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Sad News on RC...PLEASE READ...

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New member
communication from jail is easy when you got a pile of cash and a lawyer.fuckin gang leaders with lawyers in jail run their shit from jail through their lawyer. if rc even cared and with his cashflow he shouldnt have a prob letting some info slip to us.


. . . .

Y'know what,nobody's asking anybody to be a 'sheep'.
If they don't like the information found here,then haul ass and get it somewhere the-fuck-else.
In case you of Club Mental Midget type by fucking braile,there's a bunch of frenzied fucking sheep in here already,and they're the ones shitting on our floor and causing unnecessary disruption.
You know who you are.
This is what it is,and no amount of conspiracy theorist bullshit,half-assed theory-posting is going to change what happened.
In fact,it's downright laughable,this dreck,if it wasn't such a waste of expensive bandwidth,at such an improper time.
Take off the tinfoil helmets,stop playing D&D....and smell the fucking coffee.


. . . .
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left hemi

unreasonably high expectations

unreasonably high expectations

ogDNH said:
communication from jail is easy when you got a pile of cash and a lawyer.fuckin gang leaders with lawyers in jail run their shit from jail through their lawyer. if rc even cared and with his cashflow he shouldnt have a prob letting some info slip to us.
are you offerring to help the guy if he is in trouble? I didn't see you doing so, given that, I'm not sure how much he feels any reason to to communicate as you expect. when you consider that much of the reaction to marc's bust was "couldn't happen to a nicer guy"....
if what is rumoured to be true (that his wife and kids were detained) is true, communicating with us is quite reasonably prolly the LAST thing on his mind.

left hemi

RuralRoute420 said:
"Every thread pertaining to RC should be deleted or locked til all facts are known so the fighters/trouble makers/ can let us take a breath without the BS for a day atleast!"

censorship, what a terrible thing :badday:

not sure on this info, but came across it:

Also someone has gotten to "Google Saved Documents" NONE of OG's Pages are available via Google's Saved Pages Option! & They save pages after they go "Off Line" well I tried Retriving some of the pages that I had links for on my Grow Guides pages, I had some links that were linked back to OG, NONE OF THEM! Are Available Via Google Saved Documents! NONE!

They have ALL Gone POOF! :(

how about the Internet zTi,me Machine?


New member
good to see ya seymour cats,never knew you were a hasidic cat. :wave:
oh BTW the sky is falling!
stay away from the sativas folks your buds are getting the best of you. :joint:
i think we are "the community" being subdivided is a useless waste of time.
move forward or just move on and buy your shwag from someone.


New member
The amount of info lost on OG is....unfathomable. I hope someone had that site backed up somewhere. Terrible. Years of memories. Gone.


Are some of you kidding me? RC owes none an explanation for anything! The last thing on his mind is trying to inform people of his legals (wich is NONE of our god damn buisness), that used his bandwidth for free. If you dont believe than go away, quit pissing on this site!


Simple enough question to OP/GYPSY

What time are we to expect the statement from RC... will it even be today?

Please don't say you don't know as this would probably indicate more than you mean it to and only serve to 'stoke the fires'.

If you do not have a time for the statements release; then I'd suggest attempting to get one. This would be the next best thing to RC's statement itself...

I am sure word from RC that addresses legitimate concerns of growers and his customers WORLDWIDE! whom all have grave concerns, after the recent information popping up all over the net, would go along way to easing the conjecture, incertitude and skepticisim surrounding this whole occurrence.

People (apart from those in DEFINITIVE know) need to stop with the defending the situation thing.... YOU may not be worried but there are those who are!! WHAT should we continue to sit back and ridicule them, like the peepz that ridiculed that LEO could even do something like this in the first place? :rolleyes:

I'm sorry to say that until then it's only natural for people to offer their hypothesis based on the differing statements and conflicting information that has been given since the start of this whole fiasco.

Myself... I really do appreciate evrything that 'RC' has done to help people grow BETTER marijuana and disseminate these pratices among many far & wide, but the FACT remains that he profitted and largely from it (according to my source, lol). Are those that 'helped' to put a man in a position of power not entitled to fair treatment in return... I would expect so unless 'RC' would like us all to view him as some governments are viewed by us! Think about it....

See the thing people are having a major issue with right now is some of them have gone to great lengths to turn over something to substantiate your offering of events to no avail.... Even M.E and Norml have no idea what's up... I am inclined to believe the 'official story' yet there are many things that don't make sense within it.
Not to say that I value M.E's opinion, but I don't think Norml have any axe to grind here and would take them not turning anything up as 'STRANGE' if I understand their function within the MJ community propely... As with JJ scorpio's lawyer situation, another one of those 'STRANGE' occurances.... I understand this is probably a bit of :beat-dead by myself but hey.... when you REALLY got something to say... U need to SAY it :)

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Years of memories and pics all gone....They can have all my pics, and all the sticky threads for the safe return of RC anyday, I will gladly give it all up to know he is ok...


New member
Yeah, sorry about that. Didn't know anybody else had something so confusingly close. I have reasons to want to change my handle, so let me work on it. Give me a bit of time, I have other things commanding my attention at the moment..BB


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Gypsy, yes you did warn us all before ANYONE else and for that I am sincerely grateful. It has actually spawned the truth to come out from the whole community, alittle more each day.

For this 'old timer', I've been feeling something wrong in my gut from the very beginning of not being able to log on to OG. This feeling is like nervous butterflys. In our business, most old timers like me know that the truth lies in our own guts. You can mentally try to shake it, but it still remains a 'gut feeling.'

This link which I went from here will explain what I believe now to be closer to the truth. We should not be surprised. It's the nature of our hobby. When you get busted your real inner self comes worth to show who you really are. I for one did my time, and never ratted like so many do. That's why I did 47 months.

Here's the link:


Smoke on my family of all friends. Hell, everyone is human!
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