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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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So Ron Paul would let them bring their money back? I thought he was all for leaving peoples personal issues alone? Why should he tell people where they can keep their money?

Ron Pauls says worry about America, not the world. He does'nt say they have to bring the money back or be arrested, like NObamas MANDATED HEALTHCARE! Most of them want the money here. Our economy is crap. Letting Corps bring all that money back to our system helps America., whether you are willing to admit it or not. How is that making them do it.....Most of them want too....They woud have to pay taxes and fines. So he would be leaving people alone.

Note: Ending all these wars = leaving people alone/ and personal issues alone

Now lets discuss his "policies to stimulate entrepreneurs and businesses to invest and expand." I think Obama GAVE away trillions for people to start business and hire new workers.

I suggest you read up on FREE MARKETS and notice how the EPA, FDA, DEA and IRA all are just obsticles that suppress those that aren't buddies with those in power. They are also using the appointed regulators to keep us from using our own property. If you do as Ron Paul would he would either end or greatly reduce those supprissive forces and many more.


So anyways, don't mind me. I just like to argue. But I figured out a long time ago that when something appears to good to be true, it usually is. I'll admit some of Pauls ideas are good. But he know's that a lot of what he says is unattainable.

Things that are easily attainable by RON PAUL as president.

1. End the NEO CON WAR MACHINE! He is Commander in Chief in charge of all the military. This is not up for debate and is the key to saving all domestic assistance in the near future.

2. End the Drug War. The Attorney General is a dog with a bone. If you let him he will eat us up. If you replace the AG and end the FEDERAL funding of the drug war, it would be dead within 2-4 years in every state.

3. Audit the FED and find out WTX they have been doing. Confiscate any stolen money.

HE CSo anyways, don't mind me. I just like to argue. But I figured out a long time ago that when something appears to good to be true, it usually is. I'll admit some of Pauls ideas are good. But he know's that a lot of what he says is unattainable.

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Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
no. how could i prove claims i am not making?

why should anyone have to prove anything to you?

ah, now i see why you took that so personal. no, i didn't have Ron Paul in mind, nor did i intend to link him to abortion bombers. that would be cheap. but i do think he's on a continuum with other believers. i just don't know where along the continuum he falls.

Didnt take it personal, im not Ron so I really dont care much what you say about him, unless its completely factless, then I feel the need to address facts.

He falls on the "I think this, but its ok if you think different and I wont tell you what to do". which is a pretty lonely road in this race.
He doesnt smoke pot, and probably thinks its not good for you, but he doesnt care if I smoke myself retarded daily. Reasonable man if you ask me.

can't recall exactly. am too high, and don't care enough to search it out. i just remember you misrepresenting the facts in a chat with Disco i think. i gave you a chance to claim you were high and didn't understand, and you said your comprehension was just fine.

Yea it was in the healthcare rates discussion, DB suggested it was fat people(Who tend to be poor, read a study or two and you wll see the same thing. Where do you see more fat people, walmart or wall Street) driving up the premiums of healthcare.

i countered that with a statement FROM healthcare that said they were only raising rates because they thought maybe people might start thinking they can afford healthcare one day when the economy picks up. speculation is pointless when THE PEOPLE WHO RAISE THE RATES came flat out and admitted it was because of greed. He was smart enough to drop his arguement after that, you should have done the same.

Again, dishonest? By quoting the people you stick up for? Doubtful.

not at all. i gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed you were correct. even though you'd been dishonest in the past. did you miss that?

yeah I missed the dishonest part. you seem to merely be operating on a standard political tactic, "Just keep saying it till people think its true". It'd be ashame if someone thought I was dishonest because you said so, especially when I post facts and figures and your biggest contribution to this thread is attempting to debunk "sky gods".

i'm keeping an open mind.

fair enough


Active member
All three branches of gov have been operating outside the constitution(the law) for quite some time

Homerun shot!

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Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
lets review

Santorum brought up another interesting fact i would LOVE a (blind) Paul supporter to explain. Why is Dr Paul running attack ads against Santorum in MI when Dr Paul is not campaigning there?

As an informed dr paul supporter ill field this one, and ask you why the fuck would you EVER listen to santorum?

direct from ronpaul2012.com



ANN ARBOR, Michigan– The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign has announced the full schedule for Congressman Ron Paul’s three-day visit to the Great Lakes state.
Paul will make five appearances ahead of the state’s primary on February 28th.On Saturday, Paul will address a “Soldiers, Airmen, and Sailors for Ron Paul” Rally at Central Michigan University, highlighting his strong support from members of the military.

On Sunday, Dr. Paul will address small business owners at an event in Hudsonville.

On Monday, Paul will speak in Detroit at 11:00 a.m. at a town hall entitled, “Solving Detroit’s Crises.” Additionally, a 4:00 p.m. rally will take place at Michigan State University and at 7:00 p.m. Paul will be at a rally in Dearborn sponsored by the “Doctors for Ron Paul Coalition.”

