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He's laughing with his buddies about you while smoking a J, right now.....

This shit it 10x more serious than you are making it out to be. It seems the cops would be a better option....lesson wise.

I'd suggest WAY harsher penalty.....no car/driving till 17.....no girls.....2 hrs. homework at 6.....summer job....SOMETHING!!

Your raising a career criminal and you've just OK'd his behavior....

A smack in the head?? I'd be out of school recovering.....


herb, it sounds like you are getting sound advice....can you imagine that someday, you and your kid will sit around and you'll laugh at the irony of getting advice on his punishment from a whole bunch of marijuana cultivators from the internet? haha, classic.

But seriously, there are some harsh ass people in my town...wouldn't want to get caught with my hand in their cookie jars! Sounds like your son (and you) are going to get off relatively easy. But, dewd....TEACH HIM THAT STEALING IS NOT COOL. If I caught someone in my house, he likely wouldn't make it out alive. I hope your son learns one of life's most valuable lessons, and that you are cherishing every moment he's with you. If it were another house, this could have ended MUCH differently.


Active member
If i came home to some kid stealing my shit i would probably have to beat the shit out of him atleast. He shoulda got charged with accessory to 1st degree felony burglary. Grounding him for a month aint gonna do shit he's just gonna sit in his room and smoke weed. If he's 15 hes old enough to go get a work permit and find somewhere to work that will keep him so busy he won't have time to commit felony crimes.


i dont think punishment is the answer. i know we all get emotional and want to kick some ass but it doesnt work. if it did we wouldnt have any repaet offenders. your son has trouble inside of himself and you aren't going to be able to beat that out of him. scientist say that 90% of everything we think,do, or say is genetic expression. you cant beat someone hard enough to rearrange their dna. i had some horrendous beatings as a teenager and it only made me more rebellious.

i have a friend who used to steal anything that wasn't nailed down. he very rarely ever got away with it. almost every time this guy would get caught he would get locked up. since we were kids he has done maybe 10 years in the state pen. he has been beaten close to death on more than one occasion. about 8 years ago he broke into a local hardware store. little did he know that the owner slept in the back room at night. well, the owner of the store takes close aim with his trusty deer rifle - being careful not to kill him..after wounding my friend, the hardware store owner beat the daylights out this wounded man till the cops got there to take him back to the pen.

now this guy is doing great. he is considered a pillar of our cummunity. he has a wife, children of his own, owns a rather large farm, been sober for several years.....just a changed man. no resemblance to the guy i grew up knowing. i used to be ashamed to tell people we were friends. now, i have huge respect for him an his triumph over himself.

so, i asked him a few months ago " hey R., how did you change? did you just get tired of the consequences?"

he replies "i did the work i had to do to change because of the people who have loved me in spite of my stealing. prison didn't change me, love did."

some food for thought....or not.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
lemme tell you first hand, anything short of getting my ass kicked for fucking up, did nothing to stop me.
when i was younger and fucked up, i got it good.
afterwards, if the opportunity to do that same dumb shit that got me whooped prior came up again, i would think of that ass whooping.
the memory of the pain kept me from fucking up again.

i mean no offense, but maybe you should stop trying to be his friend.
kids w/ no discipline are whats wrong w/ the world these days.
those same kids think they can do whatever they want to whoever and usually wind up in jail for commiting crimes.
maybe, just maybe, he is acting out to get your attention.
he could be crying out for your help.
kids look for structure dude, your job is to provide it.

so whoop his ass and show him who the alpha is.
from reading your actions, when you grounded him for a month while smoking with him because he ROBBED somebody.
that right there shows who is really in charge.
~hint~ its not you.


Grinding extra.
zeeba amoeba said:
I'd suggest getting real, the kid has leverage as long as you're using, even if its just mj. You put any real pressure on this kid, he might run his mouth telling everybody in creation that you're into drugs. Then eventually one of those idiots will drop a dime on you. You could wind up getting a visit from your state's version of Social Services and possibly losing your kid.

Confiscate the pot and give it away to a friend. Then clean up shop and make sure you're not vulnerable to a little snitch. He may be your son but how do you know he's not going to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. Stealing from the neighbors is a huge violation of trust and security. As for the mmj neighbor, forget about him, it's tough knocks but he should learn to lock his dam doors. It probably wasn't a big amount anyway, just an ounce or so? You go over to talk to him about it and he's liable to call the cops or threaten you or something else crazy. Or he might do something to your kid like what these jokers up above have suggested, such as murder.

Perfectly stated. Just logged in to post the exact thing.

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