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yamaha_1fan said:
even at a modest 6 pounds, thats like 2.7 grams per watt. This item may be on my wish list for the future.
That's great...and we certainly need a few more people to play with these things :joint:
But the REAL numbers that I've been hearing and saw on one occasion...4lbs and change out of a 2K cylinder is more like the "modest" guesstimate for a decent run in one of these. Is there more potential in them? Absofreakinlootly :D
Most people will never see 2lbs a light (1K) in a flat garden..so for them, this would be a great yield for starters.
6lbs in a horizontal cyclinder means you're starting to get dialed in. Beyond that...you have a perfect strain/pheno and hit the system right square on the head and all your ducks were in a row that time.
But around 2lbs per 1K is the standard in these imho.



Thanks for the tips I'll pass them on. I've heard those suggestions from one of the first guys to run these Roto's. You have good ears....


Even if he got 2 lb per bulb off that PK he would be happy. It is friggin hard to get 1.5 per 1kw off of a med size plant with that strain even. Anything after that is gravey.

The market price for it more than makes up for it's short commings in yield.
oh ya, for sure NF...I don't mean to come across like I'm doggin' the system too much. Was just trying to help keep peoples expectations grounded a bit vs the never ending speculation that is thrown around in grow shops etc...

Growing all the way around the bulb intrigues me and has ever since they first came out....whether it is laying down like a Roto or standing up like a Coli/cage. I've finally decided to get into it myself and while I was deciding on which way to go (roto style or coli style)...surprisingly enough, I came up with a rolling cylinder design that a DoItYourselfer could actually pull off on his own. Attention to some details required, but not tooo complicated.
In the end tho...I have decided on a standing vertical system. I hope to show the world in a mth or two :)
After my last post just now^...it had me reviewing in my mind the rolling cylinder design that I had come up with and how it operates and it reminded me of a question I had about it...maybe some of you have wondered the same...

Who determined the correct timing of the spin?

If I'm not mistaken...all the roller gardens on the market make 1 full rotation per 45min to 1hr.
Was that time found thru actual trials? or is it a matter of convenience because that is what the easily found and available equipment will run it at?


Well-known member
definately strain specific

definately strain specific

PK is a stretcher, and I wouldnt grow them in a roto, however, a short squatty plant w few side branching lie bubba kush might bring the bubba to a respectable yeild. I have been waiting 6 months for a bonsaii wheel and from my understanding it does a full rotation every 24 hours. I also thought about the overwatering aspects in just 24 hours w rockwool cubes alone. I think a 2" cube w 1" thick cocomat or that new rw sheet would really help wick out and drain the cubes faster. my friend w a bonsaii 308 site actually pulled 12 p's w berlin, but he modified the res to pump when he felt his cubes were dry enough to water, but he always thought that the cubes were taking entirely too long on their own to dry as he was feeding about every 5 days. If I feed every other day to a near dry cube, I think I will have it pretty dialed. if I get 6lbs off 2k w bubba I would be 1 happy camper. cant wait to see this baby in action. fire off some of them pics bud!


I was going by NF statement of 6-10 pounds. This is really the first thread I have read about growing like this so I am unaware of others yield. Maybe with a higher yielding plant, yield would be more than 4 pounds.

I have been thinking about this and the floor space involved, the heat issues, the smaller space to C02, etc and I am going to research it a little further. I think it would be great to put a couple of these in a house. Minimal electrical, setup, etc. After I get a couple grows done and some cash, I am going to look into getting one of these.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
There is a couple threads, somewhere, on this site that have grow journals of these types of things. One of them was a guy that had 2 of them. He was running 2 - 600]'s... I believe, but anyways, he pulled 4lb off of each one... classically, he got mold from the water dripping down off of the cubes when they were upside down.


wow this thread is really taking off, thanks for shring it NF.

In regards to someoones post earlier.... IMO it is not a good idea to ever let ur rockwool dry out, it should always stay wet or moist at least. watering every 5 days?!?
roots will starve and dry out not to mention stress the plant if no nutes to absorb.

Peace and all the best to ur mate NF

EDIT: PS who the heck cares about how much he'll yield its obviously gonna be way more than a flat grow and its his first run. i think he'll have years to come to figure it out the best and tweak it to dial in yield. just my OPINION.
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anonymiss12345 said:
After my last post just now^...it had me reviewing in my mind the rolling cylinder design that I had come up with and how it operates and it reminded me of a question I had about it...maybe some of you have wondered the same...

Who determined the correct timing of the spin?

If I'm not mistaken...all the roller gardens on the market make 1 full rotation per 45min to 1hr.
Was that time found thru actual trials? or is it a matter of convenience because that is what the easily found and available equipment will run it at?

Doesn't seem like your dogging it to me. :wave:

The main factor in rotation timing is how much solution the rock wool picks up, it needs to be enough to keep it well hydrated but not to much so it runs out on the plants while upside down.

