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Ron Paul 2012!!!


weed fiend
Well, maybe, just MAYBE, if the media propoganda machine had given him his fair shake in the beginning, he would have had greater public support.

I remember a scheduled event in the early primary season. The press was lambasted for no coverage, even though Paul had embeds just like every other candidate. The press crashed the event and that means tough questions will fly. Ron left before speaking to supporters.

MAYBE it wouldn't be enough to beat Mittens, but I guess we'll never be able to say for certain.
Ron's run for president 3x longer than Mitt. What we can say for certain is it takes a look outside the base and at the general electorate to know who has and hasn't a shot at the presidency.

I can't even count the times that people said, "If he had a chance of winning, I'd vote for him, but ALAS...." I'm tired of the sheeple just parroting the media's pre-programed narative.
You're just parroting the stump. Even if you heard, "If he..." for 50 years, it's a drop in the bucket to the tens of millions of votes necessary to win the presidency.

Ron ran an honorable campaign. Sour grapes doesn't help that image.


i am completely baffled how RP people can claim a moral high ground.

delegate camo will be worn during the convention

So... a guy with a 'dont tread on me' flag as their avatar seems to be encouraged by military dress at a political rally....

Are you kidding me comrade? Will commissars be next?


Reminds me of the following

Medicare being socialized medicine, these people are fucking morons.

Like many RP supporters, these people obviously do not understand what they ask for.



weed fiend
Just read an article about ignorant voters. Lawmakers are scored for eloquence. The lawmaker scoring lowest on eloquence pontificates at a 10th-grade level. Talk about kiss.

This guy graduated from Harvard Business and Princeton Law schools with honors yet his rhetoric to constituents is high school drop-out level.


Kiss My Ring
Just read an article about ignorant voters. Lawmakers are scored for eloquence. The lawmaker scoring lowest on eloquence pontificates at a 10th-grade level. Talk about kiss.

This guy graduated from Harvard Business and Princeton Law schools with honors yet his rhetoric to constituents is high school drop-out level.

you mustn't address intellectually challenged with words they won't or cannot understand.

many times talking over peoples heads results in alienation. for a politician alienation is detrimental...

perhaps this one is ahead of the curve...


so where does that put Rep Allen West?

While serving in Taji, Iraq, West received information from an intelligence specialist about a reported plot to ambush him and his men. The alleged plot reportedly involved Yahya Jhodri Hamoodi, a civilian Iraqi police officer. West, who was not responsible for conducting interrogations in Iraq and had never conducted nor witnessed one, had his men detain Hamoodi. In the process of detaining Mr. Hamoodi, soldiers testified that Hamoodi appeared to reach for his weapon and needed to be subdued. Hamoodi was beaten by four soldiers from the 220th Field Artillery Battalion on the head and body. West then fired his pistol near Hamoodi's head, after which Hamoodi provided West with names and information, which Hamoodi later described as "meaningless information induced by fear and pain." At least one of these suspects was arrested as a result, but no plans for attacks or weapons were found. West said "At the time I had to base my decision on the intelligence I received. It's possible that I was wrong about Mr. Hamoodi."

West was charged with violating articles 128 (assault) and 134 (general article) of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. During a hearing held as part of an Article 32 investigation in November 2003, West stated, "I know the method I used was not right, but I wanted to take care of my soldiers." The charges were ultimately referred to an Article 15 proceeding rather than court-martial, at which West was fined $5,000. LTC West accepted the judgment and retired with full benefits in the summer of 2004. Asked if he would act differently under similar circumstances again, West testified, "If it's about the lives of my soldiers at stake, I'd go through hell with a gasoline can."


weed fiend
you mustn't address intellectually challenged with words they won't or cannot understand.

many times talking over peoples heads results in alienation. for a politician alienation is detrimental...

perhaps this one is ahead of the curve...

I don't disagree one bit, except where we've set the bar. In 2005 we averaged 11th-grade level so if eloquence is any indication, we're getting dumber.

The SAT list has 100 words that students should recognize and understand before going to college. In the past, eloquence scoring was based the usage of all 100 words.

