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Scrub's PLL Coco Cupboard and Friends

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey Scrub!! Nice lights for sure..plants are doing well too which is great...have you ever done the CS thing before?
Yeah, I'm not satisfied at all with cfl's..for the heat they generate, and supposed watts/lumens, plants should be monsters with big, tight buds, but not the case...
Have you ever seen this thread below? That is my latest insipration!! Its a sweet idea..check it out and let me know..
Take care



Grow like nobody is watching
No, haven't seen that cab - nifty.

CFLs will still pump out some decent buds for sure. I had super tight nugs on my first go with quite low wattage, and yours looked tight too. But there is just no arguing with the specs. I felt the same as you after my first indoor - I posted somewhere near the thread's end that I was pretty unimpressed with CFLs and expected better performance than that. It was quite strange to start using pll and be so fucking instantly impressed with the growth and no doubt whatsoever that these would kick ass (and they did) while at the same time poor old Hilbie was trying to convince people CFLs are cheaper and better. I can understand they are cheaper to some people if you get 23watters etc, but never better. Can you imagine 4 x 48w's and a 23w cfl in my cab? No way in hell could I push out as much weed as I did. Not in my opinion anyway. Peace.


Grow like nobody is watching



BC I forgot to say, I did try the CS before but it didn't work right. So far I found about 4 hollow white seeds. I'm pretty certain the mother was sterile. Improved my method a lot too for this round.



Hey Scrub - I appreciate so much these grow logs that you do. I have a few questions- I guess these dont give off much heat? Also - do you think PL-Ls could be modified to fit into a PC case grow? How many do you think you could cram in there?

Thanks a lot man - happy growing


Heya Scrub. Just read through the thread, and looks good. I've been interested in SCROG lately, but I can't figure out how I'd manage to add one to my relatively small growing area. It's all good though. For my first grow, it's going well enough that I don't have to mess with much! Keep growing the good stuff!


Grow like nobody is watching
Sup dudez, thanks. I'll get some pics tonight. It's going great as per usual.

Intel: On the whole they are very cool lights, man. Just pay attention and put thought into the cab design because the only warning is that the lower inch or two of the glass bit (the end that plugs in) get very hot if they don't have a constant flow of air over them. Only needs to be a reasonably weak flow, but it is needed. It's very easy to set it up this way in a pc case. Check out D.I.trY's pc case and do it like that! Also Aeroheads pc case thread is a must read! You can fit 3 side by side if your case is not ultra skinny but you may have to skip the base/sockets (they're wider than the bulbs). I could be wrong here but I think DItry used 3 x 36w and Aero used 3 x 55w...something like that.

Lolraymond, yours are looking good, dude. I'll try to have a more in-depth read later. Maybe LST if scrog is tricky? I LSTd my Leda Uno last night, gonna look beautiful when the lights come on and she's all settled into place. I use tent pegs - I'm hooked on tent pegs!


Grow like nobody is watching
Werrrd. That was breaking new boundaries. It was a high powered rig but also no real stealth. Whereas DI's box had a carbon filter and ran in his lounge room if I recall right. The ballasts were in a hollowed out VCR nearby, lol. And then the semi organic thing with a snail in the res and pond water and bokashi and stuff. He was ahead of his time. :) (as is/was Aero)

Anyhoots, just gonna dump all the pics here. I was only just telling someone the importance of running your fans at night and I realised I wasn't running the inside circulation one - so there may be water drops. This is seconds after lights on:


I LSTd the big TWx too:

It's bigger than when it finished last time!

Clones/new mums - good & bad, no big deal:

Seeing as nobody joined the jiffy challenge :cry: I'm going to attempt a gin-u-wine bonsai tree on a rock, somewhat like this:

I just need to find a suitable rock. The basic idea is that your rock has a crevice or some kind of place where you can tuck enough medium to germinate. Then train your roots over the rock. I figure keep the rock damp with hydro nutes and spray a lot so the roots don't air prune. Down the bottom would be straight coco, and by the time they get established in that, I suspect the roots above ground could handle drying out.

You think is work? :wave:


Well-known member
wsup. they look very very nice. so that TWx too looks like its one of the reveged plants:) wow wow she looks so big bow.

I love reveging my plants because they alwase seem to get bushyer when they regrow.:)

also I love the bonsai idea. Iv tryed to have some bonsai mj plants befor but it was hard. so this year I am gunna try to to bonsai a tomato plant.

Seeing as nobody joined the jiffy challenge :cry: I'm going to attempt a gin-u-wine bonsai tree on a rock, somewhat like this:

I just need to find a suitable rock. The basic idea is that your rock has a crevice or some kind of place where you can tuck enough medium to germinate. Then train your roots over the rock. I figure keep the rock damp with hydro nutes and spray a lot so the roots don't air prune. Down the bottom would be straight coco, and by the time they get established in that, I suspect the roots above ground could handle drying out.

You think is work? :wave:
yo man...i wish i had a scanner so i could show you exactly how to do that...but the basic theory is this (you're over-thinking :)):
the best plantings are accomplished over time b y placing a young plant over a picturesque rock and then planting the tree and rock together in a very deep pot made with slatted sides.
by removing soil slowly from the top surface, over time the roots will penetrate deeper and farther down below the rock. eventually, as the surface roots get large enough to be exposed to sunlight, a very striking planting will start to reveal itself.


