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sackO goes toe 2 toe with!?


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
ReDSketTi you snuck in on me heheh.. Its all good im so glad your liking my bishes.. :D

Ok here is a few updates this dayum things always tells me i have to many lil thingys posted so ill start again next page.. :D Enjoy these for now.. I wish i had a better camera and knew how to take better pics.. Ill get better just wait.. :D peace n pufs.. sux i had to do the update in two diff pages..

Above here we have the ever so photogenic sputniK she is going to be very nice frost is building and she is gettin sticky to the touch.. cant wait..

Here is OBee she is going to have some large ass nugsZ as you can see in the side shot.. She was topped then BAM into 12.12 so she has some dual and triple headed colas.. niiiice.. I hope you all enjoy what i am doing here.. I am.. :D i post some other nuggies shots later.. I just wanted to get these updates rocking.. ENJOY!!! peace n pufs..

sackO :tiphat:

and the second one.. :D


Heya Saco....thank you for pointing me in the direction of your grow. Looking quite interesting....especially zepp's! Mad respect for zepp and his hard work! :respect: Good growing to you and will check back in from time to time to see how things are progressing for you!

:plant grow:



Active member
Rock It Sack!!That OB is gonna smack ya rite in the head!!Sucks about the LST bein male,I recently dropped my last 3 Limon and a couple Sour Thais,along with some G33XST and GummyFish(GumballsXBlowfish)!You cant go wrong with a Swan Song Bean,no fuckin way in hell:tiphat:


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
mOth Howzit brother..?? Thanx for always having a good word, always good to hear from you..

howzit gurl..?? Thanx for gracing my thread with yer presence, always good to hear from ya..:D

howzit brother..?? Right back at ya in fact i hope yer week rocks it like a hurricane.. :D

howzit brother..?? Glad to see yer back in the saddle, thanx for stoppin by..

ReD howzit brother in SSS...:D You can never go wrong with our brother ZeppD at the creative front..:D
That gummy fish sounds fanfuckingtastic... :chin: That sounds like a winner, winner, winner. :D... talk to ya soon... Thanx for peeping my small garden..

peace n pufs..

sackO :tiphat:


Sweet thread Sack. Nice to see things are going well for you. Just like riding a bike. Plants look very happy. Thanks for sharing your grow with us. Nice to see you back in the swing of thing.
Take care,


Active member
Wow I almost missed this party. I'm glad that I didn't. You have some super nice things going in the garden Sack I really can't wait to read your smoke report.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
veddy veddy nice maing...was on vaca for a few days yo,had to get away for a while.1st thread i checked in on is urs tho,like watchin all them dif flavors come full circle.
always on the :lurk:


Dr. Doolittle
Hey sacko looking mighty good dude!!!! how you like this strain? You grew this out before? what effects you get from it?

Heya Ton!! good to see you and I missed everyone; it's always good to come here and find out what peeps are doing; gets a sense of relaxation ya know! Especially seeing the plants grow is very calming.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
sacko!!!!wattup playa,everything lookin like you takin care and puttin in love to ur craft.thats the way uh huh uh huh we like it!!!!

.........stitch!!!!!!hey my friend,good to see ya postin.hope all is goin good for the mmj battle out ur way.


european ganja growers
working hard bother sack working hard..you doing a great job..nice to see you took some cuts off that sputnik she looks like a mighty fine lady..lets hope the smoke its top class and the mother deserve to be just that....

loving your LST skills,,,,that plant is riding lowwwwww.....lower to the ground than a snakes asshole,,sweet job K+

have a top weekend :good:...make sure to get ya power smoking on....fuck i dont need to tell ya that hahahahaha

keep it green

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
I can't decide...

I can't decide...

Sack, I can't tell which of your girls I'm liking best anymore. They all look so good. Hush looks like she's got the structure to really hold some weight as does OBee. Sputnik is really putting on the frost. You're going to have some nice nugs from her. The Blue Shiva you LST'd is going to be a monster. Gonna be a flavafull harvest my friend.

GreatLakes THC :joint: