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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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Active member
the racisim accusations hold no water,he's gonna answer the same way every time ,and the media can either stop asking or risk losing what little credibility they have left.

he even gave minorities free health care, but not many will get to hear that.
Not very well traveled are you?

Having lived in many states myself and spent extended stays in many others.
The institutional racism in this country is in the upper midwest and the northeast far more than the south.

please, if you think "reverse racism" (ridiculous that the term even exists) is as big a problem as racism, you deserve to be lynched.
You're right, they would. You're also right that some people would relocate if that ever happened. And again, you're right that some of those displaced by those laws would move to your state.


There seems to be a lot of people who think that for every new person who moves to California, there's less to go around for everyone else. That's a near-sighted, and close minded point of view.

So, now do you have to be born in a state to be allowed to live there? I'm assuming that you're a birther, or else you wouldn't have such self-righteous opinions. Either that, or you're a hypocrite in that when you moved to Cali, it was okay, there weren't so many people then...

Land of opportunity? Not in cali.

yea, well a lot of ron paul supporters are not down with immigrants coming to this country. they think that with every immigrant coming into this country, there's less to go around for everyone else. that's a nearsighted, and close minded point of view.

so, now do you have to be born in the us to be allowed to live there?


Freedom Fighter
yea, well a lot of ron paul supporters are not down with immigrants coming to this country. they think that with every immigrant coming into this country, there's less to go around for everyone else. that's a nearsighted, and close minded point of view.

so, now do you have to be born in the us to be allowed to live there?

and if we let states decide on everything...we are going to have some fucked up laws in some states and then we are going to have way too many fucking people coming to cali. cali is overpopulated as it is. we can't afford to take refugees from states that have super fucked up racist laws.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Well-known member
Racism is meant for the ignorant to fight and argue over for eternity. It's used to divide and conquer the people. When your on the path to enlightenment it is impossible to think with such a close minded view. Dr. Paul looks at everyone as an individual. Understand the ignorance in the world is manipulated by the evil in the world. Don't be fooled.
but anyways, what's the worst about letting southern states create there own laws is that it fucks the minorities that cannot afford to move or decide to stay. why should people that have built there lives and businesses be forced to move because of fucked up state laws. federal laws need to protect these people from fucked up state laws.
i think different people define the term racist differently. ask someone of color, a minority, what racism is. then ask a white person what racism is, and they have no idea cause they've never experienced it, but they think they do.
i think that we should have federal laws that protect US citizens so they are not forced to move from their fucking homes. if we could create laws in other countries that makes it better for illegals to stay in their country, then that would be great but that is fucking impossible. but we do have federal laws that protect people, so why get rid of those and allow states to force people to leave their homes and relocate to another state?


Well-known member
stonedstoner your so dumbed down it's not even funny it's frightening. You want free healthcare, no private business, and allow illegal immigrants to run around the country where the law doesn't apply to them because their here illegally. Sounds worst than nazi Germany fascism for the citizens and the promise land for anyone here illegally. The ignorance is just pouring off you.
and if you guys support the free market then there shouldn't be restrictions on hiring illegal immigrants, right? americans just have to compete and do the shit work for just as cheap or they have to get better paying, higher skilled jobs.
and for ron paul to say that he cannot be racist because he's a libertarian and sees everyone as individuals and doesn't see race (he might as well say that he doesn't see color) is ignorant as fuck. he's saying that he is incapable of being racist because he's a libertarian. does that mean that all libertarians are incapable of being racist? i don't think he knows what racism is.


Well-known member
Illegal immigrants actually drive wages down and they takeaway jobs from American teenagers. I'm not against immigration reform but whats going on now is just ridiculous and out of control and is part of the overall agenda.


Well-known member
Hey stonedstoner I suggest studying up on some more TV like you have been doing. You got maybe a week or two before you can no longer critically think.
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