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Runner's High!


Lover of Life
just got done jogging in the rain..can go .15 miles without stopping...total of 1.05 miles with jog/walk..pretty good now.

the humidity seems to help me jog better...better breathing, knee is lubed up from the humidity...seem to be getting better at breathing , too..in through the nose, out through the mouth..

just need to stop smoking cigs and that will help a lot.


Lover of Life
Just started jogging/walking again today..it felt good after a long layoff...I'm trying to quit cigs so I can hopefully see a good result with jogging.

I went fairly far for not having jogged for such a long time...roughly half of the 1/2 mile, I jogged.


Lover of Life
So i've got back into jogging again after quitting smoking 3 weeks ago :) Yeah!

I'm still only going for like 45 seconds at a clip, but I can go a lot farther than I was doing just a week ago...after taking that break, I couldn't make it to the bench ( A benchmark for how far I've come)..now I'm getting to the bench and then some..there's this tree that I'm trying to get to, but I know it'll take another week or so to get there, but I'm inching closer every day I go out.


Active member
I wouldn't run or jog too hard as to tax the lungs if you're smoking.You may increase the irration of the lining of the lungs.So if can then just walk and build up the legs.

Before I ran,I would walk for at least 3 weeks first.

Jogging 45 seconds at a time then walking is also taxing because this type of structure training is for advance training.This stop and go type is pushing the heart to its limits when a background in training should already be applied.This is like running straight up a hill then stopping then running straight back up.Fartlek running is what's its called.

Running and jogging clears the head and its great.So now I cleared my head and just pointing out some trippy stuff I thought you should know :tiphat:


I finished a full marathon a few years back and the only way I could have possibly done so was to train nice and slow and only increase my distance by 10% or less each week. I feel it is important to underscore this technique...It was tough to pull the reigns in and not go further than the scheduled mileage for the day because I was so hooked on the runners high.
Initially I couldn't run more that 1/4 mile at best but slowly and methodically I worked up to 26.2. It was a great feeling of accomplishment and I encourage anyone who has a marathon on their bucket list to give it a go- but wisely and slowly.

I want to run a marathon too, but wonder about the preparation. I imagine it can't be that good to run 20+ miles more than once a week? Maybe weekly one long session and one or two shorter, sprint-dominant sessions to increase condition of heart and lungs? I feel like I can jog indefinitely condition wise, but I wonder if my joints could take it.

I would not push through or ignore pain. Pain is your body telling you to stop and address something important. I ran a lot. I was always athletic. Running will get you high sure as shit. I loved running miles and miles every day. I did a few half marathons and had dreams of doing a full marathon one day. I pushed through minor and then significant pain until eventually I had to have my hip replaced. The only running I can do now is on an elliptical since there is no concussion unlike road running where every step you are airborne and at the end of each stride you crash down on those hips and knees. Walking is better for you in every way. Get your cardio elsewhere. Don't overdue it. Never run in pain or discomfort. Sprinting in short bursts is better for you then grinding out miles. I know it gets you high, but so does meth.

I'm scared of getting injured myself, I've heard so many bad stories.
I already stopped running on sidewalks, only in a sport stadion, boring to run in circles. I almost completely cut out the jogging part mainly because running in circles is just too boring, I jog for a bit, sprint, sprint up the audience stairs (36 up, 20 down, 20 up, 36 down), do my max amount of pull ups, jog, repeat every 1/4 mile, usually for a round of 6-7 but only taking the stairs 3 times, 4 is my max so far.
Anyway now it's getting too cold so I work out at the gym, but running on a machine just isn't the same... Only cardio I've done there is walking on the threadmill with a 15 degree angle uphill... Which is more intense than I expected!


Well-known member
I like getting high after getting my heartbeat going with a little bit of exercise. It gets you higher


Well-known member

In your case with injury I'd be careful as well, maybe switch to biking though. You talked to a doctor about it?

Personally I'm into jogging since well more than a decade and go for it like four times a week, about 45minutes each training unit. I take it easy and don't care about competitions or marathons as I think I don't need any more rat race in my spare time - I'm good thanks:biggrin:!
Apart from that I'm not really into sports and it's all about health for me. Nonetheless pretty much got used to it and missing it if I can't do it.

Know about this runner's high but never really experiencied it myself, well,at least it wasn't as intense as say a weed high(light years away from it in my humble opinion). On the other hand my body perception is quite bad!
It's definitely 'running meditation' to me though and has a significant relaxing respectively balancing effect on my general mood(which is scientifically proven!)!


