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Rotten Panda info


Baron Greenback

Looking lovely Catfish Billy, a good haul beckons from that.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Fk'n Stacking hard - all of the branches are too. Biggest plant cola wise in the room and gonna yield good it looks ~ Very Happy
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Looks great Catfish Billy!

I'm glad Rotten Panda is performing well in your garden :)
Please, share some pics before harvest if you have the chance,
it will also be a pleasure to know your opinion about her after the harvest.
Thanks dubi :tiphat:

Coincidentally I went to take pics yesterday, tried to that is, before lights on but was a minute late . But i did get one pic that came out and it was the RotPanda. Ill get some more lights off soon



ACE Seeds Breeder
Thanks for the update before harvest Catfish Billy :)

Very nice cola, i'm glad you are satisfied with Rotten Panda aromas .... it's usually a very stinky strain. Please, let us know about the smoke after a bit of curing!

Hopefully people miss enough this limited edition to produce another release.
The smoke after a good perfect dry and cure came out smooth and stellar.
It has a idk"garbage' smell when drying but that seems to fade to something diff, spicey ,tangy maybe. idk she bakes you proper though



All I know
i got these two clones going to 70 to see what's up . shes a beast of a girl


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi Catfish Billy,

I'm very happy to know that you like Rotten Panda after the curing :)

Is this your second round with her, right ?
Keep clones of your favourite ones if you really like it, as i have no plans in short term to make this limited edition again.


Think for yourself, question authority
ICMag Donor
Edit: Posted up below for CFB,
Last edited:
Thx for putting that up for me Crit , i had lost my log in, found now.

"Yup 2 full done...the 3rd run is in a cab i flipped to flower earlier this month.

This is the one and only of her and she's sticking around for a bit...the structure is crazy ...like it wants t0 run away as a sativa but there is a broad leaf WLD trait holiding her back from being crazy lanky., its got some serious stalk stupp0rt . Nose now is got a juicyfruit kinda background to it."

The English Cut

Well-known member
RP under the sun

RP under the sun

Hi all, I've planted my Rotten Panda mother from last year out in the garden, this year she seems to be even bushier than last, I've put her out in a slightly better spot and that could be the key - lots of sunlight and improved soil.


Really impressed with the new mum - a cutting taken from the old mum a while back, just look at the structure, no training just topped once. I really like what these airpots do for the growth and structure of the plants.


My supplies of RP bud and hash ran out quite a while back so it was a nice treat recently to be given the chance to make some hash from a friend's indoor crop of the same clone. I ended up making some of the stinkiest, gloopiest wax/hash with a crazy stretchy plasticine texture. We've entered it into a fairly big competition for later this year, fingers crossed but not really because this stuff is amazing smelling and tasting. I'm going to try and get a few more clones out to flower this season so hopefully i won't run out so quickly next year. Peace, TEC.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi The English Cut,

Nice to see the Rotten Panda mother growing so healthy and vigorous outdoors this season :) i'm glad you found the genetics enough interesting for a second run. Your Rotten Panda extractions and hash were excellent, probably the tastiest i tried from you (along with the Bubba Hash ones).

Guess your RP mother must be into flowering now (2nd-3rd week of flowering?), RP can yield a lot with the correct feeding, may she needs some branch support in the second part of flowering when colas are filled up and when the late summer storms start to come.

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