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Scrub's PLL Coco Cupboard and Friends


they did a thing w/ a sensory deprivation chamber where you floated in body temp salt water in the dark -no senses at all once you were acclimated - seems like he started getting caught up or what he envisioned was real or some shit

Oh shoot. They did this on that show Fringe, I think it was. Someone would get inside and start goin' all crazy and such. Pretty nuts.


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
ha ha - yeah i thought i might try it sometime too. but i haven't thought about it since the 80's - lol. i liked how they talked about the white thing. that makes it seem a little more plausible to mess around w/ since i lay in the dark every night w/o hallucinating

So, scrub the diatomaceous earth is supposed to help you if you ingest it? that's another thing i been meaning to try (in the garden) sometimes i get some bugs in my root crops and i've heard that DE helps w/ those. probably need quite a bit i guess

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
WOW..that PK is getting huge Scrub!! Great job!!
Did you see the outdoor TW pic I posted here awhile back? It took a crane to lift her!!!
Take care Scrub


Grow like nobody is watching
Yup pretty impressive BC. :yes: and thank you.

Xm: "since i lay in the dark every night w/o hallucinating".....what about dreaming though? :D But I know what you mean, I was wondering that too. Next time I try it, I'll listen to those binaural beats or whatever they call them. You can get different tones as a legal high alternative, kind of related I think (using your own brain to trip)

Yeah DE is meant to do a lot of things but so far all I can really see and verify is that it supplies Silica. The "sharp edges cuts bugs to bits" sounds plausible, but it's not worth a shit for pest control imo. Maybe I have dud DE or something, but it is food grade DE. I also found it strange that they market it as a soil balancer, like, tending to kill bad things but not the good things. Rubbish I say - it isn't killing anything. It's supplying silica to your plant and making it more pest resistant - you read it here first. :tiphat: (sort of joking/sort of serious though)

Ingesting is supposed to be a similar cleanout to fasting. I read some warnings about it - you may have strange reactions/feelings in your gut, and they actually warned that you may not want to look down when you visit the toilet. I got none of that but then again, they do say to take it regularly too. Basically I'm disappointed because I expected to be pooping out Alien Vs Predator this morning but nothing was different, lol.

Ray, pedro, thanks for droppin' by. :wave:


Good news, for myself anyhow. I scored one PK seed! SO STOKED. I hope it's a female. I hope so badly. Hahahah. That SCROG is legit. I'm doin' that once I get a bigger space. Nice man.


Grow like nobody is watching
:woohoo: Well that is great news! Was it from a bag? For the love of Maryjane, treat that thing like gold, lol. Dunno if you realise too, but there's a lot of different PKs - word on the street is the LV cut is best but I have never smoked PK!

Kinda looking forward to it :)

And yeah, the scrog is kickin' ass over here. When I did the huge LSTd Pure, I lost so much space but this keeps it locked in where I want it. I think gpw is gonna kick ass on this one :good: I only need to grow 2.9oz to break .5gpw. I'm aiming for more like .7gpw this time. Yeah yeah gpw is a silly measurement, blah blah blah. :blowbubbles:


Welp, I asked a friend if he had any seeds I could bum off him, and he's just like, "I've got this one Purple Kush seed. Treat it like a baby." Haha. I know it's most likely not LVPK, but I figure, beggars can't be choosy! It's in the water, right now! I'm stoked. I'll get some pictures up on my thread as soon as it germs.

Lol, honestly, Scrub, I had to look up what gpw stood for. Hahah. Anyhow, .5 gpw is pretty damn good. At least gpw sounds good! Hahaha. Can't wait till your harvest! :D
wow scrubs, i love the scrogg, something i personally want to try, very badly, i love seeing tons of new leaves :p

ive got a new speaker and ive just finished stripping it, ill post a picture some time tomorow, hope u can stop by and give me some advice on what to do! cause i like your light setups, and mine always suck!

much thanks in advance, and loving the massive scrogg!



