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Riverside 2012



I know you seek some update a lot, so here it is.

I was on morning mission, brought pertlite and dolomite, dug a little and took pix.
I set nettle juice in rain collected water

Here I have some seedlings fighting for life since 20 April. They survived few frosty nights like this one and getting stronger!

"I will hug you, it's so cold"

I dig rows for them with same native-soil-only mix. Fastest man with the biggest balls donor a pollen onto the prettiest lady on the whole land.

I have reveging plants in the ground but I deleted files unfortunately. Girls in bad mood, they experienced first frost in life. They have more than month and about 1 feet. I think there will be no frost again, this one was unexpected. In fact I had 8*C in home termometer.

It's time to take some clones...


My final medium is 60/20/20 coco/fertilized peat/perlite it has great structure!! When you squeeze it up you hear crackin/clickin sound and react like a sponge. This will work for me:D


Active member

Man that native soil looks great!!
Cant wait to see the rows growing up!
Nice spot..


If this is your final mix for outdoor than you should add some compost for fertilizer retention or use slow releasing fertilizer, but I guess you already prepared your holes.



Man that native soil looks great!!
Cant wait to see the rows growing up!
Nice spot..

This soil IS great! In hot summer days top lyer is completely dry but if you dig 1-2" it's nice cold and wet. Allways moist.

If this is your final mix for outdoor than you should add some compost for fertilizer retention or use slow releasing fertilizer, but I guess you already prepared your holes.

Last year plants were massive olny with perlite/dolomite/mineral fertilizer. There is no point to carry on tons of market soil and amend this one. I have add organic compressed/granulated manure for slow nutrients releasing, as I mentioned before. They will grow like crazy after acclimate native soil.:blowbubbles:



Little update. I dug first part of seedlings in, few days ago. Clones getting ready to go. Girls reveg, more or less.


Husky Jackal

Very Neat Monster
Hi quattro, your spot looks great, the mj blends so well with the environment... What's your latitude ? And your native soil looks great. My native soil looks pretty much like yours but it retains too much water sometimes. And here we have a problem with fields like that, people bring a lot of sheep and cows there, so I need to find a more elevated spot. Anyway, good luck with your grow ! Peace, HJ.


Well-known member
hey quattro,
looks like you are germinating a few seeds there, hehe :biggrin:
happy season mate!


Thanks guys!

I am about 51 latitude. Need to dig out few holes more, wait for rain, then transfer plants and after that be super happy enjoying their growth with you, here:laughing::woohoo:

I thought to start AF in rows on another spot, but now i see that clones are much much better way to go. No AF in outdoor this year, sry icmag hehe

...meanwhile girls are extremely relaxed taking jackuzzi bath hehe:


I have made about 80% of all I wanted to do on that spot. Coming rain let the bush overgrow area and me finish remaining 20%. Capture last year corpses...

Throw out clones and hide them in bushes to acclimate.

One of those lovely mornings:blowbubbles:

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