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Sad News on RC...PLEASE READ...

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BTW the friends of chantal thing is on an article in smokedot which i found when the OG server went down..however if you look closely that article is like five years old and totally not relevant to the current situation..
Just FYI


New member
Desiderata said:
Hey Rez, that should put out the remainder smouldering embers. If that's not validity on RC's name I don't know what is. That was a great find/share! good detective work!

LoL, you could have found it yourself if you had done any searching at all.

It also has nothing at all to do with anything.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
I never said it had anything to do with what caused the current situation. gpb asked how it was possible that congressman could be linked to OG. I answered that it's politics.

It's proof of RC's real name, IMO. I don't know what you are referring to? I wasn't trying to find proof because I believe Rez, OP, and Gypsy about RC's name. So where are we now?
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. . . .

Here's the Real Scoop:

Gypsy,Breeder Steve,Myself,Old Pink,Henck,of Dutch Passion,Bozo The Clown,Reeferman (he has ALL the ca$h!) and The Dronkers all pooled our (massive,heehee!) resources and bought out RC,Heaven's Stairway,and Overgrow in 2004.
Shabang never really 'sold out' to RC,or anybody....but us.
RC was our frontman,nothing more.
I was so caught up in helping RC and his family pack for The Caymans,
I almost forgot that we own overgrow.com,heavensstairway.com,and cannabisworld.org.

Now,are we all clear?

Yes,this is a joke.

okrascope said:
This thread is still going?

The downfall of OG is pretty shocking for many of us, a bit of a gut check. It was a safe haven where growers could share thoughts and reminisce for quite a couple years... Its really not surpirsing that this thread is 30 pages and growing.

Nice bud Rez. Looks very tasty


The fact is a LIE because the truth has the only substance that can live the test of TIME. FACTS are mental con jobs that we all think we have to know what is intelligent........fuck, facts are brainwashing, they are self imposed LIMITATIONS, like the earth is flat!

I know we all are one big happy family, that is the truth, the fact is we are not.

Let us know when rentry is lol loks like a few panes flew out the window sorta speak hehe...Either that or you like to mince your words then string them back together in a line of essoterical B/S..Words are interesting to play with but very easy to get tangled in unless there is a continous flowing point there...

It looks to me like you have a philisophical reckoning of what defines truth for you..It could be asked how is anything defined or quantified..Where is your starting and end point?Who defines that point...There is no truth only different perceptions of reality..One man's truth might be anothers road to hell...

Read Confessions from God sometime if you get a chance..No it isn't a bible bashers book..Its about a man on the edge seriously questioning if there is a god and why..Interesting arguments/questions in that book..Its worth a read even if your an athiest..

I believe you are a good individual but probably one that has done his share of blotter over the years...You should reread what your posting at times tho because your arguments contradict themselves after several jumpy posts..

Not trying to beat you down just saying your truth may differ from anothers that is what makes life so interesting and what it is..Its also what seperates the wheat from the chaff..

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Rezdog said:
. . . .

Here's the Real Scoop:

Gypsy,Breeder Steve,Myself,Old Pink,Henck,of Dutch Passion,Bozo The Clown,Reeferman (he has ALL the ca$h!) and The Dronkers all pooled our (massive,heehee!) resources and bought out RC,Heaven's Stairway,and Overgrow in 2004.
Shabang never really 'sold out' to RC,or anybody....but us.
RC was our frontman,nothing more.
I was so caught up in helping RC and his family pack for The Caymans,
I almost forgot that we own overgrow.com,heavensstairway.com,and cannabisworld.org.

Now,are we all clear?

Yes,this is a joke.

i alway thought you were a tool............i read alot of your posts on OG........the 'posts' on this site truly confirm it.

what smart business person spews such crap & expects people to buy it and then also buy thier products............not me............EVER....just my .02

take care lad


My little pony.. my little pony
Confessions from God.

#1] I lied about the whole Adam/Eve/Apple thing. First off it was a bananna and secondly I cant begin to tell you what Eve was doing to Adam with it. The talking snake bit was really just my friend Melvin who just wanted to be in the story.

#2] I rested on Sunday not because I was done but because I didnt want to miss football.

#3] I sent a second son but by then you guys were so jaded he went largely unnoticed until it drove him mad. Mostly at sporting events.

John 3:16


I have it on good authority that it was professor Plum in the ballroom with a lead pipe.


Untruth is a condition of life. -Friedrich Nietzsche

The first Christians were regarded as atheists because they denied the existence of the gods and goddesses of Rome...I believe N's Beyond Good and Evil is a must-read for anyone wondering about what's really going on in the world today...that doesn't necessarily mean it will make anyone feel better about the way things are...the fact that life is the will to power is nature's law and it is folly for man to attempt to devalue that will or neuter it for the greater 'common good'...as far as RC goes the guy hardly ever posted and was not really visible in the community so i would be more skeptical if all this shiznit had gone down and then all of a sudden RC became Mr. Disclosure on the boards...I was on OG for 18 months and don't remember reading more than 5 posts from the guy...the fact of the matter is when people get involved with the legal system everyone loses except for the asswipe lawyers involved...i do believe more will come to light but the timeframe will be dictated by the canadian legal system...regardless of any of this no personal info was to be shared on OG so if everyone followed that rule there should never have been any worries...i am a little noid to post pics until i find out more but that certainly doesn't mean i feel like DG or GN or OP are holding out on me, its just for my peace of mind...
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your post (and your avatar...ok...mostly your avatar:D ) were a breath of fresh air, PDNY.


ps- was her bra always pink?? I think i remember it being a different color LOL prolly not but it stuck out to me:Du been away too long bro:bashhead:


Confessions from God.

#1] I lied about the whole Adam/Eve/Apple thing. First off it was a bananna and secondly I cant begin to tell you what Eve was doing to Adam with it. The talking snake bit was really just my friend Melvin who just wanted to be in the story.

#2] I rested on Sunday not because I was done but because I didnt want to miss football.

#3] I sent a second son but by then you guys were so jaded he went largely unnoticed until it drove him mad. Mostly at sporting events.

John 3:16

Thanks do you do encores as well....

Like I said its not a bad book even an athiest could read it...the questions asked are valid and some of the answers are very interesting...Even if the premise upon which the book is written is not everyones cup of tea its still worth reading....

In order to form an opinion and progress as an intelligent being you must first have an open mind to work with...

Edit---Make that 2 Captain Jack....Its been fun folks and I wish the best to anyone with a good heart and passion for the green..Thats truly why we are here...I hope the truth comes out and whoever is in the right/wrong is properly painted either in the vibrant colours they so richly deserve or tarred by the same brush they chose to smear the community with..

Take Care and Keep it green Folks
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New member
This got sent to me. don't know if it's been posted already!

This got sent to me. don't know if it's been posted already!

You know what. Already has...
Sorry peps..


Xpat :abduct:
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Polskaaa, bialo-czerwonaaa
Old stuff, been all over the internet for the last week, beaten to death in thousands of posts everywhere.

Son, this is 21-st century, news older than hours are considered obsolete, so do some research and check out the date of issue before you post next time.

:wave: kov
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