Grow like nobody is watching
Ray, great man! Hope she blossoms well. I think I got .55gpw on the first pll run, but did terrible on the next in soil, I think it was around .3-ish but can't really recall. I've been checking out the heat in the cab and how the lumens are effected and this run I should have more, thanks to cooler temps. I was definitely losing a lot of lumens that first run. Ch-ch-check it out:


Anyone interested in, or using pl-l would be wise to check out the Philips Master PL PDF I've attached, if they haven't before. Some rather important and interesting info.

Cristophs, will do bro, sounds cool. Yeah there's a lot of leaf growth, I've been trimming a fair bit. I don't like 'em, they just get in the way :tongue:

Tonight I worked out the NPK of my nutes. They only list the separate A and B NPKs so I had to do a The Count on those suckers. Came out to:

Veg: 3.25 - 0.5 - 3.2
Flower: 2.5 - 2.65 - 6.4

I was surprised the N and K is so high in flower.

I'm liking drinking the DE! I will continue using it. I took twice as much today. There is a really good page on it here.

When taken internally, many health benefits have been observed. The biggest benefits seen have been lower cholesterol, lowering of blood pressure, relief from arthritis pain, increased energy, more regular bowel movements, smoother complexion, and sinus and cough relief. It is estimated that there are more than 1,500 ways DE is beneficial to humans, plants, and animals.

As a daily supplement, many believe that its most beneficial use is for internal cleansing by aiding in the elimination of intestinal parasites, which are not able to develop an immunity to the sharp edges of DE.

DE can also detox the body. According to a top cancer researcher, it is also the best natural chelating product available for pulling heavy metals from the bloodstream. Many believe that the increase in the number of cases of Heavy metal poisoning has occurred in part due to mercury in vaccines, fluoridated water, deodorants with aluminum, some seafood, foil wrap, cooking in aluminum cookware, soda/energy/beer aluminum cans, and a number of other ways.

DE has many health benefits. Years ago the silica in our food was adequate, but with today's hybrids and depleted soils, only about 1/3 of the silica needed is supplied in our food. Diatomaceous Earth is a simple and inexpensive way to get the silica your body needs. Food grade diatomaceous earth - aka Food Chemical Codex Grade contains 85% amorphous silica.



  • masterpll.pdf
    545.1 KB · Views: 147


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
well, thats some interesting info i wouldnt expect to find here

i may have to find some food grade DE - minimizing toxins is interesting to me. i already eliminated the aluminum from deodorant (just ask anyone who walks by me - lol) and cooking w/ it. my 1st thought was relevant to parasites though - and i m happy to see that cited in the glib you posted.

silica huh - sounds like a good point!


so you're drinking dirt? Lol, just joshing. I might look into that. Seems intriguing. :) Maybe it would help me get over this flu. Hahah.


Grow like nobody is watching
I tell you what, guys, my joints feel like they've been oiled. And I don't mean smearing BHO on a Rizla :dance: I probably had/have all kinds of shit in my stomach too. Here is how I intend to approach it to start:

As always, make sure you are using food-grade DE and take about a teaspoon and a half each day for a week or so. After the week is up, take a teaspoon for three days each month.

Yeah it's a little weird I guess, lol. It tastes like chalk and is gritty in your mouth/teeth after you swallow. I take it down in one big gulp but it's not bad at all, just tastes like talcum powder or something. If that stuff about the mercury and such is true, then shit, it's essential eating for all humans imo. Good move giving it to livestock too.

But I'm a little (tiny) bit sceptical of some of it. Like, how could a single diatom get into your blood stream? I can understand the nutrients being absorbed, but a physical speck? I know next to nothing about this stuff but that's not possible is it?? :confused:

Oh yeah I found some ants on the PK. :covereyes:



I'm definitely getting some DE. I bet my back would feel better after a week or two. Nothing works like weed though. Hahaha.

Haha, do not want. That cat certainly 'do not want.' And ANTS?!

