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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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how has it gotten worse in the last 3 years?

Not gotten better, sure, but how has Barak Obama been worse than GWB?


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
how has it gotten worse in the last 3 years?

Not gotten better, sure, but how has Barak Obama been worse than GWB?

"Bill Whittle Reminds Us About the Last Three Years Under Obama (Video)"

He has tripled our national debt

He has added half as much total debt in three years as the last 43 presidents combined.


Fast and Furious

Prevented Boeing from using a $2 billion dollar factory that has already been built because of the state it is in

Subsidized Brazilian companies to drill in the gulf of mexico

lied about closing GITMO, lied about backing off Med Marijuana

GM bailout
"Jobs stimulus"
shall I continue?

I still hate Bush worse though.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
He has added half as much total debt in three years as the last 43 presidents combined.

I still hate Bush worse though.

every president since at least reagan has outspent all pervious presidents combined. i don't condone it, i'm just sayin

and yea, bush was worse...
and yea, bush was worse...

I still hate Bush worse though.
Just curious (putting the flame suit on), how was Bush "worse."

Are you talking about regarding the war (remember Obama campaigned on withdrawing the troops--they're still there), regarding the debt (obama added multiple trillions in one year--more than Bush), regarding personal liberty (both sucked), regarding chrony-capitalism (Bush gave money to his cronies, so did Obama), etc.

Like I said, I'm curious to know how Bush is "worse." At the least, the things you "hate" Bush for are the very things Obama's doing just in different ways or slightly smaller or larger numbers.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
obama brought home the troops from iraq. we should have never been there in the first place. saddam couldn't kill israelis with scud missiles, he sure as fuck wasn't a threat to the U.S.

iraqi war - 4500 dead americans, 100,000+ dead iraqis...

but your are correct, they are both cocksucking liars...


weed fiend
and I can still get high all I want-as long as I dont get caught, so I guess thats not really interfering in my rights. after all....government knows best.

Not one single dollar in new taxes should be introduced. Instead maybe part of the $2 billion dollar a year DEA go go to that, or the $5 billion plus dollar FDA budget could go to something worthwhile.

Db, stop being so naive.

Anyone with a four minute google search and the ability to put two and two together knows that Health care Costs are driven up out of the range of the average american by Insurance companies who raises premiums and lower copays to "cover future costs", Drug Makers who own patents on name brand medicine, and to a lesser extent hospitals who are trying to cover their asses from lawsuit losses. Scapegoating poor people who cant afford healthy food is the same as saying people are only poor cuz they are lazy and dont want to work. for shame.


Our health care is so expensive because we're the only industrialized nation that makes a profit. You'll probably disagree with that too.:)

Britain told us a sugar tax was a good idea and would help us too


Other groups thought it was no big deal when the government made laws that didnt make sense

"To live in this process is absolutely not to be able to notice it—please try to believe me—unless one has a much greater degree of political awareness, acuity, than most of us had ever had occasion to develop. Each step was so small, so inconsequential, so well explained or, on occasion, ‘regretted,’ that, unless one were detached from the whole process from the beginning, unless one understood what the whole thing was in principle, what all these ‘little measures’ that no ‘patriotic German’ could resent must some day lead to, one no more saw it developing from day to day than a farmer in his field sees the corn growing. One day it is over his head."-
An excerpt from
They Thought They Were Free
The Germans, 1933-45
Milton Mayer


I'm all for waxing regulations that don't make sense. But I pay attention to the science, not whether it mimics propaganda.

Useful Idiot

Active member
Thought ya would get a kick outta this.....President Obama goes to a primary school to talk to the kids. After his talk he
offers question time.

One little boy puts up his hand, and Obama asks him his name.
" Walter," responds the little boy.

"And what is your question, Walter?"

"I have four questions:

First, Why did the USA Bomb Libya without the support of the

Second, Why do you keep saying you fixed the economy when it's
actually gotten worse?

Third, Why did you say that Jeremiah Wright was your mentor,
then said that you knew nothing about his preaching and beliefs?

Fourth, Why are we lending $ to Brazil to drill for oil, but
America is not allowed to drill for oil?"

Just then, the bell rings for recess. Obama informs the kiddies that
they will continue after recess.

When they resume Obama says, "OK, where were we? Oh, that's right: question time.. Who has a question?"

Another little boy puts up his hand. Obama points him out and asks him
his name.

"Steve," he responds.

"And what is your question, Steve?"

Actually, I have two questions.

First, Why did the recess bell ring 20 minutes early?

Second, What the f*#k happened to Walter?"


Just curious (putting the flame suit on), how was Bush "worse."

Are you talking about regarding the war (remember Obama campaigned on withdrawing the troops--they're still there), regarding the debt (obama added multiple trillions in one year--more than Bush), regarding personal liberty (both sucked), regarding chrony-capitalism (Bush gave money to his cronies, so did Obama), etc.

Like I said, I'm curious to know how Bush is "worse." At the least, the things you "hate" Bush for are the very things Obama's doing just in different ways or slightly smaller or larger numbers.

Bush was worse because he didnt count the wars "on the books". He said their spending didnt count, when it obviously does.

Obama put all the spending 'on the books' and republicans attack HIM for doubling the debt.

War spending should be on the budget, go figure.


Ron Paul knows how to stretch a dollar – or 15 million dollars

Ron Paul is lovin' it at McDonald's.

There’s no doubt about it. Ron Paul is cheap.

When Republican presidential rival Rick Perry stayed in Council Bluffs, Iowa, his campaign racked up a $1,204 tab at the Hilton Gardens Inn. When Paul visited Council Bluffs, he spent $64.38 at a Super 8 motel.

