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SatoriF2, Skunk/Satori, Hashberry/Satori..First Time Tester!


Hey all!

I was gifted a few seeds from a forum friend. I was asked to test the germination rates of his home made seeds and also to show any of the plants that made it/i decide to keep.

He pollinated with a favorite Satori male of his (MandalaSeeds). I started 8 SatoriF2 seeds, 16 Sk/Satori, and 6 Hashberry/Satori (HBS). I was gifted more than 6 of the HBS (maybe 15), but a lot of them were green and I decided on visuals alone not to even bother planting - sorry dude.

Also planted 1 Menage a Trois bean, and 1 Reeferman Sweet Treat seed. Not sure which of those is which.. oh well.

I'm very interested in the Sk./Satori, seems like it'd be an interesting mostly sativa mix.

So far, within two days, 3 Sat.F2s have popped the soil, cotyledons reaching high. Same for 3 Sk./Satori. Also currently in early re-veg (I sexed it using 12/12) is a MOD Menage a Trois, looks like Dreamgoddess.. she is 6" so far.

I plan on... testing these new genetics, learning more about growing, upping my grow up from a single 250 chamber to a perpetual 250/1000 setup, and learning to take cuts and keep mums.

I don't have pics right now, because my whole grow op is being redesigned (you'll see soon); currently I veg/bloom in one enclosed area using a 250W. That area will now be the Vegetative/clone chamber of an even larger room, which will be a 1000W HPS bloom room. I'll post up some pics this week of the seedlings, the Dreamgoddess baby, and the grow room set up as is. I expect to be doing major remodeling of the inside of this room within 3-4 weeks. Hope some of this interests you all, take care. Peace.
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Here's some pics and an idea of the area/area to be. The bloom area, what's not enclosed in the pics, is 4x4x10' ceiling. I might remove the toilet, for room. The 1000 will hang above basically where the toilet is now. You can see my cabinet, work space, sink. Right now my bulb is slightly raised, just finished a grow, it's a jury rigged enclosure using those heat-reflectors for cars. You know what i mean.

However, when the bulb IS lowered a few inches, and when i mount it on the side of that sink cabinet, the area will be entirely reflective and entirely enclosed.

I use a loose starting mix for seeds, so i keep them under humidity dome type things. Not everyone does this; but i dont want them to dry out.. i'd rather them a bit too wet/humid than to dry out. I remove them when the cotyledons open.

My camera sucks and it was lights-on time; you can't see the seedlings in the cups (closeup) but they are there, with 4 of them showing cotyledons, two of those 4 showing tiny true leaves.

suggestions welcome, thanks!

P.S it's a half-bathroom, we have another bathroom. Smell is not an issue, heat might be. Considering venting heat (somehow) into adjacent bedroom.


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some more

some more

The original soil mix, the one that I used last cycle, and some the cycle before that: it was originally a mixture of Light Warrior, coconut Coir, and small-grain perlite. After a run with that, I mixed it together with 'forest humus/top soil', peat moss, sand, coir, vermiculite, perlite, bone meal. This last mix was the one I just used and harvested a plant using; it was WAY too heavy a mix.. so the current mix is the above soil mix, but now about 35-45% Chunky perlite. I took a picture of the work I did on mounting the 250W yesterday; enjoy. I'll update with better pics as things happen.. we're up to 9 seedlings now, i think.

SatoriF2 and Sk.Satori both seem vigorous, the seedlings of both are already at their first (tiny) set of true leaves.. Hashberry/Satori havent popped yet, but it's only a few days. I'll give them all a fair chance, probably up until next week. 9 seedlings so far. 6 of them with tiny sets of true leaves. Very vigorous so far.. thanks again for the seeds, dude!

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Just big enough to fit a 1000W HPS into. So i'd be walking into the bloom room, when opening the door to the bathroom, and the little light space you see above (behind purple curtain) is off to the right in the bathroom.
hi man,
good to see you already began to work the seeds.And some of them germinated and seem viable ! :woohoo:
I'm especially pleased with the sat/sk as the mother had a difficult life and I was afraid I cut her early for the seeds to be viable:

mother of the f2s on the right,mother of the sat/skunk on the left(looks like she didn't like my soil mix experiment)

best of luck with your new room!
keep us updated

grow on


hey man thanks for chiming in. i'll keep it updated :) Me and the girl are smoking our (early) harvested Satori right now, it's killer smoke even cut early, can't wait to look through the F2s. thanks again and take it easy.

i'll add new pics and updates as they happen, peace.
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Hey what's up all, hope all is well
Went to hydro shop today , gonna buy 1000 watter on Monday.. picked up some cool new tools at radioshack while we were out..

