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Sacramento clones

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Registered Med User
The blueberry is behind everything else but here she is at a lil over 3 weeks.


Active member
like i told someone in PM. never gotta worry about if GET MO's doing the plant justice when you ask for a pic...thanks. i should be posting flower pics by end of march...


Active member
That's funny as hell! I know I wish the clone scene would get better I'm still trying to get my buddy to open a club in Sac and it would end all these issues. Trybud would be a vender, I'd carry Grindhouse Seeds (hopefully, Blue Sonja looks amazing) and also TGA's line up and would also have my collection on clones too. That would be the start and whatever else my boy brings in from Clearlake to the table and that right there would crush the local bs. Then I would have a "request sheet" That patient's fill out every visit and get those strains in the following month... I don't know what do you guys and gals think? Sound good to you?

please dont hesitate to get this started. me and my buddies are always correcting the people at pretty much every club in Sac. Most them dont know the lineage and are putting sativas in the indica catergory and vice versa. And not one of them really has a good clone selection, except for horizon. But a new 14th street club just opened that is carrying clones again. i will ask my buddy were its at. like 29th or something


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I went out into the boondocks of yuba and nevada counties yesterday to hunt elephants. Didn't even see an elephant out there but i did find cuts of all the various Goo strains they're famous for(a couple i regret ever having to let go...Bonana Goo and White Goo) plus a few things with no lineage history(sampled tho).Overall it was a good day but i did feel kinda dumb getting all dressed up in leopard print carrying my musket around downtown grass valley...


Ok, big news fellas!!!
Went by Capitol Wellness Collective (my fav club) the X & 14th spot. They have A NEW LOCATION in addition to the white house on the corner. The old place will stay open a few more months while they move everything into the new place at 29th & U st. Not far away.

The new location is FULLY handicap friendly, way bigger, an actual business.

The best news of all is THEY HAVE BABIES and they were pitiful!!! Pathetic, poor excuses for choco chunk(i think) and purple erkle. Price was ten bucks I think. They get new stuff in all the time from random people they said.

So Trybud, there ya go bro, they are the best club in SAC by far now(that I have experienced and IMVHO). I went by Horizon and your cuts looked really good man. I hadda remind them to water. They need to dump those rockwool mofo's that have been there forever in the bin, or give them away, get them outta there. sheesh.

All in all the meds I saw were average and there wasnt any good hash so my trip was a let down (takes me an hour each way) but I'm happy to report on a proper club in SAC now. Hope this help folks out.

Good lookin out SMOOTH, got the details now
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Jeff Lebowski

Hey 420, thank you for letting me in on Capitol and thanks Mo for the addy :)

Unfortunately, being bed ridden and having "great" friends to help with a ride (sarcasm) Sac is so far away. Trybud, I know you didn't find elephants but do you know of any place in the duba co. for medicine. I've tried the places on canorml with no luck and I've been out of meds for a week and have lost about 5 pounds since then. I've tried the streets out of severe desperation, I'm ashamed about it, but desperate to at least stand for longer than 10 minutes. If that means going renegade, then I must. But, I prefer to head to a collective, a compassionate one at that. Any helps would be appreciated, especially because my doctor wrote me my new letter but the clubs won't accept it because they said it isn't a legal form. They prefer "pot" doctors recs as opposed to a real letter, written by an actual physician which sucks because my doc is dragging his feet on filling (vacation I think) out the form I snatched off of the norml page. I didn't realize the lack of compassion that existed up here, it breaks my heart and unfortunately, my body as well. I need an indica and I need it yesterday and I am not sure what exactly must be put on my medical records besides, hey - he's fucking dying for them to accept the updated rec. The sad part is, I showed it to a friend and he said enforcement would completely accept mine over the standard rec due to the length and detail of my rec. I understand the clubs want to protect themselves, but I need the medicine I am legally entitled to receive. Rant over, time to sleep - again :(

help me if you can, thank you.


Active member
i know of a place but you have to be verified and that cant be done until tuesday (because of vacation..lol)..im kind of sketchy about putting an email/phone# up on the public boards because SECURITY comes 1st for me and my contacts on this forum. i really really really.....really dont want to sound like an ass but you need to post up and ask questions, get your posting count up (75?) so you can use the private message system to talk more openly. i am in no way connected to any service up here and im not sure they'd appreciate their contact number being put out in public anyways..out of the public eye im sure i could point you in the right direction if you check out as a legit patient......sorry


I was heading up to Davis to see my brother today, so I decided to take tha long route and stop by Horizon and pick up one of TryBud's Blueberry cuts.

Horizon is a pretty cool club. Both of the guys there were really friendly.

It's true that someone needs to get some water on the clones. I'd guess they haven't been watered in at least three days, and maybe more. The cuts all look healthy, though, with no real wilting setting in. All the clubs seem to keep their cuts way more dry than I would, but that's easily solved.

