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Sacramento clones

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wick650 said:
Trybud-People need to complain about those clone vendors b/c that sucks. In So Cal the clone situation used to be atrocious 3 or 4 years a go, people complained and new vendors were picked up by clubs.

thats what i posted early

wock650 said:
dankbudz-your point is that the entire med clone vending community is garbage, not just sacramento.

where did i say this??

please quit following me around. youve done it on 2 sites so far...a jedi apprentice must go out on his own sometime before he becomes a jedi master.


Active member
I don't think your short term memory can be that shitty, please re-read our discussion on the previous page if you need to.

I gave you some positive rep points on the "other site" out of a measure of good will since you can't seem to not take things personal, okay you little baby I'll let you go. Don't be surprised however if I correct you again if you post something dumb or factually incorrect on any of the threads I frequent.


I think that clubs who sell clones should make the clone vendors bring in a sample of the finished herb before they will carry a strain, and refusing cuts with no sample. No place whose business it is to serve the needs of medical patients should be releasing substandard genetics. That's just a little above selling moldy buds. The overwhelming stench/taste of chemical fertilizers in dried herbs don't seem to deter them though, so...

True about the mis-labeling up here in Sac. I bought a Mendo Purps clone at a Sac club (that no longer vends clones) that is definitely the real deal. It's been in my garden for over a year now. But when I bought them I only bought 3 of them, and one of the other strains I bought was mislabeled and turned out to be Mendo as well, so I ended up with 4 of them.

On the other side of that coin, I bought 6 Pot Of Gold clones from the same place, and one of them turned out to be some mystery 12 week hazey Sativa-dominant monster that has become the favorite daytime strain of myself and about everyone who tries it. Yields 100 grams of giant colas per plant under a 600, and the buds get beautifully foxtailed, resinous and colorful once flushed and ready. But I don't know what its genetic makeup is. Definitely some Haze with a Skunk influence in there, but no Hindu Kush like POG, that's for sure. Smells like fresh, ripe strawberries wrapped in a dirty diaper while growing, and cures to a scent akin to fresh flowers and extra-ripe Gorgonzola cheese. I've seen some pictures of J1 flowers that look almost identical. That's apparently Jack Herer x Sk1, but I'm still not sure about mine.

So to satisfy my curiosity I took about 3.5 grams of the dried herb (2 weeks cured) back to where I bought the clone, gave the main buyer a jar and told him to let as many of the people that worked there try it as possible to help me figure out what it might be, and he agreed. I figured someone there would have some sort of weed palate and be able to give me some ideas. I went back a few weeks later and asked the guy what people said, and he said "uh, probably Pot Of Gold". Um... no, I don't think so. Not even close. Did you even share it around, or did you resell it to a patient or something? I told him the 5 POG clones were totally finished in just over 9 weeks, but this plant was way stretchier, took 12 weeks and could probably stand to go 13 weeks. So as the person in charge of reviewing and buying meds for this club, no ideas, inklings, impressions? I can remember flavor notes of stuff I smoked in junior high school, did any of them remind you of anything? No random, free-associative thoughts on the definitely-not-POG, well-grown, frosty, flushed, slow-dried and cured free sample of a strain that you would have sold me for $60 an 1/8th still reeking of fertilizer? Perhaps someone here has a memory of the strains you were selling then to help point me in the right direction? "Um, yeah, I don't know man, Pot of Gold?". Yeah, thanks for the help. :jerkit: Oh yeah, and for the "thank you" for the free 1/8th of my meds... oh wait, that's right, you never said that.

As for the Bay, all cuts I've purchased in Oakland and SF over the years have been legit and awesome without exception. Most notably the Super Jack (ssh x jh) cut I picked up last time I went down there. Holy shit, what a resin bomb! I also found legit cuts of Trainwreck and UK Cheese, that evil SR71 PK, a gnarly Ed Rosenthal Super (stupor) Bud pheno and a wonderful Blueberry of unknown origin - not DJ's cut. Someday though... she and Flo will be mine... all mine! :muahaha:

I'm through with Sac clones unless we get some sort of farmers market going. Actually, aside from the aforementioned DJ cuts I don't care much about clones anymore, thanks to Seedbay/Boo. :joint:

Some shots of the Dubya. Whatever its genetic makeup, it's wonderful. A great energetic Sativa high with no ceiling and low tolerance, and humongoid yields. Got 8 buds like that on one plant in a 4 gallon DWC. Sorry for the quality, they're phone pictures.

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Sac ain't known fer their clone selection and believe it's best to source 'em from friends and such , more accountability , ya know ? Clubs are in it fer tha almighty buck and don't believe that they care that much what they receive are sell , as long as it can turn a profit ..... And there ain't nothin' wrong with makin' money off tha deal , but as stated , these folks have their regular "vendors" that ain't worth a shit . We tried supplying clones , but it was more problems than it was worth ; Dried herb to slips ..... they would rather pay less fer lesser quality , than to pay what tha crop is worth . Sad but true .....