So there is the romney myth debunked. Whats next? Unless of course they moved detroit, and michigan state university out of michigan sometime in the last week.

Details of the events are as follows. All times Eastern.

How is that not answering anything? You asked a question ron pauls rival asked, and I directly answered and refuted it.

Whodares post has additional explanation

Where are the TV ads against Romney?

Why would a canidate focus solely on Santorum (or the other Anti-Romney's) with there TV ads?

Why not focus on all of them, Romneycare too small a target for TV ads?

You havent answered anything, because there is no real defense.

Well he knows Romney has big money to sling mud and Romney has the steadiest support.

It's easier to capture the anti-Romney vote then actual Romney supporters, not to mention there's a whole lot more anti rom votes out there to influence.

He also isn't focusing too much on popular vote so I think it a strategy to get the most bang for his advertising buck.

I havent seen ron paul attack obama much in the debates, I guess he must be secretly working with him too?........

this whole romney/ron paul mumbo jumbo reeks of reynolds wrap.




Active member

V the latest trash talk from fox
stossel-im actually suprised they edited his show like this. [YOUTUBEIF]m4JDX0-Uo1E[/YOUTUBEIF]

fox's 5(stooges),who of them bob beckel the democrat was right except the percentage number of supporters.
and what pisses me off is the girl at the end,who implies ,if ron doesnt sell out his supporters to the establishment ,just take him out of the debates what type of reasoning is that?



Active member
Great video Benotm187. Out of rep for you :D

How is that not answering anything? You asked a question ron pauls rival asked, and I directly answered and refuted it.
How is that not answering anything?

Good combo. Smack em with his own words and then smack em with with yours.

I just wanted to post a small example of how Ron Paul is for real FREEDOM and what makes this country great.

Numerous people have stated how he feels about the immorality of sex outside of marriage.
Who back Ron Paul though? PIMPS and PROSTITUTES.
They are smart enough to know he preaches and acts on his morals, but does not impose them on others.
That's is why labels are trash. Society doesn't listen to "WHORES" or "DRUG DEALERS" they ar evil.
Christians like me are insane yet they have never even met me or had a real back a fourth.
They act as if RP condemns them, instead of taking constructive cristisism, the Prositutes see the evidence.
The first thing my Church said before starting service was, "this is a place for the Prostitute, not those claiming to be virtuous. We want people who are willing to admit they have sinned, not condemn others for theirs." When you here that and see people being touched by the Holy Ghost, You know your in the right place.

I am watching FIRST TAKE and Steven A and SKIP were just saying that....I DVR'd it. Watch todays! SKIP said, "Who did Jesus associate with? the sinner." We are all crazy and its a God Conspiracy, or you could be wrong some too.

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You asked a question ron pauls rival asked, and I directly answered and refuted it.

I havent seen ron paul attack obama much in the debates, I guess he must be secretly working with him too?........

this whole romney/ron paul mumbo jumbo reeks of reynolds wrap.

They where are Dr Pauls TV ads against Romney?

He has made ads specifically against Perry, Newt, and Santorum, where are the TV ads directed AT ROMNEY.

Saying the guy has deeper pockets is not an excuse, Perry had deeper pocket too.

'Going after the anti-Romney vote'? Dr Paul is the only one in the position to pick up voters from both factions.

Romney is not going to pick up votes from Dr Paul
And the Anti-Romney's are not picking up Dr Pauls votes either.

Dr Paul has ZERO excuse for why there are no TV ads in MI running against Romney.


Active member
That VET should had run up there and slapped John Bolton, said get up and defend yourself.

Tell him he is doing disservice. WHAT A CHUMP! He would had bowed on his knees, that is what they want us to do. NEVER GONNA HAPPEN!....Bolton has not clue/or is intentionally spreading war propaganda.

Note: I have posted a Gov't audit of the FED, many links to budgets, I posted BILL 13575 AKA UN AGENDA 21, and many posts of youtube videos of people with first hand accounts of fighting these issues.
Then I prove that the FDA is a part of the issue by posting the schedule 1 & 2 analysis.
I know feable minded attempts to dimiss them will be made.
If you think MSM is more credible than a youtube poster or a first hand account of UN AGENDA 21, you better think about how you can speak to the masses....Youtube, is gonna be one of the answers as FOX and CNN plus and MSM are in on the colusion to hide the truth.


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Good combo. Smack em with his own words and then smack em with with yours.

Where was a smacked? Where are 'my words'? Where was anything ive ever said addressed?

You live an a delusion.

Dr Paul may speak about Romney, but he sure doesnt put his money where his mouth is.

Dr Paul runs TV ads against all his competitors EXCEPT Romney...

One of us references american history, Machiavelli, Czars, actual monetary policy, fiscal realities, real life analogies etc.

The other posts youtube videos.