A craft precision knife set, and a 60-100X lighted Pocketscope. neat huh?

5 of the Satori F2 and 2 of the Skunk/Satori looking real good. 3 other seedlings still growing, might cull them, showing weaknesses. not the best practice but i can't waste time on a runt or slow grower or a nute sensitive girl. No pics, you all know what little seedlings look like.. i'll add an update and pics in a few days. Take it easy yall.



October 1st

October 1st

Some updates and pics for all you viewers out there. Since last chimed in I culled about 10 cups that never showed anything. I also killed off two SatoriF2 seedlings and one Sk./Satori seedling, they were all displaying abnormalities of one form or another. I hate playin god but sometimes we just have to.. the Sk./Sat stopped growing after the cotyledons, and the F2s both had one single curled yellow cotyledon and one normal one. Could mean nothing but it could mean a growth or nutrient uptake problem so i killed them!

So the count is in. I have 7 seedlings. None of the Hashberry/Satori popped the soil. 6 out of 8 ! SatoriF2s sprouted. 10 out of 16 Skunk/Satoris sprouted; though a low number made it through their early early life stage.

I also , today, took 3 cuttings of the small MOD Menage a Trois I call Dreamgoddess, looks like that particular cross. I did these using my new knife set, sterilizing before a cut with alcohol prep pads. I transported the first cut in water to a glass pan full of water, under which i performed the rest of the cuts.. removing lower nodes, making a nice diagonal. Dipped these in RootOne and set them in my juryrigged bubbler. Hoping at least one will root; i think so.

I'm just not sure what to do with the original plant? Should I re-pot her, trim her roots, make her a mother? Or just veg her out more, and eventually flower? Or just kill her. Let me know what you all think, it'd be much appreciated.

We think we're getting the bigger light this week or next.. does anybody think I should switch out the 250W HPS for a MH bulb? aren't there "Conversion" bulbs i can get? I hear they are expensive. let me know what you think, thanks.

Enjoy.. and comment !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Oct. 6 - NEW LIGHT

Oct. 6 - NEW LIGHT

Hey guys!
This is turning into a bigger project than i thought. First things first, went to shop today, got a new 600W HPS system! Plus another analog timer that I needed.

I killed off one of the 3 skunk seedlings (weakling). 4 Satori are alive and thriving. I took clones a few days ago and they showed some small roots; I planted (in styrofoam cups/soil) 2 of the 3 clones.. 1 died within hours, the other one i holding up.. I put a humidity dome over the lone planted clone. The other clone is still in the bubbler, and the donor (Dreamgoddess/whatever) is branching out and growing nicely after all the cutting i did to her. Satori F2s I am very excited about; very vigorous plants.

NEW SEEDS. Another friend gave me some seeds to test for him. I can't give germination rate/numbers yet, since it's only been a few days germinating. But already I have 5 seeds breaking the surface. The crosses he gave me are:
Sour Creek X Sour Diesel IBL, 'Lady G' X SD IBL, and Sherry (Kona Cherry X Sk#1) X SD IBL. 5 of the Sherry crosses have broken soil; I had high hopes for this particular cross :)

Pics below. More updates soon, especially as I'll be assembling and hanging that light up soon. Hope people are tuned in, if not, **** it. Enjoy!



Germination rates for the new seeds are in. I'm impatient with them, i don't give them a proper week or 10 days in soil cups to sprout.. if they arent up in 5 i don't bother. Harsh and it might be costing me some nice genetics but **** it. Anyway:
6 out of 12 Sherry X SD IBL are now seedlings. 1 out of 6 'Lady G' germinated, but failed to grow beyond breaking of the seed coat. 2 out of 5 Sour Creek X SD IBL showed tails, but then never broke the surface; the other 3 never showed tails.

