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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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weed fiend
don't want to get on an argumentative level, but why do you keep talking about the gold standard in that way? it's been explained the Ron Paul is working on a law to allow for competition on the money market.

I hope several supporters in this thread read your message.

How would competition effect so-called fiat currency? I gather that competition and voluntary might have similarities but I don't gather how this would constitute a standard of any kind, unless commodities actually back our currency.

it doesn't have to be gold. people will be free to chose what ever type currency they wish. when gold is mentioned it's about defining money that has real value. dollars will not be taken out of circulation, there will just be other forms of legal tender out there. everyone knows it's not practical to go to a gold only type currency, too easy to manipulate the gold prices. but making it legal for people to use other forms of money is not the same thing.

i do believe you will hear much more details about Ron Pauls fiscal plans from him once he actually makes it to campaigning for president. at this stage he's fighting a different fight imo. none of the others in this race have come up with even half as much detail as Ron Paul has.

btw countries seem to be buying up gold as fast as they can, the ones with cash anyway, China, India, Brazil, Turkey, Iran just to name a few, are buying as much as they can. there is a certain inevitability about fiat currencies crashing sooner or later, we know it from history, we know that the further we go down this path the worse the crash will be. much better to face up to it before that day and reverse course on our own terms, rather then be forced to do so under worse conditions, on terms imposed rather than negotiated.

Thanks for the insight. Unfortunately, there's too much what we could do when I'm particularly interested in what Paul would do. Not the knocking down mountains part but how he'd plan to clean up the mess.


Active member
"There are only two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by sword, the other is by debt." - John Adams

DB you the one but hurt and throwing around neg rep?


That $50 will have the buying power of $100,000 if gold was valued at $100,000 an OZ. Now who is going to carry that amount of wealth around in one coin?

Ahh... Meet My buddy Fritz circa 1919


Do you think gold coins were going to buy him bread?

The whole think is a farce, money, gold, its not actually real (but you have to use something. Use seashells it doesnt matter). When the shit hits the fan, you cant eat paper or metal.

Ron Paul wants to move from this system to that system? Who gives a shit, AND its not going to help most Americans!

We have the world fooled into thinking our paper is better than precious metal. We have done this through back doors, underhandedness, etc, etc, but bottom line it has help us WESTERNERS.

Why are you trying to fuck yourselves?

The only way it comes down is if you keep saying its going to come down.

Ron Paul just said the fed has destroyed the dollar. I would content the Fed has DESTROYED GOLD and the POUND STERLING.



Game Bred
i hate that we always have GS candidates winning too, but god damn, rick santorum has serious issues dude, so does newt...

i could never support a candidate who doesn't support or believe in contraception, WTF ????

I used to agree but a couple of very vehement posters have helped me see the light.
Werent you just telling us how RPs economic policies would be catastrophic?

But mostly DB showing so much passion for rick helped me.


And that Pound Sterling seems to be kicking everyones ass the past +4 years, thats why seed prices didnt drop when the Euro did.

Limey bastards... i got my eyes on you...


Active member
Ahh... Meet My buddy Fritz circa 1919


Do you think gold coins were going to buy him bread?

The whole think is a farce, money, gold, its not actually real. When the shit hits the fan, you cant eat paper or metal.

Ron Paul wants to move from this system to that system? Who gives a shit, AND its not going to help most Americans!

We have the world fooled into thinking our paper is better than precious metal. We have done this through back doors, underhandedness, etc, etc, but bottom line it has help us WESTERNERS.

Why are you trying to fuck yourselves?

The only way it comes down is if you keep saying its going to come down.

Ron Paul just said the fed has destroyed the dollar. i would content the Fed has DESTROYED GOLD and the POUND STERLING.


Lol you make the argument going back to commodities backed currency would be like the Weimar republic but untying the maRk from gold by ending its( the mark ) direct convertibility to gold so they could print the reparations for wwI led to the hyper inflation

Thanks for proving our argument for a backed currency.

And gold isn't the only commodity what if I want my wealth back by wheat..

I guess then I would be able to eat it.

