone, it's such a monster i love her. My Blue cheese has really shown her sativa traits, as she's currently the tallest by about an couple inches and is an absolutely skinny girl, extremely healthy and coming along in flowering. My blueberry is probably the second most ahead in maturing, very potent smell and tons of pistols. My bushiest indica is my former runt (WR2) and is short and stout and extremely bushy, just starting to come along with the explosion of pistols.

Last but not least, my new beans (haha i know) will be here shortly, however it'll probably be a bit before they are germinated as i'm at max capacity.

Some of the skunks i topped, the sleestack is coming along the most robust. Very healthy internodes/nodes.


Plant i accidentally FIMd, figure i will just let it go

Lemon G (LG2) Healthiest of those above ground


Veg tent Overview

One of my untopped Sleestacks, this shot shows it's node growth

OG18, tallest in veg tent at the moment

Earliest to sprout (LG7), falling behind in the race though.




Grow room security, he loves the warmth




1/5 cont.

Peak into the tent with lights off

Lemon skunk, this girl is a beast!








Blue Cheese, got sativa? I love her just as much as my LS, she's so healthy and pretty!



WR2 very bushy indica


Keep tuned


That's one bushy bitch with a lot of tops, she looks fantastic.

I like your new bong, reminds me of my old RooR but cooler. Is that a RooR?



How come your promoting all that stretch in that L shape plant???

I wanna get a 400 watter myself. Still complicating on it. How much heat does it make NNepp??? Also what do you have for extraction?


OPT: Thanks man! It's just a crappy ole weed star i picked up cheap but it does the trick, i've been using a crappy one for so long i figured i might as well upgrade to glass, even if it's not a roor.

Roor: the plants have pretty much peaked as far as any sretch is concerned. It was too high at one point, thus why i tied it down and created the "L" shape. It would probably be twice as long if i hadn't. The plant structure i'm very happy with, no real need to tie anything further down, i have the room and all the main shoots have plenty of room to absorb light.

I love my 400W. I wish i would have gone with a 1000 for my flower tent but hind sight 20/20, you live and you learn! Some may say that's overkill, but i try to run as many plants as possible so extra power and penetration is on my wishlist. As far as cooling, i could leave my HPS in my flower tent and not even have to air cool it, it stays cool with just a small fan because it's a pretty open area. As far my veg tent, i definitely need a fan to keep it cool or it'll skyrocket in there, so for both i use a single 4" inline fan to suck air out of my hoods in both tents at once. I just used a simple Y split connector to achieve this, you can see what i mean in my setup pictures in the first post.


11/6 No pictures today, just observations

Boy taking care all these little buggers is becoming a full time job, after yesterday's big update i don't think anything is really different from then as far as growth wise. I lowed both lights a bit and ramped up the inline.

Anywho, the lemon G's are all doing great. They have such a diversity of traits so far. So far i've noticed stam colors ranging from green to deep purple to light peach (lemon peach pot? hell yeah!). Those that are stretching, those that are plumping up their stem instead at the same light levels. It's absolutely fascinating, inspired by this i decided that i am going to give the top row of my cab full strength veg nutes that i had left over from watering the skunks. Now normally i would never do this, it's way too strong and way too early, however i plan to see how they respond. If any actually benefit positively vs the plants on the bottom row which just received normal ph balanced water.

In other news, one of my flowering girls fell off of a container i used to raise her up and spent most of the night leaning up against another plant. Both were stressed a bit but i picked her up and put her back up and she should be fine, just a little stem warpage.

How's everybody doing


Good to near nnep!

I have 1 power plant that is absolutely destroying everyother AK48 and cherry bomb I have. They all are around 2 weeks old from seed, and this 1 power plant is 5 times bigger, more leaves...it's just plain old nuts..hope to get pictures in the next couple days, you really have to see the difference. Some of my AK 48's are looking a little odd, the cotelyod leavs are starting to yellow on a couple already, but there has been very slow growth with the leaves on all my plants but the Powerplant I mentioned.

1 of my AK's first set of true leaves are starting to curl upwards, with what looks to be a little of a mag defiency. I think it has something to do with me using Hydrated lime, I never even knew i was until today, always thoguht it was dolomite, which is what i ordered years ago and that's what came, not sure if thats why I'm having a few problems. I did slightly overwater them, but I don't think this is the reason for it.



Hey everyone, not much to report. I've continued to weed out a few of the runty LGs over the last couple of days, i'd say we're probably down to 20 now and they're just beginning to work on their second set of leaves. In other news i received the seeds i was looking forward to playing with today, these won't be planted right away, however, eventually i will add the following strains to my garden:

The Church
Super Lemon Haze
Purp Haze
Purp widow
LA Woman

Keep it safe!


Quick couple of macro shots for you guys when the lights went off, the ladies are just beginning to get frosty.





11/10 peek inside my veg tent, things have exploded the last couple of days. Checking for balls daily. These girls still have at least another month to go, they're going to be massive! Considering putting up a scrog net.



After Watering


The skunks are 21 days old.
Looking sharp, going to re-work my exhaust similar to yours soon.

Had some Lemon Skunk recently, dripping with trichs, I'm sure you'll like (along with all the others!)


1/12 Day 23 of Flower

Evening all, how's everyone doing. so many views and so little comments. Feel free to bs, hang out, talk smack, anything! Hell, tell me what's growing in your garden or just light one up :)

Anyway, a few small things have happened around the laboratory. I'll start big and work my way down, first up the big girls are in day 23 of flower now and are really starting to pack on the resin, especially the more sativaish, they're buds are a little smaller than some of their sisters, but my god they are covered in trichs! Odor is starting to pick up a little bit as well, luckily my new filter will arive soon so that will be a thing of a past. The most mature colas are on the Lemon Skunk, developing a super nice bud structure, i have no doubt in my mind that she will be an absolute beast of a netter, hopefully a smoker as well. Also to add, the power kush deficiency returned pretty fiercly out of no where, ph runoff was fine so i'm watching it closely after it's last

The little girls aren't really little anymore and i should probably stop calling that since i have about 4 generations running at the same time now, and my lemon G's are working on their 3rd or 4th set of leaves. When i say my skunks, i'm refering to the batch of 15 (now 9) freebies i recieved from DNA (various strains crossed with skunk #1). They are also 23 days along, the ones i topped early on around the second internode are developing wonderfully, it's almost like it's a pulling the plant open to receive light, almost like a bloomin onion :p. They're all showing enourmouse bursts of growth and i could flip them now if i wanted (or had room). No signs of early males yet, but i'm watching daily now. A bagseed that i threw in there has very deep purple stems on all of it's fan leaves, i'm very interested to see what it'll turn into when flowered. Other than that, they'll probably continue to do a full vedge to maturity, about 30 or so more days, then will be flipped when my big girls are done.

Moving on we have the lemon G's, only about half remain. I originally started with 32 that were gifted to me, i weeded out the runts, the mutants, the deformities, the droopy sad looking ones, the ones that didn't handle nutes very well, down to about 14 that are growing very happily at the moment. Not much more to report on that front, they will be the new crop that will replace my skunks sooner or later! Looking to ideally get it down to around 4 healthy girls.

LAST BUT NOT LEAST :p i popped 4 purple widows, 1 church, 1 SLH and 1 purple lady in some soil after germing them for the last two or so days, they're in cups in my prop/clone chamber and will soon be added to my lemon G's.

but i digress, enough talk, more pictures
















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