Lover of Life
It's getting so cold now that my arthritic knee really hurts...I just wrap that sucka up and put on some leg warmers and I'm usually good, but this cold is cold as f.

Yeah, my leg really holds me back but not having much of a femur bone will do that...but I'm not one to go down without a fight, lol...I say jog leg, jog!!


Active member
they say runners high is equivalent to smoking weed.. sometimes can get to the point of low dose opiates.. honestly. why so many are addicted to running . but since its not a actualy physical drug we don't talk about it .


Active member
they say runners high is equivalent to smoking weed.. sometimes can get to the point of low dose opiates.. honestly. why so many are addicted to running . but since its not a actualy physical drug we don't talk about it .

No surprise then why I'm addicted to both. There are common denominators. :biggrin:

Running, along with a number of other distance sports, works great for battling depression or downy moods. I don't think my brain could handle quitting exercise altogether, with all this anxiety hanging around, and running is my preferred way. 5 - 10 mile distances at once, more frequently at summer when it's prettier and warmer. Following the right pace, adding variety and trying to work it out like a pro.

Got just one half marathon behind me, but I'm attempting to go for a full marathon and I'm not planning to suck, either.

Keep taking care of your only body.


Well-known member

I agree more or less, see my post above.

Personally I go jogging not realtive to the weather but of course enjoy fine weather a lot more(there is no bad weather only bad protection)!

By the way I tried smoking just before a training unit(not much tolerance) just for fun every now and then and unexpectedly it didn't have much negative influence on my practice time, I only was unremarkable slower(of course I didn't expect to jog much faster:biggrin:).


Active member
Man, I gotta get some shoes that work for me. I have super high arches which translates to bad knee pain every time I've tried to take up jogging. Staying on dirt helps but I still can't do it more than once a week. If I jog/walk a mile I'll be hurting the next day. I feel sooo much better when I exercise regularly & it's getting too cold for the bicycle. I'm diagnosed with major depressive disorder & exercise helps every bit as much as the meds I take. I never feel better than after pushing myself with some sort of cardio, the longer the better. For me, I feel like somewhere around 45 minutes of having my heart rate up I really get a great endorphine experience. Like twice as good as if I'd quit at 30 minutes. Seems like a bell curve or something. After say, an hour and 15 minutes the endorphins gotta compete with exhaustion. I still feel great but great & tired rather than great & energized I guess. Your mileage may vary of course.

I heard a spot on local npr about how our biggest (only?) physical advantage that brought us to the top of the food chain is endurance running. Fella was offering the idea that prior to tool making we hunted large game by tiring them out and then just popping them on the head with a rock or something. Makes sense that if evolution made us running creatures that running would feel good, not bad. Dogs get happy as hell running


Lover of Life
Hey all..just checking in on this thread...

I'm still jogging, but on a treadmill at the gym...going a mile is harder than I thought, but give me 18 minutes and i can get er done.

I started going on 30 second sprints and got up to 2 minutes recently..don't remember exactly how far I went in 2 minutes, but it was a little over .25 I believe...that was going over 5 mph, closer to 6 I think.

Anyways, I've only been at the gym a month,but wasn't working out much before that. Now I'm going 4-5 times a week at night when nobody's there.


To Have More ... Desire Less
incline treadmill junkie... 9 miles a day...+ 2 hrs of weights... EVERY dam DAY ....
once the brain endorphins kick in... the pain seems "nothing"... compared to the feeling of fluid body flow, along w/ a body,mind, and soul; that will reward U for the efforts...

just as addictive as the herb... F0certain


Lover of Life
i wish I could go 9 miles a day, damn dude, that's hella running man.

anyways, I always have to get my knee pain to go down a little bit before the treadmill jog/walk so I smoke some bud...but if it's a good day, it won't hurt when I'm on the treadmill and I can go well over a mile, but sometimes it just grinds and pops and clicks and hurts..sucks, cuz I can't go that far half the time.

Since I started working out though I've gone under 200 lbs though, which is nice..starting to see a little cut in my stomach haha.


Really started loving running in the past few years, it's like turning down the volume on the world for me. Pretty confident I could do a half marathon today but right now just been concentrating on keeping a good pace and regularly doing it (but want to do a marathon someday). My brother's one of those uber-fit triathletes, does ironmans and recently did something like a 2:45:00 marathon.


if it smells like fish
I prefer kayaking ..then when I get tired I am already sitting down and comfortable....yeehaw..plus I can carry all the cold beer I want ..I can paddle 8 hours and many many miles