Grow like nobody is watching
Wow that's hella interesting Happy - thanks a lot! I'll read up on this method and probably use it! I'm gonna try to get some shots for you guys of natural bonsais that grow out here.

Hey Cheese, yeah revegging rocks! Some people claim the bud gets stronger....I'll have to do some scientific evaluation when she's ready :) That TW is gonna be so huge. I still have to pick up my duffel bag to work out how huge I can get it. You guys will laugh but I want to get a pound off it outdoors, when all's said and done. Been thinking of keeping it pure coco and water it twice a week in a really big pot. Pinned down in all day sun.

yummeh :eek::
bonsai trees are AMAZING. i love looking at them. i just wish i had the patience to grow one. luckily, pot grows so fucking fast that you don't have to wait that long! the problem is that it grows tall...but fuck it! do it up scrub :)


Grow like nobody is watching
I had a great one kind of similar to the one in the pic. It was a fig and way better suited to it than weed I suspect (big aerial roots that strangle stuff and look gnarly). Hey you guys remember my little bonsai from back in the day?

Well I just uploaded some extra pics of the harvest :) I think I got 2/3rds of an oz of Skunk #1. Dodgy ass trim, I was such a noobsicle. :eek::


Pimpin' it up with the big yielders :pimp3:
dam scrub, you look like quite the expert on this :p

im new and im wondering if u can be one of my mentors on my first growing experiance, i have a thread(its in my sig) would love it if u stopped by and told me what u think :)


Grow like nobody is watching
Wow hear that everybody? I'm someone's mentor, lol. Awesome. I popped in bro. Not sure if I'm fit to mentor you though because...

there's a bad news :(

The TWxPD I was spraying with CS keeled over in a carbon copy of the last one that mysteriously died. I'm convinced it's some kind of root rot. I gave it a strong h2o2 tonight and I have a Bio-bugs tea brewing for tomorrow :cry: I don't hold out much hope sadly.

The worst bit is that it was uphill from the leda uno so that could be infected too. But the worst worst bit is that it's probably my coco or water anyway and safe to assume everything is infected I guess. What the fudge? Anyone got any thoughts?

Btw, the symptoms are that it's doing fine one day, then the next day one or two branches wilt while the rest is fine, and the next day the whole plant is wilting. It actually wilted visibly over half an hour.

Oh yeah and it was the same strain/pheno too! I read on here that it gets transmitted through cuts from the mum. I dunno what to do cos that was deffo my fave pheno! I have one more that's just a freshly vegging cut and is healthy. Should I toss it? FFFFFUUUUUUUU!

Halp :cry:


I love my life
I think root rot is a bacteria or fungus that does invade the whole plant, and cuts mad from an infected plan will have it. The amount of infection is less at top than bottom. I chopped the hell out of an infected plant and threw it into flower. The big branches I took didn't make good clones, because they were hard to root and many of them carried the sickness.

I now know that taking clones from a sick plant is no good. Grabbing clones form an exploding healthy plant = roots in a week and super fast growth.

I would only worry about trying to save a root roted plant if it is the only example of the pheno you have. Other wise it is faster just to start a new cut from a healthy plant, because a sick plant wont yield.

Peace, :joint:


Grow like nobody is watching
Aight thanks a lot man! I'll keep the last cut of it so no runoff can mix, and see how it goes then, it's been healthy all the time but then again so was the other one, lol. I'm gonna start using bio-bugs as part of my regime I guess. Thanks a lot bro.


hello again, thank you for the link to the store you gave me scrubninja, that was the sort of site i hadn't been able to find. i have one more question if that is ok, i was unsure if bulbs of a lower k than the 5000k that they have are better ? such as 4000, 2700 etc, or it doesn't really matter ?


Grow like nobody is watching
Hi Gluten, no probs. Really, these are the same basic thing as a CFL as far as spectrum goes. So I would choose whatever you would choose for any fluoro lighting. Everyone says you need 2700k and that is clearly not accurate, however 2700k seems to put out the most red, and technically nobody can really argue against 2700k as the single most suitable kelvin. But at the same time I haven't used anything under 4000k in my cab, and it does ok :)

What I did with my as yet unused 4 bulb setup was to get 2 of 2700k and 2 of 3000k. I'm only guessing but I reckon that would be best for flowering. I remember knna mentioning he thought that would be best too, way back in the early days - I don't know if he still stands by that.

But at the end of the day, it doesn't matter much imo. I am more worried about veg spectrum than flower. Veg needs a high kelvin light, whereas flowering doesn't need a low kelvin light as much.

Oh and if you're low on cash, just get 4000k for veg and flower. All I know is after a few months you will have a big pc case/grow tent/cupboard/wardrobe exploding with frosty buds, no matter which you choose. :)

There is also good reason in micro world to use more blue for flowering because it won't stretch as much. But again, just use the same spectrum as CFL or any fluoro grow that has impressed you. Hope that helps.


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Hey brother scrubz hope you are having a good long easter weekend.
