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San Diegos Finest Cuts #2

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Active member
Greyskull looks dank, the valley does really good outside your gonna stink up that whole block. Cutting down the gsc this next week wasnt to excited about it but its starting to smell super dank.


Active member
thought I would stop in and give a shout out to the crew!!

Welcome back old timers greyskull and Sub!! good to know you guys are around lurkin.

Everything looks bomb from the Poison skunk to Chem4haze to the Dubtech to the Honey White x, and am glad to be a member of this thread. All the pics llok bomb. I have some pics to post but need help so am waiting for said help to post properly. I had a couple of questions I wanted to ask you guys.

1. Who still has the AD ether?
2. I am looking for a properly killer indica, any sugestions?
3. Does anybody have info on a strain outta poway being dubbed atmosphere? Looks and tastes like an OG cross but just extremely tastey, like say going from sourdub into a Valley/lemon taste to a sourfunk. Definitely sativa heavy. Extremely triched, and with some blushing to the calyx of the black cherry soda pallette. Keep it green.

Mito-:thank you:


Greyskull - those girls look super healthy and looking forward to see how they finish outside this time of year and expecting the smoke to rock.


60 days flower, (Guerrilla Gold X Sour Dubble) X Green Ice


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Smells musky and sour from an inch away, but if you rub a bud it smells like some sweet pine
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BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
man caligreen got you all FOOLED!!! that aint no fucking weed ... thats a sea urchant!!!! :laughing::laughing::laughing:


I love the smell of cannabis in the morning
Nice macros Cali.

Napalm - who says heavily beaned up plants don't produce THC?


Hawaiian Snow is doing a few interesting things. First off, the Napalm (fire og x destroyer) pollen took quite well.
Secondly, the plant has been responding to the LED light in a way I've only seen in pics.
Here's one of the side branches of the Hawaiian Snow under the LED at @ 1100 umol - its just a bit out of the light spread and looks just like my Hawaiian snow under the CFLs.

Now here's the same plant, directly under the center of the LED @ 2500+ umol:

At first I thought it was a stress response based on pollination, but the 1100 umol branch is just as pollinated, if not moreso than the center buds. The bud structure has entirely changed, the stretch is ridiculous, and the leaves start corkscrewing all over the place. This isn't isolated, other bud shots have more twisted leaves based on how much light they receive. :watchplant:





If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
Nice pics Terp

I love trying you weed. It some one grass that gets me up and moving. That and a cup a coffee... great combo. Thank you for your contributions :tiphat:

On to anther topics. Those smell proof bags. My order of 30 +. 20 duffles, a ton of resusabble (and portable) vacuum seal b and a bunch of smaller size containers. Getting them on thurdays.

Sorry Mods. This insn't and advertisement. this is just a heads up to me friends that that have expressed interest since i first posted the pics up last week.

PM me inf ur interested

Otherwise, good day folks. Thats for keeping this thread alive and well. I'm stoned but this is really a huge blessing to to me.
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:lightning::cuss::no::help: :asskick::wallbash:
Muthah Fuckah!!!!!
I need some moral support here! My SDF amigos know I've been trying hard core to get a job...doing cannabis breaks ...studying my ass off to pass certuification exams...applying for every job thats even remotely related to my current school studies... Today I failed ( for the 2nd time) a certification exam that could have shown I know whats up within the field I'm trying to transition to...I literally made myself sick stressing & studying for the test I failed. I've ace'd every other cert exam Ive taken but this one has kicked my ass twice. Competition is so fucking tough these days that being a 99%-er without actual OTJ experience means...No Job For You!
Then my garden is fucked up with a pest virtually no one else has seen... Thank Jah ( or Yah for Oghees sake) my wife has 2 masters degrees and has a job...we're alot better off than many people. I have never been one to piss on those less fortunate than myself...and I can promise you I will never will after this.All I can think to do is drink myself into numbness...:violin:

bro get my new digis from K n ill give u some motivation! you will get it if its meant to be... you are maybe just forcing the time at which it occurs? my bro has been working hard w me to get over that issue myself.... sometimes we are the one thats in our own way n just cant see it. im sure you are on the right track. your garden doesnt bloom instantly over night, neither will you n the more you force it (paradigm thinking) the more fuked its gonna get. you are missing something that has to kick or click into play for you reap the reward you have worked so hard for... it will come. oh and yes by all means HalleluYah!



Got it , I had it dudd twice so but when she was tops I made beans for my head so I might see what they show. I have it crossed to Bubbashine= Bubba Kushx Blue Moonshone from Bodhi. Zoolander

sup Zoo. hey have you ever got to those beans from former member "Pops" (greyskull passed em along)? just wondering i saw another member hit some up n was seeing if you ever did as well


Wuddup to tha Dago Posse,
Could anybody tell me if Og18 is commin out of Daygo ? My buddy just gifted me a few & he swears this is the best smoke he's had, so I'm gonna give her a run threw the cab...
If Shes that good, I'll keep her around..
Any suggestions to the thread ?


I love the smell of cannabis in the morning
Thanks guys!

Calcio - forget about it. Pop some HG beans, I'm sure you'll find one even better than #1.

Holy Grail #1 got the chop at 80 days. The smoke from the lower branches is very destroyer "up" with the pain mitigating effects of harlequin. Considering my "selection" process (3 beans), this little chucking experiment went very well. I expect to find better phenos than this one in the F1s and plan to make F2s based on how functional and fun the smoke is.






frost for days on that holy grail. that looks like some keeper breeding material.... so you are gonna sprout some more of those and try to find a better specimen?
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