Fuckin' ants! I HATE ants. I had a bunch of ants infesting my apartment not too long ago. I put down Sevin dust outside. Lol, I can only imagine, smoking a bowl and having an ant crawl out of a nug onto your hand or something. Hahah.


I love my life
Good news, for myself anyhow. I scored one PK seed! SO STOKED. I hope it's a female. I hope so badly. Hahahah. That SCROG is legit. I'm doin' that once I get a bigger space. Nice man.

Where'd you get that? An SR71 pack, like OU812 posted?

Scrub has the HS femenized PK going ;)


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
Next time I try it, I'll listen to those binaural beats or whatever they call them. You can get different tones as a legal high alternative, kind of related I think (using your own brain to trip)

yeah my brother told me about those and i downloaded a deal that generates the binaurals - i think the thing i used had a lot of drawbacks cause it failed a lot and the binaurals weren't very well organized - it was really hard for me to remember which ones i had already checked out (there was a shitload) and they were similar enough it was often difficult to distinguish one from the next

some of the individual files were a long-term thing which had a chime when it changed to the next one - some lasted for 8 hrs so you could sleep whilst listening

i found many to be calming and relaxing, some to be a little irritating/grating, and some seemed to have no effect

but, i never had any altered states or hallucinations from the binaurals (although i wasn't really satisfied w/ the environment since i was chained to my PC w/ headphones)


I love my life
What were the ants doing? Just chilling out? I've never heard of ants causing weed trouble, did they think it was a rubber tree plant?


Where'd you get that? An SR71 pack, like OU812 posted?

Scrub has the HS femenized PK going ;)

My friend just gave it to me. I'm pretty sure it's not a LVPK, but what ever. I'm down to grow some PK.

Lol, and you have some feminized PK seeds? That's freakin' rad. I want some of them beasties! Hahaha.


Grow like nobody is watching
I sing Hydro's praises every time I open that cupboard :) Only one way to find out what sort you got and you have started on the road to discovery by planting it. :yes:

Ants - Man, I see ants and I panic. There's always a reason why they appear and it's usually pest related. Ants work in tandem with pests to help them multiply, like the scale I had going on. There's just no reason for them to be there all of a sudden. There were just a few chilling on the front top edge of the cage/plant, I killed them, then 10 minutes later there were more there. I'm hoping maybe I had melted easter egg on my fingers when I touched the cage, lol. They're pretty easy to control, you just need to see their trail, which I don't yet. I put liquid borax across the trail, it's mixed with a sweetener, it's enough to make them eat it, but it won't attract them, you have to put it in their face like that. Works great for cockroaches too if you soak some bread and leave it out.

XM, yeah I tried them a few months back. I forget the company but they have a wide range of files based mainly around drugs. Marijuana, Heroin, Ecstasy, etc. If you look on piratebay etc they are there. And then after that I noticed on the app store (? I think that's the name - the store you go to on a ipod or iphone) the same company sold an actual generator, but it was crap in comparison to the long audio files.

I tried it a few times and yeah, didn't work for me, although I wasn't trying hard. I think it holds promise with the Ganzfeld thing though, instead of just white noise.

Actually I just looked up the company - I-Doser. Pretty scammy lookin'. :)

A reader/lurker PM'd me after the original post and mentioned Lucid Dreaming. That is something to check out if you've never tried. I managed to do a few lucid dreams when I was younger and it changed my life. Hard to do when you smoke weed though, hence I ain't done it for years. :) Seriously though, one of the most amazing phenomena you will ever experience, but it takes dedication, for me at least.


I love my life
I discovered last summer that simple green kills them and wipes out their sent trail. The new one come up get all confused and run into a puddle of simple green and die. I was very happy to see what I use to clean all my scissors and glass was also helping with the unwanted visitors ;) I hope you get a pheno with super fat nugs, my first seed was not a large in the flowers as my cut.

Peace, :joint:

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