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Revival of the Ultimate Sativa Thread

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Atomic Haze-
Haze pheno




NL(?) pheno


In da back


Herbal relaxation...
Thanks for posting pics AtomicHaze HulkBogan! I´ve been thinking that strain in manyh occasions, but always ended with some different gear... In fact.. I have drooled after DR Atomic genetics for awhile, he seems to be very authentic in what he does + he got great attitude considering lifestyle & cannabis :2cents:

Was this your first run of these genetics? How long did the hazepheno took to become ripe?

Lot´s of questions, sorry about them :biglaugh: I really appreciate if you could take some time and answer these questions!!!


Herbal relaxation...
Had to post some pics of a KaliMost plant im currently running first time..

It has been 48 days since lightcycle was changed for her and things are looking very good I must say and we aint even talking about odors yet, now this maybe the best smelling plant I have at the moment :chin:

Btw, this should be "Kalipheno" since I cannot see anything that would remind me of Destroyer, any other than the resin production & odorl has similar tones....

I certainly hope she smokes as good as she looks, good yielder also :headbange


Herbalistic said:
Thanks for posting pics AtomicHaze HulkBogan! I´ve been thinking that strain in manyh occasions, but always ended with some different gear... In fact.. I have drooled after DR Atomic genetics for awhile, he seems to be very authentic in what he does + he got great attitude considering lifestyle & cannabis :2cents:

Was this your first run of these genetics? How long did the hazepheno took to become ripe?

Lot´s of questions, sorry about them :biglaugh: I really appreciate if you could take some time and answer these questions!!!
This was my first run. The Haze pheno had to go into my greenhouse because it took so long. I would say probably 14-15 week's. I am harvesting her this week, planning to reveg though.

I would reccomend getting a pack and just picking the sativa dom pheno (It's pretty easy to spot from day one). The sample's from the haze fresh off the plant were much stronger than the dried and cured NL pheno. Although the NL pheno was pretty strong and smelled like Nag Champa incense when growing.

Im planning on pollinating it with THseed's bubblegum if I can be bothered to wait for her to flower again. Im to noob to get pm's but hit me up down the road if you wanna try some of those atomic haze gene's without spending 100$
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wildbud, unknown strain

wildbud, unknown strain

Hello sativa lovers. I have a question for you, maybe someone can answer. I found a wild sativa plant growing in a cleared area of bush here in australia. she was a hermie. Very skinny leaves and airy sparse buds but she flowered quickly and died very soon after producing a large number of seeds. Is it normal for sativa plants to just die so rapidly after producing seeds? is this a hermie trait or a trait of sativa in general? it looked very much like a wild strain to me. There were some other plants near her which didn't survive as they got choked by other weeds and grasses so only one survived. Sorry but i didn't get any pics but her offspring may well show up here shortly.


Crazy X Seeds Breeder
I've finally decided to chop my luang clone down which was grown in a 2L pot and flowered at 6" and she's been flowering for 14 weeks.



Herbal relaxation...
Afghanicus said:
Very skinny leaves and airy sparse buds but she flowered quickly and died very soon after producing a large number of seeds. Is it normal for sativa plants to just die so rapidly after producing seeds?

Cannot talk about in general, but I would say NO! There are some perpetual sativas that produce seeds, drop them and slowly transforms in vegetalcycle, grows awhile and starts forming those exotic bus again! Some Colombian varieties for example have these qualities. However, they are basically "flowering" all the time in a constant lightcycle like 12/12, so I quess we could say they are slow when it comes into the start of flower production.....

Would like to hear about others opinions/experiences!

marijuanamat: Enjoy my friend and please make a smokereport after the first smokes and comparing one after cure :wink:

How was the trichomes like, when you harvested her, cloudy, or amber one´s in the bunch?

If there was amber trichomes, I would say that you have faster flowering pheno in your hands, if the high matches the expectation, then it would be ideal to use it in crosse´s and maybe do some inbreeding experiences with it & selected male :chin:


Not unusual for a plant to die soon aftr making seeds, that's usually what happens!

