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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Santorum is speaking... Damn his daughter is kinda cute/ugly... it's horse face i can't get over :D


weed fiend
I get it you got suckered four years ago and you want more than "hope for change"

Making it up as you go.

Could you point me to any presidential candidate that is 100% clear about their future plans on the stump.
My own words aren't as easy to mock. You can't point to anything 100% clear so why would you reference 100% clear? Because practical application hasn't been part of Ron Paul's face time with the country.

Dr Paul has written 10 or so books. Maybe if you would pick one of those weird things up, watch for paper cuts though...
If Ron Paul can't articulate details, he has no details. Books are great if they're titled, "How My Stump Translates To Practical Application - A Look To The Past In Order To Avoid The Pitfalls We Experienced In The 18th And 19th Centuries."


"Got 19th Century Economics? - An Expose Of Historical Inaccuracies That Erroneously Implicated The Gold Standard As Problematic."

Book after book about why our system is bogus doesn't necessarily narrow the focus into action.

I can unscrew the light bulb to lower my utility spending. Even I can fathom I won't be able to see. But what if unscrewing my light bulb generates costs above-and-beyond utilities? After medical treatments on things that go bump in the dark, I'm spending far more than the cost of burning the bulb.

How many Ron Paul's does it take to screw in a light bulb? It would depend on whether screwing in the light bulb constitutes government intrusion and or violates natural market forces. We could quite possibly learn that life in the dark isn't necessarily a bad thing in Ron's alternative world.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Santorum just mentioned his mom was 93... :eek:

that makes him an ooopsie..., no wonder he is against abortion :D


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
ah, what the hell, i would do her doggie style...

bet she would call me back :tiphat:


weed fiend
Relevant ti what?

take your pick - reality isn't a reflection of your silly arguments

Are you trying to say BO and MR are not owned by GS?

No more than Ron's owned by his contributors.

Like debt is "revenue"?

If my assumption is incorrect please correct me?!?!.

Reference one of your multiple accounting licenses.

Who do you think we should pick for our cause?

"Your" cause or a democratic consensus?


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Looks like Newt may finally be finished.

Going to be Mittens, Rick, and Paul to the finish line.

Newt, Paul and Santorum are all done... :2cents:

this is the way American politics works... it has nothing to do with voting, it has to do with monitory support and propaganda...

however, they're all done in the general election when they run up against the $1,000,000,000 Obama campaign fund...

how fucked are we...? revolution much? it's time...


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
Lets see when the third legged pony finally dropsss?

Lets see when the GOP stops believing oin the nuclear P_A_R-T-Y?

Lwts see when Mitt Romney goes home and humps his dog???

Lets see when Newt Gingrich gets caught with three dead hookers?

Im sure this conversation is worthwhile, but you gotta make a point an not just point your meat!!!

Go Giants!!!! score 3 trichs for Hollywood, my Baby


weed fiend
Newt, Paul and Santorum are all done... :2cents:

this is the way American politics works... it has nothing to do with voting, it has to do with monitory support and propaganda...

Also has to do with many Americans voting for who they see as the winner, rather than voting their personal conscience. When less than educated votes are cast outside of picking-the-winner, we get folks who vote along the lines of whom they'd most enjoy shooting the shit.

however, they're all done in the general election when they run up against the $1,000,000,000 Obama campaign fund...

That's a two-sided joke. On the other hand, we have Republicans laughing that Obama's billion dollar fund is looking a whole lot closer to ~$350 million.

Won't mention the part where Republicans expect to lose in hard contribution totals while exceeding on soft money totals.

how fucked are we...? revolution much? it's time...

Here's an idea. If Santorum wins, we can buy that shit by the drum and paint the capital gloss brown.


Game Bred
take your pick - reality isn't a reflection of your silly arguments
you no likey?
must be silly

No more than Ron's owned by his contributors.
his contributors are average citizens not multinational banking conglomerates sooo
wholly owned thereby just like BO and MR are owned by theirs

Reference one of your multiple accounting licenses.
swing and a miss...
the assumption was you support santorum NOT that T-bills are debt not revenue...
T-bills are managed by the bureau of debt that is fact not assumption ;)

"Your" cause or a democratic consensus?

our cause you know like the OP and the title and topic of the thread
or did you meander so far you forgot?

so which of the goldman employees do you think best supports our cause?

the devil we know(worst president on MJ since nixon) or the devil we dont(majic underwear)?


weed fiend
you no likey?
must be silly

his contributors are average citizens not multinational banking conglomerates sooo
wholly owned thereby just like BO and MR are owned by theirs

swing and a miss...
the assumption was you support santorum NOT that T-bills are debt not revenue...
T-bills are managed by the bureau of debt that is fact not assumption

our cause you know like the OP and the title and topic of the thread
or did you meander so far you forgot?

so which of the goldman employees do you think best supports our cause?

the devil we know(worst president on MJ since nixon) or the devil we dont(majic underwear)?

from irrelevant to effervescent
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