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Revival of the Ultimate Sativa Thread

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The Blueberry male just won't stop growing, he's possibly the most vigourous bugger I've ever had, I've cloned him to ensure I have breeding options. He's the most sativa pheno and is an F2 of the DJ Short original. The chosen Columbian Gold clone is going to be knocked up in a couple of weeks.


Active member
Regardless of how it got here, it's Colombia's unique "micro" climates that produce high quality drug cannabis.


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Colombian "Blue"

Colombian "Blue"

The Blueberry male just won't stop growing, he's possibly the most vigourous bugger I've ever had, I've cloned him to ensure I have breeding options. He's the most sativa pheno and is an F2 of the DJ Short original. The chosen Columbian Gold clone is going to be knocked up in a couple of weeks.
That is going to be one killer cross BH! I bet you could grow "hemp" and make it come out spectacular!


enjoy your thanks day!

enjoy your thanks day!

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redrider said:
Regardless of how it got here, it's Colombia's unique "micro" climates that produce high quality drug cannabis.

Interestingly the highest grade colombian coffees aren't sold under the names of various plantations like most coffees but all of the farmers from a particular microclimate put their harvest together and sell under the name of their climate.


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
zamalito said:
Interestingly the highest grade colombian coffees aren't sold under the names of various plantations like most coffees but all of the farmers from a particular microclimate put their harvest together and sell under the name of their climate.

Punto Rojo Escorpión (Scorpio) from the coffee areas:
This must be the "creeper" variant of the so-called Punto Rojo strains.The main cola bends over and the top starts to grow towards the sun,looks like the tail of the scorpions :smile:


That is going to be one killer cross BH! I bet you could grow "hemp" and make it come out spectacular!

Haha! I'm fooling you all, I have plenty of plants that don't turn out so great, they just don't get photographed as often, I'm an outdoor grower really, this indoor stuff is fairly new to me, only been growing indoors for two years, and only recently got the hang of it. I just wish I still had an allotment to grow outdoors, I much prefer outdoor weed if given the choice.


Active member


Hey Raco I would love to see some of your "connoisseur" strains grown out under the tropical sunshine! Send me some of your best and I will make em better no? Peace!
I say this with the deepest of respect and admiration as you sir are truly the connoisseur I aspirer to be.


Active member
Yeah right

Yeah right

Haha! I'm fooling you all, I have plenty of plants that don't turn out so great, they just don't get photographed as often, I'm an outdoor grower really, this indoor stuff is fairly new to me, only been growing indoors for two years, and only recently got the hang of it. I just wish I still had an allotment to grow outdoors, I much prefer outdoor weed if given the choice.
Modest I think....


Active member
hello all, thought i'd drop in and contribute my bangladesh and vietnamese black from a past grow. had a pic somewhere of my santa marta gold but can't seem to find it. hopefully not lost with og!



Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps...

My take on it is I manage to make some good end product and medicate myself daily with it so I'm quite happy. There's a lot of ego and boasting around about growing, I don't get involved, as long as you're producing medicine that works, who cares how skillful you are?

I spend a couple of hours a day with my plants, carefully watching them has taught me far more than any book or website, I know an old Jewish lady who grows amazing pot, and she has never been taught or read a book, she just has almost 40 years experience, she started smoking when she was a soldier in the IDF fighting in Israel in 1968 and started with seeds from plants she stumbled across in the Lebanon on patrol, she's lived in England for 30 years and the stuff she grows in her little greenhouse is always superb, all because she knows how to care for her plants from decades of close observation. I think it's like anything, practice makes perfect. I set her up a 250w HPS in her airing cupboard last month and gave her half a dozen clones, can't wait to go and see her and see how they're doing. She's an ace baker of cakes so I;ve saved a big bag of trim and she's gonna get cooking.


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
redrider said:
Hey Raco I would love to see some of your "connoisseur" strains grown out under the tropical sunshine! Send me some of your best and I will make em better no? Peace!

PM me :wink:

Good to see you! :wave:
nice plants btw...:wink:
I still have some Bangladesh sativa beans,gifted by Chaman years ago...if still viable,I´d like to make a cross:
Pine Tar Kush (West Pakistani indica :D) x Bangladesh (Former East Pakistan)sativa and...
...Deep Chunk (Afghani indica) x Bangladesh sativa=Bangladeep,Jurassic Smoke :biglaugh:
and many others of course! :wink:
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Ooh, didn;t see your post before my last post, those are gorgeous ladies harry, and I love those nifty little wheely stands, I've hurt my back a few times moving large potted plants, I bet you can just wheel em about during the day as the sun moves in the sky so they are always getting the max exposure, I'll have to make me some of those for next year.

I take it the vietnamese is the columnar one in the green pot? It looks typically se asian, but less stretchy than Thai's I've grown outdoors. What latitude are you at and when did the Vietnamese finish? I've always wanted to grow some Vietnamese Black, supposed to be a very trippy smoke.

