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Revival of the Ultimate Sativa Thread

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Crazy X Seeds Breeder
Original Haze

Original Haze

Here's a few pic's of a few original haze.

These 2 are 4 weeks into bloom

This 1 has been flowering for 10-11 weeks with around 3 to 4 weeks to go.



Active member

the pics you post of the o.haze is the most similar to what i have been growing and calling the piff. i just think it has a little fatter leaves during veg, but it kinda looks like that during flower in shape. strong skunky funk in veg?

have you sampled any yet? even 4 days drying semi-wet (just needs more heat to get her burning) she still had that dreamy out of it laying on the beach catching a sun tan buzz, very dreamy. super euphoric. with a surging/uplifting feeling from your chest. as it dries and cures it gets even stronger and sends you to outer space. that sample was only one hit, a good lungfull..

i'm thinking o.haze is in the piff for sure, skunk and maybe some unknown indica cross.
too bad we can't do a DNA test.

something interesting about it i've learned recently, the main meristem, it's hollow, but it contains milkweed like goo, like sorta elmer's glue. you can scoop it out and smoke it and get stoned when its just chopped and fresh. check inside your stems, man. curious to see if it has it too.



I scrwed up LOLOLOL!!

I have a LOT more seeds coming from my SSH than I originally planned on. I kept looking at my plants and there sure were a lot of swollen calyxes in places I "didn't pollinate".

I think what happened was after I did my last pollination, I "killed" off my male SSH plant...or thought I did. I broke off the flower stalk and laid it on the veg shelf next to the plant intending on tossing it and the plant later. I dropped the panda plastic curtain and shut the light off. Yesterday in the process of "cleaning up" I discovered that I hadn't trashed the plant. It had grown several flower stalks 4-5" tallin 24 hour darkness and no water. The pods had most all burst. Pollen was every fucking where !!!!!!!!!

Soooooo... Now I'm going to have a LOT of 2nd generation SSH seeds. Not all bad though since I got green tape last order. At least I'll have some decet seeds for this coming fall's indoor grow.


Dr Seuss

I had a question, and I figured I'm growing a sativa and enough experienced growers frequent this thread...

One of my bagseeds hermied on me, and pollinated most of my Zamal x SS (3 total). My question is...

Will more calyxes and pistils appear over the next month that I still have of flowering, or since they became pollinated will they slow down drastically and not produce any real bud?

The two that hermied were unsalvageable, and are both being made into butter...

More importantly, should I chop them now and throw the large clones in to replace them so I can get quality unseeded sativa?!?

Here is a picture of the three I have that became pollinated. They're @ 8 weeks 11/13 of 12-14 total.

Here are the clones that need to be transplanted soon.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I know this is more of an opinion when it comes to chopping. But I'm already leaning towards cutting them....


Throbbing Member
With seeds usually comes the end. Check the Thichs for cloudy or amber and then make the call. Are the seeds finished? I feel you pain on the hermie seeds.


here's my sativadom polyhybrid of (nlxhaze)xmalawi gold (not my cross though) shes been a few weeks into 12/12 and is pretty strechy lady!



Dr Seuss

Bacchus said:
With seeds usually comes the end. Check the Thichs for cloudy or amber and then make the call. Are the seeds finished? I feel you pain on the hermie seeds.

Most of the seeds are already done, and the calyxes are popping open.
Upon further inspection last night I found that probably 50% of the larger buds were lightly seeded. I went ahead and threw the larger of the clones in to start its 12 weeks.

la mano negra

Active member

Haze x Angola roja/Banghi










djzed said:
This is a totally amazing thread! Thank you. Please keep it going. Simply amazing.


Welcome to the world's best thread DJ! It's well worth working your way through this one from the beginning, even you might learn a thing or two, it's jam-packed with great plants and fascinating info.

Got any sats of your own to show off? Would love to see some Blue sats!

Here's one just for you DJ, Blueberry x Zamal/Haze:


Care Free 1

Active member
Well I have to agree that this is a wonderful thread.

My outdoor grows have been limited lately due to security, and I have been stuck growing Indica's indoors. The Sativa's I grew indoors always got out of control for the size of my room, but I am starting to learn some new techniques to control them.

I usually grow with 1000w lights, and saw that Hempy said that high light intensity is not needed during flower on Sativa's, which I thought was interesting. Hempy, why dont you start a grow thread here on IC Mag with some of the strains your working with? I have seen some of your work and it is impressive.

Raco and La Mano Negra, I am a big fan of your work. Trully inspiring!!!!

What I have seen in this thread by all the growers is trully amazing and I will work some Sativa into my indoor grows this year with the knowledge I am picking up on this site. I just have to learn to control the height and I can enjoy that Sativa high once again.

Thanks all

Care Free 1


ROOR! i got a skunkman Skunk #1 growing right now. it has fatter leaves and long stems.. i`ll show a pic soon enough.




heres a couple of tropical sativas , local from my area

, these couple survived minus 10 degrees overnight , as u can see the dead weed around that wasnt so lucky ..
shows what a hardy plant the old sativa can be ...



Herbal relaxation...
Oh yes Wally, they really can be hardy one´s and very hard to kill!

Care Free 1 said:
I usually grow with 1000w lights, and saw that Hempy said that high light intensity is not needed during flower on Sativa's, which I thought was interesting. Hempy, why dont you start a grow thread here on IC Mag with some of the strains your working with? I have seen some of your work and it is impressive.

Many sativas dont need intensive light to fill up, they in fact produce fluffy buds/foxtails if given intensive light! However.. There are also sativas that need intensive light to fill up. Let´s talk about some African sativas for example, some of them need to be right under the bulb when growed indoors! Of course, this isnt the case with all African sativas, but some of them! Very strain dependant :2cents:


Herbal relaxation...
Some pics from Cannabiogens Destroyer growed 12/12 from rooted clone :rasta:

This is the only sativa with Malahazi that really pumps resin after this floweringtime, Swazi´s dont really produce any resin yet...

I´ve been thinking about a little charas session with this Destroyer & Malahazi :yummy:


>>>>>>>>>>......Many sativas dont need intensive light to fill up, they in fact produce fluffy buds/foxtails if given intensive light! However.. There are also sativas that need intensive light to fill up. Let´s talk about some African sativas for example, some of them need to be right under the bulb when growed indoors! Of course, this isnt the case with all African sativas, but some of them! Very strain dependant <<<<<<<<<

yes i ve noticed that indoors herb , and quite a few folks have talked about it also ,, doesnt seem the same outdoors though , they definately prefer full sunlight and the more they get the bigger fatter and tighter they can be .. ]
heres a couple of buds from some seed a guy sent me he claimed were panama red .. they were sativa theres no doubt ,, came out pretty nice too ....


Tom 'Green' Thumb
Wallyduck, thats pretty impressive! So do you think they could quite possible be Panama Red? What do they smoke like, smell, taste ect.? I would be very interested in knowing as I have a few sativa's going indoors for the first time. I always have grown indica or mostly indica with a little sativa in them, but these that I have now are full sativa it seems. Weird really because out of ten seeds all came indica like with the exception of one extremely sativa girl. I can't wait to see how she turns out. I definitely like the looks of her as her leaves or so narrow and long - really is a big difference from the others.

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