So the tally in my veg room now is: 1 Dreamgoddess plant, 4 small Satori plants, 2 small Satori/Skunk plants, 6 Sherry X SD IBL seedlings, and 2 clones of the Dreamgoddess plant. All alive and well. Just waiting for my growbags to arrive from the internet (ha) before I can transplant and move some of my babies into flower.

Havent strung up my light yet, waiting til i getags to do that, it'll all fit perfect though you'll see. Thanks for stopping by.. leave comments !

PS. If i'm putting a board over the toilet, to place my containers/plants on, should I turn off the water to my toilet? Or leave it on, just flush once a week to keep the pipes wet or something? Please let me know, thanks
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New member
I'm totally tuned in, man! That's a lot of plants, I hope they all survive. As far as the toilet, I would leave the water on, flush it like once a week, just so there's no problems with the water flow.

Good luck!


October 12th

October 12th

Not related to this thread but, yesterday in an abandoned lot i scavenge in, i found a bag of primo sphagnum peat moss, 3.8 cubic feet! I hauled it all (very heavy) the 5 blocks to my apartment in big containers.. haha. And the day before i was down there and filled a 20 gal container full of composting (steaming) mulch! Halfway set up for my spring outdoors grow..but onto THIS show.

I transplanted all of the F2s, and 1 of the two Skunk/Satoris. I also have two healthy :) clones going, and 4 healthy seedlings. The donor that gave me the clones is also trasplanted since last updated, and is vegging out nicely. I'll flower her soon. She drinks a lot of water - but that's ok, i made sure this time around to make a real nice airy mix and it sure as hell is.. wet or dry i can jam a few fingers through the soil surface :)

First are pics of all of the plants. Then the satoris, then a pic of the satoris and the one skunk/Sat in the middle (next to the smaller clear plastic container which is also a skunk/satori). then there are two pics of my kittie, and two pics of the clones, and then their "mother"/"sister" donor whatever. Enjoy!



New member
Cute boxcat :) Are those in #4 the clones? They look like they're doing great, very healthy!


Oct.17 updates

Oct.17 updates

a year ago yesterday i met the love of my life (you only get one). It was also, hm, day 3 of 12/12 for the mystery MOD Menage a Trois plant, now under the 600W. I took some pics.

As for the veg area, of the 4 Sherry/SD IBL seedlings, two are doing well, 1 is doing very well..2 arent doing that great. the 4 satoris are all female, and 2 of them look to be keeper.. one, definitely. One of the two Skunk/satori is healthy, the other not so good looking. But nothing is unhealthy, it's all green and thriving. Logistically, it's harder now to work on my plants, since I have to step into the BLOOM room to get access to the VEG room, and i can't do that during the BLOOM room dark cycle.. you know how that goes. here's the pics; enjoy.

I'll update in a few weeks when I put more plants under the 600 and take some clones, peace.



October 18

October 18

Hey friends. Update today will consist mostly of pictures.. as an update should! A friend convinced me to ditch the liquid ferts (i burned a few plants); i already have a good soil mix and practice recycling so the liquids were redundant and hurting my plants! But it did show me which plants are nutrient-sensitive/burn easily.. onto the show !

These first three are group shots, the last one centering on my Big SatoriF2.

Next two are Satori F2 pheno#1 - the smaller version of my Big Satori. see? and also my Dreamgoddess clone.

Next two photos are photos of the Satori F2 pheno#2, one of which displaying nute burn. Done with liquid nutrients.., thanks b.. water only, just like mother nature handles things.

Next are two Sherry/SDibl seedlings.. one nute burned. I'm Reformed, it's water only from now on damnit. Less is more. KISS.. i dont learn easily, but i learned this one!

That's it for now, i'll update in a week or so.. trying to wait until the current plant in flower is 2 weeks old before I put in my non-keepers to flower. then i'll have more room in the veg area for the sherry crosses and the plants i want to keep - room for their clones, and room for them to grow more when i veg them out and up-bag them. thanks for tuning in

edit: somehow i managed to not take any pictures of either of the two Skunk/Satori. they are similar in shape to Satori pheno1, just squatter, one is slightly bigger than the other..pics of those next time.
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i am gonna have buttshecks with your plants

edit: nice lookin babies ragz. Hope they rebound from that burn. PIF clones
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