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Saibai vs. the monkeys


Thanks expert. I think it suffered a little from the recent unseasonally cold nights. But it should be pretty trippy. Thankfully from smoking early buds it doesn't seem too racy for an almost pure sativa, I'm sure that after a coupla months cure it'll be interesting. :chin:
Need some indica yang to balance the sativa ying though. Which should be sorted out soon. ;p


Well-known member
You had me at hot knives Saibai.

Haven’t been here in awhile and of course you get me F-ing laughing "hot knives" you da man Saibai keep up the good work.



The Zamal x Skunk from Female Seeds.
From what I've smoked of this so far, its a super creeper and looooong lasting. No raciness or anxiety though... But u know u aint smoking on indica!
:alien: :abduct: :chin:


You will not be forgotten
congratulations on your successful harvest and keepin the damn monkeys outa your crop!

iv heard great things about the zamal and its crosses from a few people and its been quite some time since iv had a good creeper, always nice to find a good sativa high. anyways enjoy puffin your fine smoke and take care :wave:
Hi Saibai :D
Woow those last few pix look soo gooddd. Drooolll
Congrats on a very succesfull harvest.
Have ya found a way to keep/get some more smokingtools without security issues? Just kinda bummed for ya that the hot-kniving is all ya got..never seen it done personally
Allright, back to :lurk: I go..
Enjoy those gorgeous buds man! :rasta:
:wave: Low
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Hey Dime. Thanks mate and I agree!

HL: She was the last one to get chopped this season. Her and the Satoris.

She had a long and colourful life - one of the first plants to go outside for 2008, the tallest at harvest at about 7-8ft.
She got pollinated early on by the big male MoD Menage a Trois (Dreamgoddess pheno) that was next to her, but kept going for weeks and weeks after developing seeds (which I kept only ten, I sent another ten overseas).
The seeds that were left stsrted to sprout while still on the bud, but there was zero mold on her even in those places.


Hot knifing is more fun with 2-4 people. Just doing it for shits and giggles. :)
Atm I am rolling up or using my PiecePipe...just rolled and smoked this:

about 30mins ago. :rasta:

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Hey Sabai I was wondering why you destroyed all your rolling papers and stuff when you could have just sealed them in a waterproof container and stashed them in the woods.

Like you, I also can't afford to have even microscopic traces of weed or smoking gear anywhere near my residence, so I do all my growing, stashing and smoking down in the swamp, where with sealed containers, everything stays tinder dry.

Just curious as to whether you burnt your smoking gear simply because you now prefer hot-knifing and have no further need for any other equipment, or whether it was because outdoor storage didn't seem like a workable option.

I guess I'm partial to old-school rolled joints, as they never sear my lungs like some of the other options I've tried over the years.


SwampThang: I've actually only today completely separated my grow/smoke stuff, put them in mason jars and stashed em in a nearby uninhabited property.
Some of the stuff was red-handed, some survived, but no smoking implements.

Actually not into hot knifing so much, although with some qwiso hash it was a good way to smoke.

Wish I had done it that way sooner - stashing in waterproof containers off property - thats geurilla spirit! Grow and smoke guerilla. :D

edit: I'm one of thoses who has to learn the hard way. :confused:
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Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Good point you made there too about separating the papers from the bud for storage, Sabai, as I made the mistake of stashing them together in the same container before, only to open up the time capsule months later and find that the tiny amount of residual moisture in the bud had stuck all the papers together.


I hate it when that happens, usually happens to me in the Summer humidity. And you try to separate them and they just rip etc. :bashhead: :D


Just an update and a smoke report on the FMX (Female seeds X-Line) Zamal x Skunk Special.
Shes been dried and has started curing in the jar. Of course I have been stealing a bud here and there. So far, the taste is bad, but the high is good. This is a Summertime turn/high. I think I may water cure most of her for stealth, even though she has really no smell until you break her up.
So basically you start thinkin "hey wheres the dank smell"...she grinds/chops up well, expands a little when chopped up. So then you smoke a bowl or two or smoke a joint...and think "tastes like shit...and I cant feel anything yet" wtf? etc...then the first wave hits you about 15 minutes after you smoke...high as a kite for a coupla hours, but also a slight body feeling...audio appreciation is great, which is nice becuase I have known to play the odd guitar or bass on occasion.


Hey Saibai, sounds like some good smoke there and nice to listen/play music as well, thats always a plus.

In celebration I'm going to blow out a little jay and hit some riff's and lick's on my axe.


A pic of my baby

A pic of my baby

I thought I would share a picture of my axe. This is one of two, the other is a Charvel acoustic.

This axe has a real fast feel and is a lot of fun to play.


Hey Horst and Expert,

sweet, I just figured out my recording software and today have been playing and recording guitar and bass. I have friends in Oz that send over a track w/o bass or rhythm guitar and I add a track or two. :D

I've also been looking for a new guitar, the market for used guitars is great here, as it is with cars.

expert: I bet that ibanez is fast! :D nice rock guitar. atm i ony have 1 each of acoustic/classic, ele. guitar and bass...

horst: thanks man, i enjoyed every minute. :)


Nice Saibai, virtual collaboration is where it's at these days. My brother and I are getting started on sending tracks back and forth as well. I should pick up a bass just so I can lay down some rhythm tracks.

I'm envious of your opportunities over there in the used market, lol.

I just posted my gear over here:
My music gear


You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Saibai again.
whattup monkey man? likin that Zamal huh? cool beans.
whats next for you?

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