I'm far from trying to fuck myself more like fuck the warmongers who have a monopoly on currency creation.



Well-known member
Ahh... Meet My buddy Fritz circa 1919


Do you think gold coins were going to buy him bread?

The whole think is a farce, money, gold, its not actually real (but you have to use something. Use seashells it doesnt matter). When the shit hits the fan, you cant eat paper or metal.

Ron Paul wants to move from this system to that system? Who gives a shit, AND its not going to help most Americans!

We have the world fooled into thinking our paper is better than precious metal. We have done this through back doors, underhandedness, etc, etc, but bottom line it has help us WESTERNERS.

Why are you trying to fuck yourselves?

The only way it comes down is if you keep saying its going to come down.

Ron Paul just said the fed has destroyed the dollar. I would content the Fed has DESTROYED GOLD and the POUND STERLING.


wow, just wow. flabbergasted.

you've got some fucked up morals showing there dude.

and some ass backwards logic too.


freedom, non-aggression, non-intervention



weed fiend
Hmm baloney isn't a commodity but pork belly is ya twit.

I get it. You saw Randolph and Mortimer Duke corner the belly market. They didn't mess with baloney. Thing is, you can speculate on virtually anything if there's no law against it. And yes, if one exercises their time and effort, they could corner the baloney market.

That said, baloney ain't worth much. Not unlike a slogan w/o a plan to manage the success or the fallout. The presumption that what we have is the worst has to be accepted w/o any idea of what we're wishing for. A half dozen folks have offered their ideas and I appreciate the time and effort. I won't mention that these plans appear to be conceptions and that they diverge considerably. Therefore, the poobah has an open mic, if and when he decides to offer his version of practical application.

I guess I'd like Obama to say hope for more of the same crap then extrapolate that by explaining his plans to continue empire building corporate bailouts, and monetary inflation.

If you consider regulation to prevent investment bankers from doing what we prevented them from doing for 6 decades crap, I can't help ya.

And the plan is to let the fed end itself by legalizing competing currencies

I get it. No, I don't. Wouldn't mind seeing a connection to Ron on some of these ideas of how we'll run us a country.


The Mark LOST, the DOLLAR IS KICKING ASS (This is what all of you fail to realize.)

The only threat is China, and they keep their currency low to build their middle class. They are currently experiencing 5% inflation and a housing crisis, do you think they are going to jack up their currency now?

you've got some fucked up morals showing there dude.

MY MORALS have nothing to do with analyzing the situation.

There is a lot of 'this is how it should be' 'Cicero' in this thread.

I try to deal with reality.


weed fiend
I used to agree but a couple of very vehement posters have helped me see the light.
Werent you just telling us how RPs economic policies would be catastrophic?

But mostly DB showing so much passion for rick helped me.

Now I'm a Santorum fan. :chin: Sounds like you're already banking on Romney.


Game Bred
Now I'm a Santorum fan. :chin: Sounds like you're already banking on Romney.

I can only assume...
You refused early in the thread to talk about who you think we should choose for our cause.
So deduction leads us to rick. You obviously would not vote for a Goldman candidate. newt wants to give you the needle. Ron is a racist,lying moron. Gary cant win.
Who's left?


My point is the wheelbarrow full of paper currency, gold, cowry shells what does it matter?

Why is gold better than dollars? Why replace what we already dominate?
Fuck i say make weed stems currency.

It happened, its not a reflection of MY MORALITY, perhaps Nixon's, but anyone could have trade their dollars for gold, and they did not.

Dont blame me, and dont fuck up what ended up being very good for you and the rest of the west (the pound is kicking both Dollar and Euro ass).


Active member
I get it. You saw Randolph and Mortimer Duke corner the belly market. They didn't mess with baloney. Thing is, you can speculate on virtually anything if there's no law against it. And yes, if one exercises their time and effort, they could corner the baloney market.