Did the bushy one grow like that or has it been pruned? It looks like it will yield a fair bit with all those budsites. I've never seen a Bangladeshi before, are they similar to South Indian sativas? Not that I know what a S Indian sativa is like, I'd like to grow some one day, I've heard they are pretty good indoors. Maybe I'll have to head to Kerala and get myself some landrace beans.


Active member
hola raco,:wave: how are you doing these days? i've followed your posts from OG to here and always admired your work. these were original bang beans from loader.
i've done a cross with it so far and is called Lady Bangladesh. the original blue dot by male bangladesh. i'll upload pics of that one later.

british_hempire, nice to meet you. the castors do indeed make things easier. these plants were started early and finished almost 7.5' tall with container.
yes, the viet is the green pot and bang in brown. i'm in n. amerika and these were brought indoors to finish. not sure of the total time right away but can look up my chart and see. i have a couple bud shots i'll upload. these were such monsters that it was hard to safely photo them outside without compromising my security.

the bangladesh was pruned early on and never seen an indian variety so sorry i can't make comparison.

These are some early viet buds.



Green Mujaheed
I've never seen a Bangladeshi before, are they similar to South Indian sativas?

I doubt it, these are two different regions quite far away from each others.

Irie !


Yes, I realise they are quite far apart, but I would think the Ganges delta (Bangladesh) would have a somewhat similar climate to southern India, although it is hotter further south they both have the monsoon and are hot and humid in summer.

Hi Harry, nice to meet you too, that pruning made her a lovely bushy lady, she looks like she would have got really tall without. What was the yield on that lady?


Green Mujaheed
Yes, I realise they are quite far apart, but I would think the Ganges delta (Bangladesh) would have a somewhat similar climate to southern India, although it is hotter further south they both have the monsoon and are hot and humid in summer.

Yup, but there are strong altitude differences. Except coastal areas, most of South India is a few hundreds meter elevation, up to +2000 meters. Bangladesh is below 100 meters, and most of it actually below 50 meters elevation. Where Kerala ganja grows on soil of mostly volcanic origin, the Bangladeshi one is thriving on the sediments brought by Holy Ganga.
Bangladesh also is more rainy than South India as moonsoon clouds get stopped on their way northward by the Himalayan Range and release their huge load overthere. Kerala has an annual rainfall of about 3 meters (with both Summer and winter moonsoon), and bangladesh goes up to 5 meters (with about 85% during summer moonsoon).

Irie !


Active member


I used two Afghan males to pollinate two different pure Colombians. This was the first cross with what I call a "coastal green", she's from the Santa Marta region but not Gold in color and has a slightly different high. Both the taste and high are improving with the cure (2 months so far).

Peace from Colombia
I did a translation from "The Great Book of Hemp - Rowan Robinson" about how Cannabis came to America. The translation is not the best, i did it a bit quickly so please forgive any errors.

"Vikings based on cannabis for the construction of ropes and canvas for sailing and most likely they had cannabis seeds with them, when they came in North America a thousand years back. Sailors, usually, had a stock of seeds to supply them in case of shipwreck. Chinese explorers could also brought Cannabis to the West side of North America, or birds travelling from Asia to America.

Cannabis existed in North America from the prehistoric times. [...] Some of the oldest references of cannabis existence in N.America are found in the ancient "Mound Builders of the Great Lakes" and the Valley of Missisipi. (Translation is a bit "free", please correct me!). Hundreds of clay pipes, some had remains of cannabis and were wrapped with cannabis cloths, were found at the called "Mound of the Mask of Death", around 400BC in today's Ohio.

At 1891 a study called "Prehistoric Textile Art of Eastern United States", W.H. Holmes (ethnologist,Smithsonian Institute) describes the discovery of big pieces of cannabis cloths in a excavation at Morgan,Tenessy: "Friends of the dead put together with the body not only the clothes of his daily life but also bundles of fibers. These fibers are found out to be Cannabis Sativa, wild cannabis."

European explorers were pleased when they saw a familiar plant at the unknown "New World". Florentine Giovanni da Verrazano, wrote for the natives he met in a French expedition at Virginia at 1524: "We found these people to be whiter than those we met before. They were dressed with tree leaves, that they stitch them together with fibers from wild cannabis".
French explorer Jacques Cartier also wrote that he saw wild cannabis in all of his three trips to Canada from 1535 to 1541. In his last report he writes enthusiastically: "The land is full of cannabis, grows by itself and is very good and strong." Late on,1605, Samuel de Champlain wrote that natives use "wild cannabis" to tie the bone fishhookes."

The part that i have some doubts is about Vikings and their trips to North America, I don't know if there are any scientific proofs about that. Also there is not enough explanation on "HOW did cannabis came to America", hypothetically there are numerous versions.

Hope you enjoy it !
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