Someone with common sense will be able to see the contrasts, i understand this wont be everyone.



That really does say it all about the wars.......

That really does say it all about the wars.......

Great video Benotm187. Out of rep for you :D

Good combo. Smack em with his own words and then smack em with with yours.

I just wanted to post a small example of how Ron Paul is for real FREEDOM and what makes this country great.

Numerous people have stated how he feels about the immorality of sex outside of marriage.
Who back Ron Paul though? PIMPS and PROSTITUTES.
They are smart enough to know he preaches and acts on his morals, but does not impose them on others.
That's is why labels are trash. Society doesn't listen to "WHORES" or "DRUG DEALERS" they ar evil.
Christians like me are insane yet they have never even met me or had a real back a fourth.
They act as if RP condemns them, instead of taking constructive cristisism, the Prositutes see the evidence.
The first thing my Church said before starting service was, "this is a place for the Prostitute, not those claiming to be virtuous. We want people who are willing to admit they have sinned, not condemn others for theirs." When you here that and see people being touched by the Holy Ghost, You know your in the right place.

I am watching FIRST TAKE and Steven A and SKIP were just saying that....I DVR'd it. Watch todays! SKIP said, "Who did Jesus associate with? the sinner." We are all crazy and its a God Conspiracy, or you could be wrong some too.


Hehehehehe..... No shit. But there were WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION strapped to the goats outside the tent.....LMFAO

That really illustrates how ridiculous these wars have been. Could have carpet bombed a few cities where Ben was reported...... had less civilian losses, and really no worse reputation.

Blowback..... If you came to this country and did what we have to theirs.... I guarantee, I would become a terrorist against the country that did it. Sure there are extremist idiots in every country including ours but no... they really didn't pose a threat to us. Enforce the laws we had in place and "guard our diamonds better than our peanuts and we would have never lost the diamonds".



Active member
why should anyone have to prove anything to you?

because they're making outrageous claims about the world we live in. if a bearded man says we get virgins and rivers of honey in paradise if we wage jihad and kill some infidels, then he'd better have some compelling evidence for that. i don't want to kill innocent people, lose my life, and then find out there are no virgins waiting for me. that would really suck.

we are basing policy, our lives, on these kinds of silly claims.

Again, dishonest? By quoting the people you stick up for? Doubtful.

no. by misquoting, misrepresenting. like you just did with me. you say you understand what's written, but argue, or imply, something else. this is either a tactic or a comprehension issue (re: too stoned), or, in my case, perhaps i'm just not communicating effectively. but if you say it's not deliberate, i believe you. and for my part i'll try and communicate more effectively.



Blowback is a perfect word for this thread.

Blowback = unintended consequences.

Blowback = funding religious zealots fight against your enemy, that then transforms into a fight against your way of life.

Blowback = Cutting taxes so you have more control of your money, but consequentially enabling the oligarchs/plutocrats to further control your life.

Dr Paul will slam the front door so hard, the back door will come swinging open.



Active member
the lack of romney attacks are because the other 2 do it for him,on the flip side, no one up there can attack dr.paul on his record without misreprisenting the facts,so that explains the lack of attacks from mitt.


and the others have forgotten about the arab american demographic aswell :


"Arab Republicans in the Detroit area say they are planning to announce a joint endorsement of Paul with about 150 mostly Muslim business leaders. In interviews with Yahoo News, those signing onto the pending endorsement expressed dismay with candidates like Newt Gingrich, who refers to Palestinians as an "invented people"--Arab Americans here jokingly call Gingrich "the invented candidate"--and Rick Santorum, for his hawkish stance on Iran and his stalwart defense of Israel.

"They've come out against practically every position that the Arabs in the community support," said Nasser Beydoun, the former head of American Arab Chamber of Commerce in Dearborn. "I don't think Republicans are focused on immigrants in general or Arab Americans. They're too busy catering to the fringes of the party."

Paul's focus on Detroit is a clear window into his campaign. Maximizing votes would be nice. Spreading the "message of liberty" to unmarked territory is even better. Because you don't ramp up your popular vote by winning over Muslims in a Michigan Republican primary. In 2008, when Democrats only held a token primary (Hillary Clinton and Dennis Kucinich appeared on the ballot, along with "uncommitted"), a whopping 0 percent of Republican voters identified as Muslims. Less than 2 percent were non-white."


^^^^^ I do understand your stand and beliefs Cojito. I do also worry about how that their beliefs effects their decisions. To make it very simple, if I thought I was going to go straight to heaven and all the "good people" with me, I might be a bit more likely to start Armageddon especially if my belief system is that it is inevitable anyway.

Science is also a type of religion though... We "know" what we "know" today until we discover, notice, or disprove something tomorrow. Science is just a little less static and faster evolving religion in my opinion, at least in the last centuries. My own beliefs are very similar to those of Einstein's quote in my signature.

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