That said, baloney ain't worth much. Not unlike a slogan w/o a plan to manage the success or the fallout. The presumption that what we have is the worst has to be accepted w/o any idea of what we're wishing for. A half dozen folks have offered their ideas and I appreciate the time and effort. I won't mention that these plans appear to be conceptions and that they diverge considerably. Therefore, the poobah has an open mic, if and when he decides to offer his version of practical application.

If you consider regulation to prevent investment bankers from doing what we prevented them from doing for 6 decades crap, I can't help ya.

I get it. No, I don't. Wouldn't mind seeing a connection to Ron on some of these ideas of how we'll run us a country.

I get it you got suckered four years ago and you want more than "hope for change"

Could you point me to any presidential candidate that is 100% clear about their future plans on the stump.

Dr Paul has written 10 or so books. Maybe if you would pick one of those weird things up, watch for paper cuts though...


DB..... why don't you just come out of the closet about your Obamaphilia? All your trolling and flaming of Ron Paul is getting old. I wouldn't want to defend Obummer's record either so I do understand why you stay vialed.



so when it comes right down to it, you don't mind a potential 3rd world war, as long as your hollow mountains of debt can be supported a bit longer?


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
I used to agree but a couple of very vehement posters have helped me see the light.
Werent you just telling us how RPs economic policies would be catastrophic?

But mostly DB showing so much passion for rick helped me.

i wasn't the one saying RP policies economic policies would be catastrophic. but i agree a lot of his policies might cause us problems of all kind in the short run... in the long run they would be good for the country.

nobody is gonna beat obama however. bookmark this post and let's discuss in november. ;)

you can't beat a incumbent with a CLOWN and since RP doesn't have a chance with the establishment, all we are left with on the right is CLOWNS... except BOZO, i still want BOZO to enter the race...



weed fiend
I can only assume...

carry on

You refused early in the thread to talk about who you think we should choose for our cause.

assume mode currently in progress.

So deduction leads us to rick.

like the blind leading the deaf

You obviously would not vote for a Goldman candidate.

Lol. You've been gum bumping GS for months w/o even looking at their contributions. You're in 2008 and already forgot that W fucked us up so bad that GS would contribute to Elmer Fudd. It's called hedging, except in George's case it was anything but the status quot. Take a look at lawmakers implementing Wall Street reforms. Compare this to lawmakers who want no additional regulations. Realize your reasoning evolves around the idea that the president is dictator. Don't forget to compare banking committee and sub committee chairmen.

newt wants to give you the needle.

going nowhere

Ron is a racist,lying moron.

I've heard that before. I'll note your acknowledgement.

Gary cant win.

Neither can Paul.

Who's left?

While we're making it up as we go, let's remind ourselves we're not discussing anything relevant.


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
The Mark LOST, the DOLLAR IS KICKING ASS (This is what all of you fail to realize.)

The only threat is China, and they keep their currency low to build their middle class. They are currently experiencing 5% inflation and a housing crisis, do you think they are going to jack up their currency now?

MY MORALS have nothing to do with analyzing the situation.

There is a lot of 'this is how it should be' 'Cicero' in this thread.

I try to deal with reality.

and you fail to realize the only reason the dollar is "kicking ass"(I would call it "hasn't defaulted") at this point in time is the fact that OPEC oil is priced in US dollars. For about the last decade some member nations (venezuela, Iran) have been trying to switch that over to the euro. (not the best bet now, but they still want ist switched out of the US dollar)

The second the dollar is untied from Oil prices we are finished.

As for the Louis XVI and the Tsar, the reason they were executed with their famlies and dragged through the streets was because of unequivocal greed by the ruling class, while the rest of the country was pushed further and further into poverty while they lived in mansions and spents millions of dollars a month.(wow, arent we already there?).

It has NOTHING to do with an open market or fiat currency. If they had the american dollar as the only currency and hoarded the shit out of it while the people of their country ate scraps, the same thing would have happened.

The only reason it doesnt happen here is improved policing of the peasants.


Game Bred
Relevant ti what?

Are you trying to say BO and MR are not owned by GS?

Like debt is "revenue"?

If my assumption is incorrect please correct me?!?!.

Who do you think we should pick for our cause?
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