Now scoring is based on a fraction of the list and some lawmakers stopped using it. The once most-common word on the list, compromise is nixed altogether, but only on one side of the aisle.

When voters get dumbed down too much they start to think running government is like running their household or a business. This tends to support business interests whether the voter actually has a business. Thirty-five years ago, a small businessman might benefit from a pro-business platform. These days, even Small Business Administration funding goes to Fortune corporations.


ShroomDr, and DiscoBiscuit, This one for you! Here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0y_JFQGkq0&feature=relmfu .. Hear him (T.Mont), say: Dr. Ron Paul has not droped out! Guy cracks me up! Lol.. monkey5

i never said or thought he dropped out. Ive said the way he thinks he will win is underhanded, basically undemocratic, and would not be supported by the Wallstreet puppet masters (READ: GOP) even if it did happen.

The peace loving RP people dressed in military camo is a mixed message is it not?

I only assume the 3 people who rated my last post as unhelpful also want to to keep the govt out of their medicare...


Active member
ShroomDr, If, they are vetrans who have fought for this country & my FREEDOM..they have every right to where that uniform .. any where & any place they would like..my feelings on that subject! I find nothing Dr. Ron Paul is doing to be underhanded..Ron Paul people are in fact following the GOP's own rules! Even when the GOP is not following their own rules! Do you not find that strange? monkey5


Active member
AND.. I would LOVE to hear Dr. Ron Paul & Mr. Obama talk about the Constitution & the Economy..and the FED..I so look forward to hearing that..and cannabis, too! monkey5


The peace loving RP people dressed in military camo is a mixed message is it not?

Your ignorance precedes you.

Obviously the comment pertaining to stealth delegates went over your head at a thousand miles per hour. Read between the lines.


Enormous Member
Is tihs RP thread doomed to the same fate as the last one? The trolling of a few will ruin the thread for everybody? WTF, man! Start your own GD thread, and if you want to, troll there!


Your ignorance precedes you.

Obviously the comment pertaining to stealth delegates went over your head at a thousand miles per hour. Read between the lines.

its not a matter of my ignorance, its a matter of a poor metaphor.

Like im suppose to know where the 'bat shit crazy' stops with the Ron Pauliacs.

There is no such thing as a 'stealth delegate'. Any other made up words? (you obviously do not understand the difference between camouflage and stealth, but we wont get into that.)

ShroomDr, If, they are vetrans who have fought for this country & my FREEDOM..they have every right to where that uniform

Of course they have the right to wear the uniform. ('The right' being something i did not contest). You have the 'right' to free speech, but if youre distubing everyone in a theater, your 'right' is superceeded.

I followed your link, do you know what a commissar is?
Do you know who thinks politics and military mix? (Napoleon, Nazis, Soviets, Chinese PLA).

(I dont give a fuck it was a bad metaphor, MY POINT is still valid, politics and military should not mix).

Is tihs RP thread doomed to the same fate as the last one? The trolling of a few will ruin the thread for everybody? WTF, man! Start your own GD thread, and if you want to, troll there!

where the troll?

Its one thing to say Ron Paul sucks, he sux, you guys suck for loving him. Who is saying that?

This is a thread. Threads are for discussion, not for 3 people to share each others pipe dreams.

Sorry to bring discourse and reality to this situation...
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Kiss My Ring
we suck for longing for truth and justice? voicing our hopes about the one man who makes sense?

well if PT Barnum is right, Dr. Paul will have plenty of support.

since our 'democracy' (really a republic) decides the winner by electoral votes and not by voting (sorry you guys), Dr. Paul is free to use that electoral college in the same way obummer did. nefarious huh?

can you imagine if the media leveled the playing field by providing the good doctor with the exposure he deserves?

he served his country, he served his profession, he is serving America as a senator, and he would like to serve as president.

he has a firm grasp of our problems and offers solutions...

That Sucks?

and btw, what kind of discourse is name calling and derision?



Reading comprehension, people...

Shroom Dr. said "it's one thing to say........who is saying that?".