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Rusty's Garden

Well, I think Im about done looking at this thing, I posted it a few times when it was smaller, it was fun, put the solo cup in a bowl of stones to hold it upright. I probably cut a dozen flowers off it before now.

Zinnia in a solo cup:


Well-known member
Seedlings are looking good! Can't wait for the weather to warm up for the season. That zinnia in the solo is looking healthy. You just use them for ornamental?

I like to use zins and sunflowers on first year beds outdoors. Amend the soil, plant seeds and then cut at ground level when blooms slow off. Cover with compost in the fall and next spring that bed is ready.


I think I am going to pick up the wood working book you recommended as well. I have a background in metal work but really enjoy wood even though my skills are lacking.

I am usually a reader for information but I am learning I need to let my brain relax on occasion. My BIL just got me Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead from Ayn Rand. He was surprised I hadn't read them already. We shall see...

Hope it is warm in your neck of the woods today Rusty!

Hey GC,

The tomatoes have all be transplanted into quart containers, and Ill bury them up to their necks once more when they go in their final containers. I try to follow Charles Wilbur's method for containers as close as I can, and it hasnt fail me yet. last year I had a Krim in 15 gallons of soil that ended up with 12 ft of caging. Ive got a few hybrids this year that Im hoping to get bigger. Im about 3 weeks behind where my starts were last year, but I had to cut the vines early last year too.

The solo cup zinnia was just for fun and cause I was sick of looking at winter. I do grow them just for show and alternate between zinnias and marigolds yearly where I plant them just for a change of pace. Yours look great by the way GC, my gramma always grew a row of em at the front of the garden and Ive always loved them. I tend to go a bit over the top with the flowers. Daffodils never bloomed this year. Hyacynths were exceptional. Bleeding heart is blooming, poppys, peonies, and some mounding perennial that I cant remember (dark purple flowers that look like exploding fireworks) are all shooting buds very nicely and have spread well since last year. A lot of the lillies got damaged by late snow and have recover well. Apples are probably popping open as we speak. Hoping for peaches, there we is one of the first decent days all year. I like your idea of using the zinnias in first year beds. Lots more to come in that dept.

That George Frank book is awesome!!! Lots of cool stories, not much tech, but a lot the tech that is there, is essentially lost to your everyday finisher and will seriously inprove your finishing game. those tomatoes in the picture are sitting on a 6/4 by 5 ft claro walnut burl:biggrin: thats my current project piece.


Zinnias are the shit. My grandma turned me onto them a few years back. Now I plant em all over the place just for color. I also have a hill I hate weed whacking, so this year I'm just sowing a shit load of zinnias and a wild flower mix from home depot.i hate mowing so I do that and plant watermelon and pumkin in areas I don't wanna mow lol.


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Boy Rusty, you ain't kidding when you mentioned in SOul's thread about "you could end up with 30 plants in your kitchen like me lol. "
That's pretty hardcore growing zinnia's indoors, lol!

You got Shadbush (Serviceberry) up there? Daff's and Forsythia are nice and all, but nothing heralds springtime to me like the native Shad's blooming!

Good call on the mixed wildflowers, wild phlox grows wildly hear and fills in quickly. It blooms much sooner (late spring) than commercial cultivars. Those little ornamental squash are cool to plant in space like that too, then you dont have to feel bad if they fail. No watermelons around here. If any of you grow morning glory or other climbers, give scarlet runner beans a try. Beautiful flowers, you can eat the beans, but we havent, they climb like crazy and wont seed up the whole bed like MG. Save your seeds!
Boy Rusty, you ain't kidding when you mentioned in SOul's thread about "you could end up with 30 plants in your kitchen like me lol. "
That's pretty hardcore growing zinnia's indoors, lol!

You got Shadbush (Serviceberry) up there? Daff's and Forsythia are nice and all, but nothing heralds springtime to me like the native Shad's blooming!
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There totally around, but none at my place. I wasnt jokin' in MrsOuls thread, and I wasnt countin' stuff that is supposed to be outside haha. Its a serious habit...and I used to hate houseplants. Im one of those folks who cant walk by a flowering plant in the hardware store without having to resist the urge to deadhead.

Top local wildish flowers by scent:
1. Apple
3.black locust
4.autumn olive

Favorite overall: mountain lilly

Heres a few shots of indoor buds

Orchid, second flowering since I got it.

Heres that top that I posted a pic of, this is 12 days later.

Speaking of wildflowers, came across this today...wild columbine.
Sweating it now. I had tiewraps in my pocket on the way to the compost, thats about all the effort im giving it right now haha....its been a long week. 35 degree temp swing in less than 12 hours gotta love it.

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