What determines this is the solution depth in the tray the cubes pass through. You can adjust that there fore making the timing for one rotation standard and pretty much irrelevant.


toohighmf said:
PK is a stretcher, and I wouldnt grow them in a roto, however, a short squatty plant w few side branching lie bubba kush might bring the bubba to a respectable yeild. I have been waiting 6 months for a bonsaii wheel and from my understanding it does a full rotation every 24 hours. I also thought about the overwatering aspects in just 24 hours w rockwool cubes alone. I think a 2" cube w 1" thick cocomat or that new rw sheet would really help wick out and drain the cubes faster. my friend w a bonsaii 308 site actually pulled 12 p's w berlin, but he modified the res to pump when he felt his cubes were dry enough to water, but he always thought that the cubes were taking entirely too long on their own to dry as he was feeding about every 5 days. If I feed every other day to a near dry cube, I think I will have it pretty dialed. if I get 6lbs off 2k w bubba I would be 1 happy camper. cant wait to see this baby in action. fire off some of them pics bud!

I'm sorry to have to disagree with you but anyone that knows Purple Kush will tell you it don't stretch worth shit. It is ridiculously short and stubborn. One of the slowest growing indicas out there. Grown beside most other strains it gets left way behind. Typically you want to plant it before your other strains so it doesn't get shaded out once height of the whole room is established after the stretch run.

I posted in my last post how moisture retention is set in the Roto. It has to do with how you set the depth in the tray. If you keep it too shallow you won't retain enough, too deep and you have excess. It's quite simple once you see the unit in action. I'll admit, I wondered about it too.

Pics are in my e-mail....dial up tho, will be an hour prolly. :badday:


I have been thinking about this and the floor space involved, the heat issues, the smaller space to C02, etc and I am going to research it a little further.

He's not even using half of a tiny room. The temps are 80 without him adding outside air yet.


Well-known member
OH! BC Purple Kush...

OH! BC Purple Kush...

Northern Farmer said:
I'm sorry to have to disagree with you but anyone that knows Purple Kush will tell you it don't stretch worth shit. It is ridiculously short and stubborn. One of the slowest growing indicas out there. Grown beside most other strains it gets left way behind. Typically you want to plant it before your other strains so it doesn't get shaded out once height of the whole room is established after the stretch run.

I posted in my last post how moisture retention is set in the Roto. It has to do with how you set the depth in the tray. If you keep it too shallow you won't retain enough, too deep and you have excess. It's quite simple once you see the unit in action. I'll admit, I wondered about it too.

Pics are in my e-mail....dial up tho, will be an hour prolly. :badday:

In Cali, We have Kushmans PK. it looks like a sister of OG. 1' internodes, grows a foot a DAY, must not be the same as BC PK. I went to abbotsford, and was handed 7 strains by remo and tech mike. one of them was "pink kush" people use this term a bit loosely. Pink kush wouldnt fetch $3k US per P. Kushmans will getcha 6-7 per elbow. I was soo dissapointed w the genetics in canada coming from the 2 most publicised tech growers in BC. I had to eat hash when I got back from the Advanced tour as their pot just made me cough and asked where the real weed is around here! I smoked a qp in a week of all these strains! I smoke less than an ounce a week on the avg. the taste and potency of the chemdawg kushes and or others like the kushmans, dont compare genetically to the "BC Kush" unless your on the island where friends have the real deal. it is a rarity to find chem's strains in the great white north. we must be speaking of different genes. Igree it is all about the hieght you let the solution rise to before you have problems w rw. If your rw cubes are drying within 24 hours, you must barely be wettin em! leave a 4x4" cube soaked on a table and it will take 5+ days before that cube is near dry. Near dry is when to properly water stonewool. I been workin w it for over 15 years. I read all the grodan books and used it in every scenario a substrate is called for. it needs capilarry action to suck moisture from them, or you gotta squeeze em which is horrible for the structure of rw. make sense?


I'm finding it difficult to read your post, sorry if I don't fully understand it.

The Purple Kush now going around here is the real deal PK from Cali, identical to hundreds of pics I've seen. Usually the strains that are hot there hit the market here quickly. The bulk buyers and smugglers make sure it gets to us since the bulk of our production in BC ends up in Cali. It only makes sense. They want top dollar for their trouble, they want us to grow it.

Pretty much most of the discussion about PK on ICMAG agrees about the slow growth if you search and most of this comes from Cali growers. It's the same clone only strain.

I have a OG strain that stretches insanely quick. Also brought up from Cali from clone. I've actually got seeds where stressed out PK pollinated it and I will try it out eventually.

dont compare genetically to the "BC Kush" unless your on the island where friends have the real deal. it is a rarity to find chem's strains in the great white north. we must be speaking of different genes.

You can see Vancouver Island from the lower mainland where Vancouver is. It's not like some far away country. I can get what ever is over there by simply asking.

Like I said about the Kushes I have, they are Cali stock. Maybe your brief visit you were limited to some less than quality pot. Pink Kush? Sounds like one of the hundreds of poser Kush strains going around(although we all know how the real kush lineage has little to do with the likes of OG and PK). People I know had Lemon skunk when all the rage was "skunk". Then Hash Plant was the big demand and guess what...those same guys had lemon hash. Now it's kush and guess what....they are selling Lemon Kush. It's been the same shitty strain all along.

