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Run or stay w/ur plants and get busted?


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
green_tea said:
people that are growing indoors, how are you setting up a grow house that isn't in your name?

I mean the only plausible way is if you were to illegally get someones SSN etc and create a fake identity?

even purchasing the house through a company you create is sketchy since it still is traceable to you.

Gotta go with Leader & nycd on this one :biglaugh:


My little pony.. my little pony
Fatt Daddy said:
Run For The Hills!!!



way too many variables to make this call. your post, if not so vague, would be asking a rhetorical question. the way you laid it out, though, makes it nuthin but a loaded question. are the cops at the door? house in your name? just a couple examples of what i mean.



cops r trying to excute a no knock

ur a felon

nothing is in ur name (ur an excon)

i actually wouldnt run. i would calmly set this place on fire. then walk out w/my cat inhand. then yell and scream at the cops for spooking my cat, which knocked over a candle, and burnt my house down.

i would run before they ever could arrest me for anything. no evidence. theyll neva get a warrent. no leo among my crowd.

i will never fall to the propaganda, parinoia, or hearsay.

that help?


There is always some way you can get busted..

Ive had close calls through the weirdest of circumstances.. Here in Germany some cops will clean your house if your just carrying a joint on you.

You can never be tooooo careful..

..but paranoia is a great Self-destroyer


no brainer - run; you can get more gear but only have so much life to spend on dumb shit like going to jail for growing a plant.


Active member
i would burn the place down....SO joking....if my name was on the place i would stick around cause then aside from growing charges you would get hit with resistaning fleeing etc etc. so i would man up, and kiss some ass in hopes they may say i was a good person aside from my other problem....if the place was not in my name and their was no way to connect me i may flee....tried that once from another place, not a grow spot, and got tackled and punched...outdoors i would def take my chance at a marathon.

oops didnt see your recent post..so your still talking about torching the place...man i see what your saying but if someone got hurt you would be sooo screwed...also you know they can tell if a cnadle was knocked over or if you poured gas and set it..and if it was a candle that fire would be out before you can say arsonist.
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My little pony.. my little pony
The_Leader said:
i read this an hour ago and havnt quit chuckling about it.

dayumed funny

run fatboy gonna be any good?

Its pretty good as far as romantic comedies go .. been out as a torrent for a while. Its a nice romantic follow-up from Simon Pegs Hot Fuzz. David Schwimmer [ Ross from Friends ] directed it. Hank Azaria is in it and is pretty funny too.


Verite said:
Its pretty good as far as romantic comedies go .. been out as a torrent for a while. Its a nice romantic follow-up from Simon Pegs Hot Fuzz. David Schwimmer [ Ross from Friends ] directed it. Hank Azaria is in it and is pretty funny too.
hot fuzz was hilarious....ill have to see the fat boy run.

I know verm, but by then ill be in alaska. And i know from my past. They will not come get me. No one will get hurt. There is only 1 way in my house and iv not posted the exact senario, just close. What do cops do when they hear a big BANG?? They stop, drop and take cover. Iv no guns, but i bet they will think i do....lol. it will give me the time i need, and i will walk away like nothing happened. I dont believe in imaginary friends, so ill live this life my way. peace man. oh and im an ex con. I own nothing. including the house i grow in. The landlord will draw a check. No one gets ripped. I lose my grow and dude gets a new house.



New member
The real deal

The real deal

I don't know. If we keep running then we will never get anywhere. It leads people to believe that there is something that is very wrong going on. We need to prove to people that Marijuana is not harmful by itself. It is all other drugs. Marijuana is not a gateway drug. The only gateway is the environment the person grows up into. I agree that cocaine and heroin, meth, pcp, and all other harmful drugs should be illegalized. But we need to stand for what we believe and make a point. Watch the movie Farenheit 451 and you will understand what i mean. :2cents: I wouldn't run.


Dr Dog said:
I would stay

Just fight the cultivation possession charges, I dont want evading arrest on that as well

I live in a fairly small town, and I am well known. They would just be waiting for me at home when I got back

Thats what I did. Stayed on the couch while LEO went to "Search for anyone in need of medical assistance". Of course no one needed assistance because I was the only one there.
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