The Lao looks good, is that the whole plant? If so, the 2l pot did a ood job of restiricting height. I am growing my Thai in a 1.7l pot, figuring that would keep her size down.

I think I was wrong on that point:







Even after bending, tying, pruing every growth tip for the first 90 days, she has still hit four feet! There are several four-foot branches on her that weren't there 60 days ago, that is what you call vigour n'est pa? I can only imagine the vigour the F1 PA x Thai will have! I would love to see someone try em outdoors somewhere warm, could possibly become huge trees! See the bamboo poles? Those are 3 foot long, the pot in 9 inches deep, so 2ft 3 of bamboo is above the soil, so that gives you some idea how big this lady is, absolutely colossal for a wardrobe and a 250, I normally have 7-8 plants in there, but at the moment, there is the Thai, the even bigger Jahwi's Joy and an El Yucateca cut and it's jam-packed!

I was a bit over-zealous with the Purple Afghen pollen, the Thai is probably gonna produce 300-400 seeds, same with the El Yucateca and Jahwi's so the yields will be totally screwed, so (reluctantly) I'm gonna have to treat this as a seed run. Worrying thing is, these two sativas have taken up so much time and space, I'm going to run out of weed long before these two gals are ripe, oh shit, how the hell am I gonna manage! Cold Turkey fucking sucks! lol
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Herbal relaxation...
Wow GP mate :yoinks: Did you say in 1.7 L pot´s??

I can only imagine how they would perform in tropical climate where there is no restriction for root´s :rasta:

I know it´s very natural that plants die after producing seeds, but I am at the belief that any pure sativa with equatorial genetics wouldnt die right after dropping seeds, even if it was fully seeded. + We were talking about hermi plant, which many times push new growth from the ripe..

Back to your "thai".. I think the most producing wise act when growing in small space under 250 hps would be to train the plant the way that there are many little budsites evenly on canopy, this way all the nugs would get enough lumens to produce fullier flowers :chin: What you think mate, or would it be straight from clone?

Dont know about your thai, but this Swazi im growing would be dream plant for sog grow, if we aint concerned about floweringtime :D
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Herbal relaxation...
Btw, I do think you are going to get satifieng yield.. You did pollinate it so early that the seeds are ripe before any serious budformation :chin: Of course maturation is going to delay andf yield is going to suffer a bit, but think about this way, you get hundreds of seeds with reasonable yield after seedproduction :yes:

Swazi´s did act like this way, they drop the seeds and continued flower production!


Well, I have to agree, early pollination of long flowering sativas means you can get a decent yield, but in this case, I've overdone the pollination and almost every calyx is bearing a seed, so the impact on yield is gonna be big, probably 50%, I was aiming for 25% which would be tolerable, but the way it is, there are gonna be many, many PA hybrid seeds (which is a good thing) but I'll not get much to smoke (which is a BAD thing).

My El Yucateca is absolutely covered in seeds, I will probably have to just extract the seeds and make hash from what's left. I think I'll turn the whole of the plant into QWISO as El Yuc has an extraordinarily speedy, racing high but very small trichome heads and is rubbish for making hash from, so making QWISO will be the best way to turn it into something smokeable. El Yuc QWISO could be very special, I'm looking forward to finding out!

The Thai and the Jahwi are both in 1.7 litre pots fo Canna coco, been fed with AN Monkey Juice, seaweed extract, molasses, liquid worm castings and PK13-14 for first 110-ish days, then ran out of Monkey Juice and switched to canna coco a+b. They are both a little picky on nutes - preffering ec 1.6 or 1.7 to 1.8, and I flush them with plain water twice a week as they like that, but tey don;t have any sensitivityto watering or PH, I've let them dry out a couple of times and they don;t care at all, sativas are generally pretty tough and these two are no exceptions.