In all the circles I associate with, I usually have the earlier access to the next big strain that the yanks are paying top $$ for. It's been like that for over 10 years now.

Most people I know chuckle about Advanced Nutes and their aggressive marketing on products. What you say about their smoke doesnt surprise me one bit.
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speaking of marketable^...remember the good old days when a strain was good for a couple yrs?...now they always want something new every 6 goddamn mths...freakin A.D.D. pot smokin' bastards!...LOL


Well-known member


it is definately cool that you have PK, I am sure if you got friends on the isle, you can get these "elite" kushes. However, Purple kush (or at least the cali purple kush is long and stringy. dont yeild too well and finishes in 70 days, and on top of it, its barely got any purple hues to it! Kushmans Purple takes about the same time as the other PK, yet it purples out pretty good. My "pre '98" bubba gets more purple w/o even cooling down the room at night. do you think you might have a bubba or master that stays short and squat and purples up on ya?
you are right, I know there are people that name strains something different because the BC Jamaican sucks that their growing. then I heard about "Tuna Kush" but up in BC. I'm sure their are people with true elite strains like yourself. you seem to be in the know. Pink Kush, black domina, m39, and some shitty ass island sweet skunk is what I remember distinctly smoking. then there was jamaican.. AKA "Bible Thunder" an abottsford grow. they knew it was jamaican, yet called it something different to hopefully get more than $1600 a P for it. As far as AN's products sucking, I would have to say it's the grower, not the nutes. these guys might work for the largest nute co in the biz, but if the thumb aint green, your not going to do very well w any nutrient. I use some AN stuff, some H&G, and some botanicare. I am constantly trying to eliminate products out of the regiment, but I get pretty dissapointed when I mess w the mix of products I have been using the last few years. perhaps its time for the lucas formula w nothing to inspire me to do different. dont know.. As long as I get free AN stuff, I will use it. love the pics by the way, keep em comin!

Northern Farmer said:
I'm finding it difficult to read your post, sorry if I don't fully understand it.

The Purple Kush now going around here is the real deal PK from Cali, identical to hundreds of pics I've seen. Usually the strains that are hot there hit the market here quickly. The bulk buyers and smugglers make sure it gets to us since the bulk of our production in BC ends up in Cali. It only makes sense. They want top dollar for their trouble, they want us to grow it.

Pretty much most of the discussion about PK on ICMAG agrees about the slow growth if you search and most of this comes from Cali growers. It's the same clone only strain.

I have a OG strain that stretches insanely quick. Also brought up from Cali from clone. I've actually got seeds where stressed out PK pollinated it and I will try it out eventually.

You can see Vancouver Island from the lower mainland where Vancouver is. It's not like some far away country. I can get what ever is over there by simply asking.

Like I said about the Kushes I have, they are Cali stock. Maybe your brief visit you were limited to some less than quality pot. Pink Kush? Sounds like one of the hundreds of poser Kush strains going around(although we all know how the real kush lineage has little to do with the likes of OG and PK). People I know had Lemon skunk when all the rage was "skunk". Then Hash Plant was the big demand and guess what...those same guys had lemon hash. Now it's kush and guess what....they are selling Lemon Kush. It's been the same shitty strain all along.

In all the circles I associate with, I usually have the earlier access to the next big strain that the yanks are paying top $$ for. It's been like that for over 10 years now.

Most people I know chuckle about Advanced Nutes and their aggressive marketing on products. What you say about their smoke doesnt surprise me one bit.


As far as AN's products sucking, I would have to say it's the grower, not the nutes.

I didnt say that :nono: .

A lot of the locals chuckle at the amount of $$money$$ and the complicated overkill program they push. Sure it comes down to the grower. They made their millions selling all that stuff to people who don't know the difference one way or another with their fancy marketing though. That's the laugh.

California buyers call our local PK...PK. I know there are other varieties but if you don't have this one up here, Cali don't pay. If they prefere something else, they give it to us. It's as simple as that. This strain doesn't get too purple. It's hit and miss. Typically it has some on the tops and big fans, rarely all purple and it comes really late. Like I said before, it matches the many pics I've seen on the forums and magazines. Take a look for yourself, read some posts.

I found this in the very first PK thread I opened with my search...the topic strater says,

This strain grows short and squat not unlike urkle.

another thread...

It doesn't stretch much in flower.

Interesting thread. From what I'm reading the cut that we have seems to be the more common.

Purple Kushes

There are many obviously but this is what they want. I'd prefere a variation that yields better myself if it were to pay as much. Not so, Cali market it snobbish, no joke.

Other strains that get purple still go for good money up here but less than the PK. This is in demand down there. Locally people could care less about color. They want to buy pot they can afford and clones that produce. The bulk of PK goes south tho. They won't even touch Hash Plant anymore..a lot of folks still want to smoke that here tho. Smaller growers who sell to users still want HP clones.

Anyways, this is turning into me hijacking my own thread.
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Son Of Botany - Green Block Original Shrdana
Northern Farmer said:

Hi Northern!
i subscribed this tread few days ago. the roto grow looks shi-fi growing to me! :nono: amazing pics! :D have a nice day! bye