The Texas congressman’s campaign disclosure report, released to the public this week, reveals that he has worked to stretch his dollars on the presidential trail. His list of expenditures includes a number of purchases from businesses known for low prices, including Walmart, The Dollar Tree, Super 8, Subway and Casey’s General Store.

His favorite restaurant, McDonald’s, appeared more than 40 times. (After all, there’s nothing like a value meal).

With few bills from expensive catering companies, Paul’s campaign opted for pizza — and lots of it. From Pizza Hut to Domino’s Pizza to Godfather’s Pizza (take that, Herman Cain), the campaign was billed for pizza more than 70 times.

Paul’s smallest bill? A one dollar purchase from Salvation Army. (Could it have been one of those suits he wore at presidential debates?)

On the campaign trail, Paul claims that he is the only candidate for a balanced budget and reduced spending. His disclosure statements prove that he practices what he preaches.

That doesn’t mean he spends nothing. Overall, Paul spent $15,085,426.39 in the fourth quarter, the second most of any Republican candidate. Mitt Romney topped him at $19,019,342.53 and Perry was a close third at $14,226,095.17.

Paul’s biggest expense was his TV ads that saturated the air waves of Iowa and New Hampshire. However he managed to end the quarter with zero in debt — unlike Perry, Cain, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Jon Huntsman, Michele Bachmann, Tim Pawlenty, Buddy Roemer, Gary Johnson and Thaddeus McCotter.
Romney was the only other candidate without any debt.

And one more thing: Paul spends the money the way he raises it — in small chunks. Overall, 62 percent of Paul’s disbursements were for under $100. Just 5 percent of Perry’s expenditures were less than $100.



Game Bred
obama brought home the troops from iraq. we should have never been there in the first place. saddam couldn't kill israelis with scud missiles, he sure as fuck wasn't a threat to the U.S.

iraqi war - 4500 dead americans, 100,000+ dead iraqis...

but your are correct, they are both cocksucking liars...
funny thing bout that...
he followed the exact timeline set by bushie,but hey he is better somehow:rolleyes:


Active member
I have ZERO problem with them using unarmed drones on the border (with land owner permission).

Its when they are armed, the term "flying killer robots" seems more appropriate... and less numbing...

'border drones' should have IR lasers they can target border crossers with, to help HUMAN ground forces pinpoint their location.

Are you insinuating Dr Paul is against this?

I have ZERO problem with them using unarmed drones on the border (with land owner permission).
NO CHANCE! That would defeat the point of drones, part of the control is you never know your being watch or about to be murdered for a mere suspicion.

I am saying watch CNN and how they use the drones on TV. The other day I was just walking by a tv at the gym and they said, "There are 4 SUSPECTED MILITANTS" then they killed them all four! So were they bad guys or just innocent civilians? Do you care? I sure do! The next step are drones that don't need to be piloted, just robot killing machines with nobody to answer too, no knowledge of the Constitution or our Rights, JUST KILLING MACHINES!!!

How does Ron Paul feel about it? That is for to scary a subject to bring up on National TV, those newsletters and third party are the only real questions! I a pretty sure Ron Paul would be against these killing machines especially since they are controlled by MILITARY and UN TROOPS as well! Don't you see what is coming yet? Do you really feel the media is being honest? They are part of the MK ULTRA control. Look at all the evidence in front of you.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a b c d e F g h i
j k l m n O p q r
s t u v w X y z

That is just an accident, Right? Draw it out and you will see. I cant get the columns straight.
Last edited:


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
Is that you giving all the anonymous rep, Mad? :chin:

actually no, I have never given out negative rep on this site. negative reinforcement has no place in my opinion. in fact.....

"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to DiscoBiscuit again"

but whatever.


Active member
The military men and women are telling you who to vote for, they know what is really going on in the war zones. Dr. Paul rules another quarter of the years Military donations. PEACE

A small exert:
A veteran of the Cold War-era, Paul raised more than $150,000 from active military in the fourth quarter. This comes after the Congressman outraised all GOP candidates -- including all GOPers combined, and President Obama singularly -- in the second and third quarters of last year. Dr. Paul also outraised his GOP competitors in a head-to-head comparison during his 2008 run for the presidency.

Especially notable is that Paul raised about triple the amount Obama received and about six times that of all currently-competing Republicans--Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Buddy Roemer, and Rick Santorum--combined.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
funny thing bout that...
he followed the exact timeline set by bushie,but hey he is better somehow:rolleyes:

i would say so, he didn't start the war... would he have started the war in iraq? a completely unnecessary war that has killed over 105,000 human beings...

bush, cheney and rumsfield are cocksuckers for doing that shit... and that shit is on them when they meet their maker...

plus now that we are gone, watch a full out civil war start soon where a lot more people die.

and i'm not saying saddam was a good guy, he wasn't at all and he killed millions, but we had no business being there as he was not a threat to us. as ron paul says, 'why are we policing the the world'?

if anything we should have attacked saudi arabia since 19 of the hijackers were from there. oh wait, they have oil and we are in the bed with the royal family. that would have been bad for business. fuck human life, money is more important.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Ron Paul is the Ultimate Anti-Zionist.. I love this man... His life long motto is fuck AIPAC

The reason why there is zero difference between Obummer And Evil Bush...both recieved more money from AIPAC than any other contributers... No one thinks its weird that Billionare Jews fund American Politics???? WTF is up with that shit.... RON PAUL ALL DAY
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