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Sativa Soul's Grow Diary

Sativa Soul

Well it's about time I started my grow diary. I'm building my indoor growroom right now. I've bought a 600w HPS which I'll be getting the 27th.

My grow closet will be have 4 different rooms. 2 Mother spaces (could use one to flower fathers as well), a clone room and the flower room.
Each mother room will contain 240w of fluorescent lighting. The clone room 120w and the flower room 600w HPS.
Flower room is 106cm x 82cm and 200cm high. Mother and clone rooms are 54cm x 82cm.

What I've got growing for the moment.
6 plants of 2 strains I made with this years outdoor and one bagseed. I'll also be ordering Legends Johnny Blaze on of following days.

The youngest. Left: Wobble x Banana Haze, Right: Banana Haze F2

Both Banana Haze F2, the first one resembles the mom, the second looks more like his dad. The first has also been identified female fist. Rest is still unknown.


Wobble x Banana Haze, these are quite stretchy

Bagseed, this one really resembles some nirvana orange bud I grew 4 years ago.

That's it for now, I'll be posting some pics of the mothers and father of these strains.
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Rollin Face

wow those are VERY sativa, and long spacing between nodes...do u get many bud sites with the spacing like that? or do u put them outdoors?

Sativa Soul

Haven't tried them indoors yet but I'm sure it's gonna turn out wonderful. The sativa did yield quite a bit eventually. Lots of budsites and tieing them down really helps a lot too.

EDIT: oh yeah, they're also only under 80watts for the moment so that's why they're a bit stretchy. Have my 600w in a week. And gonna purchase a few hundred watts of fluorescents one of the next days.
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Karma Genetics

I am following this one sounds like a fun strain you made. That is a great result for growing a haze outdoor in your country..

keep us updated..

Sativa Soul

Well these came from bagseed. I just invented some names for them. I'm pretty sure the banana haze is some haze strain. Judging from taste,smell and high. Somehow the buds made me think of bananas and monkeys :bashhead: :monkeyeat
Flowered them for about 75 days but could have gone at least another week, maybe 2.

Sativa Soul

Just found the biggest Wobble x Banana Haze to be a male. He was the ugliest plant and the most stretchy so I'm still lucky. Don't think I'm gonna keep it for breeding.

this is him a week ago or something

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Sativa Soul

Time for an update.

I already few minor problems and a little bit of bad luck. All the Wobble x Banana Haze crosses turned out male. I still have one seedling left but it's a slow grower.
The second pheno from the Banana Haze F2's which was the best grower also turned out to be male but I think I'll keep it for a while.
So I'm left with 1 female Banana Haze and a severely stretched bagseed of unknown sex and 2 seedlings, one banana haze and one Wobble x Banana Haze.
My HPS still hasn't arrived but it won't be long now.

Banana Haze F2 Female

Banana Haze F2 Male, a little burned because it touched the lamps

Stretchy bagseed

Banana Haze seedling, different pheno again

Wobble x Banana Haze seedling


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
consider this thread tagged...Nhow good luck on ya first inddor Xp ...i'm shure it will turn out good lokking by these plants...exept that containelooks a bit small for that big plant....rule of thumb to be good ...aprox 1 gallon medium for 1 feet of plant....i like the training though !!

Sativa Soul

Thanks for the comments
I know they should have been repotted. But I've been a bit lazy the last week cause of all the partying and stuff. Christmas, my birthday, new years. I've also been producing a lot of music lately and haven't had much time to work on the grow. And I'm still waiting on some supplies to arrive. Tomorrow they'll be getting some more space for their feet.

Sativa Soul

Well the lanky bagseed is a male as well. This leaves me with one female, 4 male and 2 unknown plants.

Female Banana Haze F2 (fimmed as well)


I also noticed something I can't remember having seen before on the banana haze male. The teeth (as I like to call it) of the leaves have an extra jag to them. In the beginning there were only a few teeth doing this. Now allmost the whole leaf has this characteristic. Looks pretty cool I think.

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Sativa Soul

I received my order today. Lamps and a few other supplies. But I'm not happy at all with it. :cuss:

The bottle of Canna Terra Flores had a hole inside the bottom! Everything ran out all over the ballast and cutting trays. Now my cubes contain tons of ferts and the ballast is wet! On top of that shit, the reflector was totally scratched and the bottle of ferts was only halffull anymore. And the bulb was sticking half out of it's box. But I don't think it's damaged.
I immediatly took pics and emailed the shop I bought it from (growhop.be) and they immediatly answered and were very polite and stuff. So no bad stuff about that. The said he'd try to replace the stuff as fast as possible.
But what a bummer. :fsu:

Here are the pics of how I received my order. :spank:

Reflector and box

Ballast (already dried a bit)





a bummer man... i'm sure the friendly people at growshop.be will replace everything!

good luck!


thats pretty harsh bout ur order bud very harsh indeed but it will be fixed im sure hey im most imperest with ur plant bending on the first page is that l.s.t? im a bit new 2 growing but am very interested an inquisitive?