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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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Well-known member


Now please dont get me wrong, im a huge ron paul supporter with a sign in my yard, but i gotta say....

The goverment doesnt create money out of thin air!

all of the money for the bailouts, stimulus, etc. was borrowed from other countries thru bonds and treasuries. This is worse than printing money out of thin air, it puts the power of our country in the hands of our creditors.

Great britan wanted to go to war with someone a time ago, great britan owed america a ton of money, america didnt want them to go to war. Great britan said were doing it anyway amdf started invading. America then said if you dont pull out we will liquidate all you bonds into the market. great britan pulled out immediatly.

Im drunk and just trying s to say that no money is created out of thin air which is a general theme i feel is being passed around, we are taking out debt to other countries giving them almost complete controll of our goverment which ron paul is trying to stop.

Vote dr. Paul!


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Can't let a good pie chart go to waste. Especially those that champion the implication of doubt - while simultaneously stopping short of implicating anything.
A similar Pie Chart with Republicans would take 5 minutes to make. I wonder if you would have responded with the same "conspiracy theorist" charge? Or just agreed that they are corrupted?


Well-known member
Can't let a good pie chart go to waste. Especially those that champion the implication of doubt - while simultaneously stopping short of implicating anything.
Your behavior is uncalled for, obviously your here for one reason only and that's to disrupt the thread when real facts conflict with your perception of reality. It's getting really old. And to call them pie charts is an insult they are Venn Diagrams.:tiphat:


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Now please dont get me wrong, im a huge ron paul supporter with a sign in my yard, but i gotta say....

The goverment doesnt create money out of thin air!

all of the money for the bailouts, stimulus, etc. was borrowed from other countries thru bonds and treasuries. This is worse than printing money out of thin air, it puts the power of our country in the hands of our creditors.

Great britan wanted to go to war with someone a time ago, great britan owed america a ton of money, america didnt want them to go to war. Great britan said were doing it anyway amdf started invading. America then said if you dont pull out we will liquidate all you bonds into the market. great britan pulled out immediatly.

Im drunk and just trying s to say that no money is created out of thin air which is a general theme i feel is being passed around, we are taking out debt to other countries giving them almost complete controll of our goverment which ron paul is trying to stop.

Vote dr. Paul!

i could be wrong on this but im pretty sure im not... We do borrow money from other countries from time to time. But the federal reserve does print our money which is printed out of thin air. and are money is based or was based on the gold and silver standard meaning that the more they print they devalue the dollar. a dollar in the 90's is worth alot more then dollars today..

and the country is in the hands of the federal reseve that BYPASS"S congress to which we really have no control...so we were fucked as soon as we passed the federal reserve act.... which is unconstitutional like damn near every law passed today but for some reason no one seams to notice or care.


weed fiend
I don't think he's saying it's a conspiracy. I reckon he's pointing the grossly incestuous relationships of our Corporatist government.

Not conspiracy. Just Corporatism (Fascism) no matter who you vote for.

Fair enough. Would be interested to know whether Ron Paul might work to impose more (or less?) restrictions on the revolving door. Restrict more and risk criticisms of restricting freedom. Restrict less and risk appearing complicit.

We need public campaign financing and less wholesale politicization. (I promise, I'm not talking about the charts, the thread, etc. I talking about lawmakers.

If the freedom fighters win the argument, we need transparency. If regulation wins the argument, no free passes.

Declining bribes in Mexico might risk life and limb. Declining bribes in the US gets a primary competitor with more money than one can raise without playing the game. IMO, not all unethical decisions have special interest money behind them. That said, we can't see the wheat and there's too much chaff from greasy palms.

Get the money out and we might have a system capable of going after individual fraudsters without restricting people's professional freedom wholesale.

I'm for legal restrictions in all areas where exploitation rises above isolated occurrences. Especially when unethical gain comes at expense to others. When it comes to the revolving door, I'd probably err on the side of more restrictions than less.


i could be wrong on this but im pretty sure im not... We do borrow money from other countries from time to time. But the federal reserve does print our money which is printed out of thin air. and are money is based or was based on the gold and silver standard meaning that the more they print they devalue the dollar. a dollar in the 90's is worth alot more then dollars today..

and the country is in the hands of the federal reseve that BYPASS"S congress to which we really have no control...so we were fucked as soon as we passed the federal reserve act.... which is unconstitutional like damn near every law passed today but for some reason no one seams to notice or care.