And it's true about those rockwool cuts on the top shelf. Sure they're big plants, but that's because the rockwool is completely covered in algae and green muck. Seriously, you can buy those little plastic covers for rockwool for about $2 for 20. Who would buy those Horizon cuts that are covered in slime?

TryBud has a ton of clones up there in red and clear drink cups. There are also a bunch of Lavender cuts in smaller stryofoam cups. I don't know whose clones those are.

There was no Green Crack, but there was a bunch of ATF, a few Blueberry, and some OG Kush and Kaia Kush. I went for the Blueberry, because TryBud has said it's an authentic cut.

We'll see how it goes. I really like the cups full of Light Warrior instead of the usual rockwool. I'm a coco grower, so a peat-based medium like Light Warrior works well with my set-up.

TryBud is doing great work and I really want to commend you for your efforts. I know you can't be making big bucks doing this, but it really is a great community service. You're doing what 100 other people SAY they are going to get around to, some day. You're actually doing it today. Thank you, TryBud.


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thanks for pointing out i have some clear cups, forgot to mention that(my clones will come in whatever walmart kegger cups they have out in the 100pk)..those smaller styrofoam cups w/ no drainage arent mine tho...not making the big $$$ but it is actually worth the effort almost. im trying to put out quality cuts and stay a 1 man operation in compliance with the laws( thats the big reimbursement limiter)....the thanks i get here sweetens the pot plus GET MO and its420's pics make me a rockstar for anyone that comes near my computer here at home(forced to look...lol)


Just Call me Urkle!!
Nice to know about Capitol Wellness, I'm letting my moms fill out to get some cuts up there in the next few weeks...


TryBud is doing great work and I really want to commend you for your efforts. I know you can't be making big bucks doing this, but it really is a great community service. You're doing what 100 other people SAY they are going to get around to, some day. You're actually doing it today. Thank you, TryBud.

I second this- gotta get there this week.

Jeff Lebowski

I actually found a friend, through a friend, who is a medical supplier to a few patients in my area and this person was very friendly and understanding. In fact, the person gave me an extra half gram and joked I should eat a few more sandwiches.... :) It's hard being sick, but when people make you laugh you sort of forget how bleak things can be. The legitimacy aspect really deals with two varying forms of a recommendation, one from a "pot" doctor which usually entails a legal form, ambiguous in nature of illness but contains precise diction protecting the doc, and the other being a letter, written by a pcp that details illness, treatments and is more of a intimate recommendation without words such as "he/she." I prefer my second rec to the first I received, because law enforcement is more likely to jive over a standard form compared to an actual letter, well at least the enforcement I've spoken to. I understand and appreciate your skepticism Trybud, but my legitimacy as a patient has been verified by too many ill people's gardens that I've populated. I called a few places, left name, number and received no calls back, which makes me really skeptical about THEIR legitimacy as a medical supplier. Anyways, I'm going to build a relationship with this new person and perhaps even give them caregiver status for me so they can grow, if they do. I made sure this person pays taxes as well and they do, which makes it more legit as well. Okay, I'm done now - feeling better too. :)

Take care and good health to all....


Glad you are feeling better Jeff. Hope it all works out for you Bro!!!
Trybud ROCKS
Great pics GM
This is Bubba Kush I played with in photoshop

Jeff Lebowski

Thanks 420~

How far do you let your Bubba go? I must insist you go past 70 and look for purple if you want a true Bubba kush. God, do I miss my ability to grow! :(
Another fantastic hindu kush cross strain is Strawberry Kush by Reservoir. This by far was the most delicious in flavor and the most medicinal herb I've ever grown or had. Check it out if you can, I gave away all my mother's or else I would have brought that strain up here.


Registered Med User
Green crack chopped tamarow morning....

Green crack chopped tamarow morning....

Here she is, tamarow will mark the 7 week and chop date. Good job Trybud, U R LEGIT, good shit!




Active member
WOW!!! Good shit man!...the thing i like about the crack is that she looks just as juicy outdoors too..they say low yielder on other threads but i think its fair yielder myself, factor in the 2 weeks less flower time and that makes it very economical to run...glad you're happy with it................I didn't realize Jeff Lebowski was the same person who was already on icmag before, sorry about that. I agree your recommendation is better than what the pot docs give out(stands better in court i bet) but they are a bitch to verify compared to a doc set up for that purpose. Maybe Jeff can catch a ride on one of my trips to the sac scenes.... My Bubba is the pre98 and yeah mine goes into the late 60's of flower before the purple shows..i like to take it from 75-85 days (dont run it inside very often). its hard to be patient with it because it starts to look like its done in the 55-60 day range(learned the hard way that its no good then)
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