Word, Steele. Businesses need to mark up products in order to simply operate, let alone make a profit. That's totally understandable. But if you're going to have the words "Compassion" or "Care" or "Wellness" in your name, one should expect a little higher standard and level of scrutiny on what is offered to patients for sale than you see out there. Otherwise they should just be called "Dank Store" or "Weedmart".

I won't mention the name of the club I'm talking about, because they are providing a service at a risk, almost everyone who works there is very nice and I respect them for doing what they do. But in addition to the mislabeled clones, on more than one occasion I've been sold wet buds when the sample appeared dry, I've been sold edibles so stale that they weren't even food anymore, a $40 tub of rancid butter that I had to complain to 3 people about before I got it replaced. I've walked out with no meds because all the samples smelled like the garden aisle at Home Depot. And I've been scoffed at for my choice of strains by twentysomething punks who act like they're fucking Arjan because they sell jars of GDP all day.

But on just as many occasions I've left with some great meds in my pocket, I've picked up great seeds there that had cats fighting over them on the Bay... so I still go there all the time. I just know what to stay away from and not to ask any questions about the product aside from what I can determine on my own, because to a lot of them weed is weed is weed, you know?
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The revolution will not be televised.....
I will say this. With the change I blew buying bogus cuts in Sac. I coulda easily made 3-4 trips to LA and got $200 of legit cuts each trip! I am done with Sac clubs altogether at this point. I just make the drive east or call up my folks in Fortuna. Buying way more seeds and looking for my own elites at this point. I see great gear all over - Grindhouse, Outlaw, OGRaskal, Krypt crew just to get started! With that selection Im cool. Sac! Great place to visit but, I wouldn't want to live there!


Yup , I agree RainMan , that's part of tha reason why GrindHouse officially started this venture , provide fer tha med folks ...... We've seen and been through enough disappointments from bogus slips and seeds that it made me sick . As stated , source from friends on-line , more credible and will be held to a higher standard of legitimacy by being more accountable .

In tha end , all "elites" start from a seed , can you find YOUR own elite ?

Happy hunting ,


Steele Savage said:
In tha end , all "elites" start from a seed , can you find YOUR own elite ?

We'll see, we'll see... :chin: Blue Sonja bx1, growing tails after less than 12 hours :

All this Sac-hating stirred up my hometown spirit, I guess.


There are plenty of great genetics in Sac (Abusive OG Kush - Purple - Trainwreck - Blue God - Romulan - GDP - and the list goes on), ya just have to know folks that have them. Not the clubs, that has become a bullshit experience. Just ask arround. There are several keepers of quality genetics in the community.


Damn I miss my spot in Tuna town hella bad ! ! Fuckin' solid walnut full bar and 'erythang to go with it ! ! Heavy on the PIMP!
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Very nice to see 'em Pond . May you be blessed with somethang worthy to share within yer circle .....



full time daddy
GET MO said:
nope. they all close at 7, least as far as I know..

thats what i thought.... o well

work sending me that way but cant leave tell 5 & im 2 hr's away
i am not going to be going back to clubs in sac for clones, i went to one place got 6 clones @ 20 bucks a pop they were juicy fruit rooted in the coco plugs, then i went to another club they were 15 each i got 10 from them all in rockwool good looking roots. After the first 6 failed to take ahold of the larger rockwool cubes i noticed some mites and immediatley placed them outside. now being short clones i went back where i got the 2nd set of clones which still look great, This time they were in soil in cups. I thought nothin of it till i got home to put them in bigger cubes and notice there were no roots they must had been cut just maybe 5 days before. Long of the short the bay area is the way to go. The clones are always very nice and the prices are usually 12-15 bucks.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Anyone grown out the White Widow from Marconi Medical? I got 2 girls that are bushy lanky monsters getting ready to flower.

Irie Kaya Lover

New member
Went to Horizon today because I heard really good things about them and I guess they've only been there for 3 months. The place is pretty easy to find and it was a really clean and a nice place with nice location. Had a beautiful mother plant chillin' on the coffee table. Talked with all the guys there for a while, looking over all their available goodies. They only had a few clones and were expecting a delivery later today. I was looking for a good sativa and the ones they had i think he said were "Big Leaf Indica" or something like that. The only sativa they had was the mother on the table and a dixie cup clone of the same strain. Ended up with some trainwreck, some canna mint balm, and the mother. It is "Hindu Kush x Skunk" - pretty generic strain i guess but she looks really really healthy perky and has about 25 shoots. Anyone know anything about this one?

Oh yeah...all their stuff comes in jars, not bags. Pretty sweet.
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