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Romney says he will Destroy Medical Marijuana "Tooth and Nail"..


Professor Organic Psychology
All presidents, no matter how cool they start off are the same. They have to all act like the dad that use to smoke it in college and is now dead set against it. Well the republicans don't admit they smoked it usually, but you get the idea. They are all looking out for our best interest and smoking weed isn't allowed.


just do it
romney is a fork tongued snake oil wholesaler who cares more about the steaming turd he left unflushed in his 24k gold toilet than the american commoners


Active member
Man were fucked either way. Obama saying he won't stop med mj yet he tries anyways. And Romney saying he's gonna. It's like that southpark episode, you've been given a choice between a douche and a turd!

I vote for Mr. T, he has no time for jibba jabba and he will pity the fools that try and take our med mj.


Active member
i wrote in ron paul.i also voted for mmj.i dont think its going to pass though,based on conversations i heard.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Ok, i was a little bit harsh, because i prefer Obama. He just seems like a more intelligent compassionate human being, to me.

Romney does seem a LOT better candidate than Geroge. W. 'The Cretin' Bush.....

honestly, i don't think Mr. Bush would qualify for being a Hungry Jacks manager.

Obama may be an intelligent, compassionate human being. He is also a piss-poor manager, doesn't appear to understand finance, and is so busy being compassionate that unemployment among blacks has risen by 11% under him, largely because they are competing for the same jobs as the illegal aliens with de facto amnesty.

I'm not wild about either choice, but damn I am hoping for a change.


Active member


Wasn't Bush the retard that was president when most of Americas financial woes exploded?

And now it seems the Republicans point the finger at Obama saying that he isn't fixing things? Maybe that's accurate on the surface, but change takes time....

Also, switching back and forth all the time wont help things.

Shouldn't presidency be about being a good thinker OVERALL, not being an expert at everything.
Maybe Obama isn't an accounting genius, but at least he doesn't behave like an entitled rich pr*ck. (*cough* Geroge.W *cough, cough*)

Like Hash Zepplin said 'White people problems'.

Mitt Romney-


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Wasn't Bush the retard that was president when most of Americas financial woes exploded?

And now it seems the Republicans point the finger at Obama saying that he isn't fixing things? Maybe that's accurate on the surface, but change takes time....

Bush was the guy standing next to the bomb when it went off, yes. However, it had a 20-year fuse. Much of the groundwork was laid under Carter with the Community Reinvestment Act, which was subsequently expanded immensely by Clinton, and then helped along even more by some people whose names would be very familiar to you now. Not to say that the Dems were fully responsible, but they are sure as hell not in any position to be pointing fingers about responsibility for the melt down. It's actually pretty interesting if you start putting the elements of it together and forgo the 30-second sound bite comic-book version.


Active member
Some insights on U.S. elections, with Bi0hazard:

The lobbyists trick, when influencing both parties is to have economic, trade and foreign policies stay the same across both parties, while they argue about other differences. This usually end up with one side catering a new law or bill towards some lobbyist interests. In order to even compete in an election, candidates need to earn lots of corporate donations and lobbyist money. How is this done? They make agreements with the companies providing the money, that they have their interest at heart and that they will help pass a certain bill or legislature that is in the favor of that company, whether good for the American public or not. Look at the ban on Medical Cannabis research in the U.S. just so they can keep it a schedule 1 drug - for lack of medical studies in the U.S.

Under clinton, there was $3.4 trillion dollars missing from the Department of Defense. When bush came into office, he did other things that hurt our economy, but never once mentioned the $3.4 trillion lost, which in 2002 was half of the US national debt. Since Bush lied his ass off about everything under the sun, why didn't he tell the truth about why $3.4 trillion were missing before he took office? I absolutely despise Bush, don't get me wrong, but what I'm trying to point out is that there are unspoken corruptions that carry across both parties. Neither end will blow the whistle on it, because it will implicate their party as well or reveal the corruption to the public, making it harder for the left or right to continue engaging in same corruption in the future. Not that all politicians are dirty and corrupt, just that there are many who won't become whistle-blowers when facing others in their own party involved in corruption or if the policy continued across both parties. Both would have an interest in not making it public knowledge.

Under Bush in 2008, he bailed out the Banks - after their corrupt actions with other peoples money which led to the collapse. In the 2 weeks leading up to Bush's $770 Billion bailout, the Federal Reserve was printing $215 billion a day (which devalues all the USD's currently in circulation) essentially doubling the bailout cost, while hiding half of it's price-tag, by using the FED to print money beyond its means.

When Obama came into office he did an almost identical bail out of corrupt banking practices that like under Bush, destroyed tons of familiar 401k's and pensions. He followed in the same protection of corporate corruption as Bush.

Basically the presidents from either party leap-frog each other, moving each others policies forward on these issues, while pointing the finger at each other. At the same time the mainstream media blurs, Foxnews tells everyone that Bush was the best president and didn't violate the constitution at all, while many of the other Mainstream Media channels like CNN and NBC do the same thing around Obamas corruption and unconstitutional actions. They each cater to their demographic, and prepare them to try to prop their party's canditate into power, thinking it will fix all the issues from the other political party.

For instance Bush Passes the Patriot Act, Obama passes the NDAA which applies the patriot act to all US citizen. Want me to keep going?

Clinton setup NAFTA which exploited many 3rd world countries, Bush sets up CAFTA which expands the same corrupt policies further, and now Obama is pushing for the FTAA which would extend this corrupt policy across the whole North/South American continents and beyond.

Republicans are led to believe if they get the Dems out and their guy in it will be fixed, and after a republican spends 4-8 years in the office, the Dems think the same thing with their candidate. It's simple divide and conquer, the US public are being taken advantage of by both parties but they can't come together and realize it - instead they polarize and try to cycle the same see-saw of Left to Right to Left to Right into office, you would think they were trained to walk in a line military style =)
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State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
just a dog and pony show... apparently people really get caught up in it... but they also got caught up in star wars and star trek....


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Thank god we dont have to worry about those cocksuckers for another four years

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor


Is that Cannabis is totally legal in Washington and Colorado? Or just Medical like California?


So does that mean that there will be Coffee shops etc., like in Amsterdam?

And anyone can grow now? Just like it is fruit and vegetables?

Sorry about the questions, i am just a little bit surprised to hear it. I don't live in America.


nobody knows yet. The feds are most likely not going to allow it. We will just have to wait and see what happens.