I agree we have no controll of the federal reserve, no fucking controll and itsa gone ways to far. but The fed reserve borrows from the average american citizen as a loan, except its a loan that will never be repaid. They take a % of our saving with every dollar they produce and state we will get it back thru the stimulation of or economys. i will clarify in the morning i need more herbs, fuck the drank


New member
Do you have any clue how many states cry to the Federal Govt for money everytime there is a flood, hurricane or some other natural disaster?
The states are getting back their own money. Getting rid of the ineffective extra layer of Government like FEMA would be a move in the right direction. We saw how bad FEMA was in new Orleans. Let the money and decisions go into the hands of local officials since they know the climate of the area better. If those local officials don't do a good job at least they can be voted out or changed by local voice.

Or what about the States crying for money for their schools, or when people are freezing to death?
Another reason to get the department of Education out of the mix. Since they have been created our standing in education, compared to the rest of the world, has dropped. Let the locals handle things and tailor their education to that particular area. Doing so would give give more control into the hands of parents so they can help raise their own kid.

It costs much more to educate a public school student than a private school student
"The Los Angeles, California Metro K-12 schools “average real per-pupil spending of $19,000 a stunning 90 percent higher than the $10,000 the districts claim to spend. In addition, real public school spending is 127 percent higher than the estimated median private school spending of $8, 400,” Cato’s report stated. The report also claims the figure is actually around the $24,000 per pupil when you add all the real costs to operate a business – salary, operating expenses, health care, pensions and school supplies."
And the quality in the public sector is worse. Got news for you. There's probably more waste per dollar in state gov't than the Fed govt.
How do you figure? The Feds are smarter than the ones close to the action? Even if you exclude the added salaries, just the added layer of bureaucracy slows down the process and efficiency suffers.

While we're at it let's disband the military and disarm our nuclear weapons. I've always wanted to live like they do in Iran.
or we could just bring them back home and protect our borders like the constitution says. All that money saved ,plus the troops would be spending their money here. Why are we over there protecting other countries borders better than we protect ours?

As far as Social Security, give the younger generation the option to opt out. But just as important SS has to stay around in order to honor commitments. By bringing the troops home, use that saved money to take care of Americans here but understand the system is broken and needs to be fixed. That's always been part of his message and in the 2008 election.
Why are we blowing up countries and then paying to rebuild them when so many are suffering here? We need to stop all foreign aid which is really bribe money, especially since we cannot see exactly where the money goes.


New member
Depends on market factors, supply and demand, strength of the dollar etc.

~$74 trillion / ~$17 billion is roughly 4350:1.

Ron has a message. Haven't seen any evidence of a plan. We could take him at his word that slash and burn is best for the economy. Radical solutions could produce unforeseen consequences. I don't expect Ron to shoot holes in his own plan but I'd like to hear what he expects he'll have to tweak to mitigate the problems that arise from his reforms.
In the mini depression of the early 20's government cut spending and taxation by 40 percent over two years time. Unemployment went from 12 percent to 3.

We'd have problems if they didn't. It's a matter of looking at potentially multiple scenarios and trying to take the best course.

I know, you don't like it.
Printing up money is inflation. We gave away trillions to foreign banks and companies. Picking the winners and losers is the job of Kings. Whatever the reason the people know better than a handful of rule makers. The people decide what is best, who the winners and losers are through their purchasing power. We fought a monarchy at home once before.


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
I think the point drastik was trying to make is that the "regulations" you cling to don't mean shit when the same companies ripping us off are the ones writing the regulations.

Its just a placebo for the masses. We get a news blurb about new regulations, see some guys in suits, then get tossed to a ten minute story about which useless tv star is pregnant. Then we finish our coffe and head off to work content that the government cares.

Then goldman gets 14 billion from us to help pay the 16 billion in bonuses they "earned"


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
And who would decide who gets the public funding, goldman? That will solve our problems.

What we need is an end to lobbyists. Or maybe require them to give equal funds to a cause that counters their own.


Active member
Seriously DB..Why don't you open a Obama thread on how he kept he word and ended the Iraq war, or maybe how he called off the Attorney General and let the states police their own, or how about how he is going to end the Bush Tax cuts...ALL 3 THINGS WERE BIG ON HIS LIST TO DO!

What did he do...shoved his head so far up the same asses that Bush pulled he head out of.

They are all lying to us! The only one that seems to be telling the truth is Ron Paul...but his lack of attacks on Romney do seems odd. I do not ignore facts. DB does constantly so he can try spin a line of bullshit!

I say to DB, start yourn own Obama thread. See how long you can keep that going and leave our thread where we are trying to inform each other alone.
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