As for SCROG, well yes, that would be perfect for these type of plants, but I've gone for supercropping and pruning of the Jahwi's Joy to get a SCROG-like effect, and the Thai has been pruned many times, for the first 3 months I was removing growth tips daily, then I began bending and tying, then supercropping, then I gave up as nothing will stop her growing taller, if you bend and tie one branch, she will shoot up another a couple of feet to replace it.

Check these pics of the Jahwi's Joy out, that's how to fit a huge equatorial sativa into a tight space! lol






El Yuc is covered in seeds, she will get a LOT bigger and fatter than this, so hopefully will still produce 10-15g of smokeable buds after I've extracted all the seeds. I'll definitely have plenty of El Yucateca x Purple Afghan F1s to share about! Anyone got a good idea for a name for that cross as El Yuc x PA is a bit of a mouthful.




When she's done, that colas will look like this, so as you can see, there is a lot of growing still to go, she is only at 31 days, she takes 90.




Hi Herbalistic, Ganjapansha and others.

I just updated my paraguayan sativa thread today.

I grow too in a 2 liters pot (still, it's tall :muahaha: ).

Comments are welcome (first time I grow a sativa).

Too, I started pollinating the lower branches : using nirvana white rhino in both indica and sativa phenos (I know it's not a stable strain but well...), I'll use too pollen from a sweet kush (plant grown from seeds generously donated by xyz to SB : cross between Island Sweet Skunk x Pine Tar Kush). Last, among the other paraguayans I'm growing (mainly indicas), I have another sativa pheno so I hope it will be a male to use its pollen as well.

Link to my paraguayan thread is found with my signature.

Here are some today's pics :



The Paraguayan look excellent, very healthy and well-fed, the node spacing looks good too - she hasn't stretched at all. I have experience of growing in soda bottles like those, and there are two problems - firstly, you need tyo cover the pots on tape or something so no light gets to the roots, this promotes the growth of algae and that will hurt the roots, secondly, when the plant gets tall and full of buds, it becomes top heavy and the damn soda bottle won't stand upright properly anymore, so I had to prop mine up between bricks, that's why I don't use them anymore, but in the past have had good results, this SSSDH was lovely, but would not stand up without being propped up due to the soda bottle.






Thanks Ganja Pasha !

Truly amazing this result in a 2 liters bottle.

I had not thought about the weight, doh ! Too late anyway, so I'll work out a solution.

Algae : I have about 20 plants growing soda bottles now (perpetual grow starting), and this algae problem has been affecting (temporarly and lightly) only one bottle (from a new plant with a small root system of course).
Since my soil volume is quite small, with about 30% perlite, I need to water the plants every two days so it seems that algaes don't develop... But well, I'll keep an eye on this.


I wrapped black tape around mine, that solved the problem. The weight thing, I did a total DOH! myself when they started falling over!


Active member
Great thread....I have a quick question for anyone out there...

I have seen much about congolese starins but does anyone have any experience with highland Congolese from the great lakes region ? Do any of the Congo strains being grown out here originate here. Highland congolese is super psychedelic , sweet fruity floral spice and earth and through me down some kind of fractal wormhole for a couple of hours !! powerful powerful magic .... stuff anyone else know anything about the highland central African strains




I know it´s very natural that plants die after producing seeds, but I am at the belief that any pure sativa with equatorial genetics wouldnt die right after dropping seeds, even if it was fully seeded. + We were talking about hermi plant, which many times push new growth from the ripe..

the plant started out what i thought was a male as the first few flowers were male but then it quickly switched over to producing mainly female flowers interlaced with bunches of male flowers. I left it for a month or so and come back and it was dead but completely packed with seeds. Maybe its quick death was due to the weather as the plant was looking after itself growing in the wild. Its a wonder it even survived where it was growing. It was steriotype sativa looking in growth, leaves with long slim blades, you could hardly even notice it in the grass in which it was growing.

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