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SatoriF2, Skunk/Satori, Hashberry/Satori..First Time Tester!


Update Oct28

Update Oct28

Okay let's see. Last weekend, the 19-23rd me and the girl went on a cross-state two family visit. I trust nobody with our grow so I rigged up my plants to automatically bottom-water themselves.

I put the flowering plant (3 gal grobag) into a 5gallon bucket and added some water and an airstone. I then put my 6 vegetating plants, 1gallon growbags, into a big 20-gal rubbermaid container with water and an airstone. Well I must not have put enough water into the rubbermaid, probably half as much as I should have, because I lost both of the remaining Satori plants - both were pheno #1.

One pheno #2 I killed off, it had nute burn, and the remaining healthy Satori pheno#2 I gave to my father on the aforementioned cross state trip. The plants that died were the biggest fastest growers of the bunch; i suppose they sucked up all their share of water and then over the remaining waterless day or 2 they just dried up under the light and heat of the veg. chamber.

SO. It's not a disaster. I still have : two Sherry/SDibl seedlings, a clone of my plant currently in flower, and a Skunk/Satori girl all in veg. And i'm gonna have my dad take a cutting off the Satori I gave him and maybe mail it to me express.. we'll see. Next time I need to go away for 4 days though I'll know to add more water than i did. or just not leave in the first place.

Here are pics of my current plants and some shots of the grow room. Plants are : MOD Menage a Trois in flower, Skunk/Satori, Menage a Trois clone, Sherry crosses.

enjoy, comments welcome.


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
very well done fortragni.

I am using the same light set up (250mh conversion veg, 600hps bloom). I have also had the same kind of things happen with mass casualties for seedlings...... and I have been using a re-use soil mix that I think is too heavy and I have some perlite for the next repotting...........nothing but water and light teas for the past 6 months.

so I hope you won't mind if I pull up a chair for this thread. :lurk:



New member
:joint: The Menage a Trois is so pretty!

Sorry about your losses, but I'm sure you'll get a good yield on what you have. Keep at it!


Cool glad to see a few people are on board , plus whatever lurkers we got out there. Probably this week i'll be receiving new seeds to test out; i'll update the thread then with a list of the genetics and plans for germinating them.. thanks, peace.


Happy halloween!

Happy halloween!

Hope everyone had a spooky and exciting halloween!

Got some new seeds germinating, and also I took some clones of the clone i'd been vegging out. Just a quick update, i'll update fully in a week or so when more stuff's going on.





some (hopefully) better pics of the plant i have in flower.. i think the last pic made it look yellow/deficient, but i assure you it's growing fine and looks very healthy and vigorous.

all same plant, taken same time a few minutes ago, enjoy


updates november 16

updates november 16

OK so it's been a while but not much has been going on. I have 6 clones of the 3 plants that i currently have in bloom. Since last updated I put the SherryX under 12/12, and also stuck it in a smaller container, hoping for some Stretch so i can take clones off of the girl. The second SherryX i had turned out male and i killed him. All of the plants under bloom seem to be budding nicely. I've found out the menage a trois plant is light sensitive and moved it a bit off to the side earlier.

The following pics are: clones, 2 each of m.a.t, skunk/satori, and satori f2. also one "lemon" seedling. After that, 2 pics each of: skunk/satori, menage a trois, and its clone all in bloom (in that order).

the sherry cross are the last two (pot) pics. they aren't as short as they seem; when the fan and bottom leaves got some sort of burn i removed them, and when i repotted i buried the plant up to the next set of leaves. also in the second to last picture, the one of the sherryX, there's some sort of odd silver imaging on the photo. trick of the light i guess

the last picture is of a plant that i rescued from a friend's office, it lived its entire life under artificial lighting and was watered once in three months. it was in a 2x2 ceramic pot and it was so root-bound that there was no soil left in the container, just roots. i figured this plant's a survivor and took it home and repotted it and fed it, looks a lot better now, put it in the grow room for some positive growth vibes.






I forget when i threw my plants into bloom, but they are budding quite nicely. I am also in possession of new genetics

Group shots:


Dreamweaver/Haze ("Menage a trois") clone


Two more group pics

sherryx pics

Green Crack and skunk/satori

unknown plant from seed

unknown plant and skunk/satori clone

green crack clone
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taggin along for the rest of the ride. Anything with Mandala's beans interests me. I also have some Menage waiting to be popped. I had popped 3 of MOD's DremGoddess but they all turned out male...then I hid 6 packs of seeds while I was "lifted" one nite & have never been able to find them (that was 6 months ago..LoL)

Looks like u have some very generous friends with the seeds. Wish I knew some cats that would thow beans my way...LoL.

Can't wait to see how things finish up for ya! Did ya say this is your 1st grow? If so, there is no better feeling than smoking ur own.....


Hi, thanks for the words of encouragement. Not my first grow, my third, but my first using 600W and my first time growing multiple strains ..


looking good bro. you've got some interesting genetics to work with. what im really interested in is the sour creek x SDibl !! did you pop any of those beans yet?????? god what i would give to get my hands on some of those.......

be easy


calculated some potential harvest dates for my plants in flower.
Skunk/Satori: Jan.14 (75 days)
Menage clone: Jan 24 (85)
Menage seed plant: Jan 10 day 85, Jan 15 day 90, Jan 25 day 100, Feb 1 day 107 – Put in 12/12 Oct.16

I have no idea when the big plant will finish, i just know it will be last of these 3 plants, and probably after i introduce a new plant or two under the bloom lighting.. i want to make sure the big Menage a Trois plant has plenty of space/light to finish after i harvest its clone and the skunk/satori plant.

all 3 plants are starting to reek..
hi there,
nice to see the plants are doing good.hope you do as well.
grow on
ps:the skunk/satori may be quicker than 75 days as the skunk mother was an early finisher at roughly 55 days.don't know how it combines with the satori though.
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Skunk/satori might be finished as early as christmas, very thick buds forming along main stem, will post pics tomorrow. countdown to harvest begins. thanks for chiming in, take it easy, cheers.


12/14 update

12/14 update

Hi. So. Last 3 or 4 weeks for this grow here, got some new pics from today. In other news i'm hopefully revamping my whole setup, with the help of a friend .. build a proper box for my bloom light, look for a better reflector and an aircooled hood, etc

I also have new genetics going, a few clones of an old PNW strain Millies rooting, 7 Cascadia, 1 SuperG and 1 Oaks Bottom seedlings.

Onto the show:

Mena'ge a trois, bush plant.

Mena'ge a trois clone plant


mystery plant

I decided that mena'ge a trois is a crap plant to grow. We'll see how it smokes and looks when it's done. but it's way too branchy and leafy. it might have some potential outdoors, tied down/trained properly.. i may or may not reveg it for taking cuts for outdoors. peace
hi man,
plenty of questions:
how do they smell,
anything special about the grow ?
wish you a nice smoke test when they're done
see you around