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Revival of the Ultimate Sativa GROW Thread



Others will know better than I, but I would think hard about different strains in a single soil bed like you are planning.

The problem is plants of differing strains, and even phenotypes within a strain often require different nutrient regimes. Plants of different strains also may grow at vastly different rates. I had that happen to me last grow and I was growing in separate containers. It becomes a real pain in the a$$ to manage.

If I were you, I'd pick one strain to grow. However, maybe someone has had luck doing like you propose.

Check out British Hempires posts and threads. I think he grows his exotic sativas in a small "wardrobe" grow.

Good luck



Mine are in 3 liter containers and Iplan to transplant today or tomorrow into 11L containers.
Mine vegged for over a month, during which time I topped, supercropped, and tied them down. And they are still trying to grow "up". You'll have a real challenge. You may want to SCROG your plants.


MTweedman said:
The problem is plants of differing strains, and even phenotypes within a strain often require different nutrient regimes.
I'm growing organic with solid ammendments in my soilmix and water with water only and occasionally with seaweed extract. It's working out very nicely and this way the plants can use whatever they need and leave the rest in the soil.

MTweedman said:
Plants of different strains also may grow at vastly different rates. I had that happen to me last grow and I was growing in separate containers. It becomes a real pain in the a$$ to manage.
The way out of this problem will be to place the scrog net 4-5 inches above soil level letting the plants grow straight up a little above it and then directing all new growth horizontally from there on out. When the stretch is over I'll let them go. This will also take care of various growth rates. Whichever is fastest will simply fill out more of the screen. And so with root development. Whichever roots take up space first, gets it.

NB. All strains are pure / landrace Sativas.
Thanks for your answer... :D


Old School Cottonmouth
@suga. hey how its goin? haven't talked to you in a while. wow those pics are gorgeous thank you for putting them up it really helps illustrate what I was talking about. I know you know the difference between those watery indica resins and those super glue sativa resins. :muahaha:

@ MT. your plants are looking good. nice progress. I've seen them I just haven't signed in for a while. I think the haze will be right up your alley. Not the happiest weed there is. but very trippy sativa. And sativa sativa not like the thai tanic or satori. You'll know this one is a sativa.

@jrw. good luck with the sativas and welcome to the club. getting them to perform in such a tight space with low light is going to be tricky but it can be done.

the rootbinding does cause stretch yes, but mostly in the seedling stage and it seems to affect the lower growth on the plant. once its really rootbound the growth slows alot and since its such stretchy growth the limited growth is limiting stretch. so the top growth tends to be slow, but tighter internodes.

crimping their toes in the veg stage is important, but not that important. The main thing is for their toes to be successfully crimped as they go into flower. Which is when they really start to stretch and the limited pot size keeps them small.

depending on how pure a strain it is if its a 90 day strain it usually takes a good 3 weeks of flower for actual flowers to develop and this first month is the main stretch. it will continue to stretch through most of flower but at a much slower pace.

if you are growing a pure colombian or thai it can take over two months of flower before you even see an actual flower.

about the one soil bed. I don't have a problem with that for clones because they all have the same needs. But often in one bed of seeds they will compete for resources. The amount one needs to be fed will burn the other that has been stealing nutes. Same thing with water. One plant will be super happy and the other dying of thirst. If you water the one that is happy will look over watered.

But more importantly I don't think you'd have any way to limit stretch in a full soil bed. Like I was saying crimping during veg isn't that important. But they need to be crimped for when they go into flower.
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Hmmmm. Seems I've got a lot of thinking to do.

Thank you for a nice and clear answer sir motaco :D


My Skunk Haze is looking great on Day 32 of 10/14. Becoming a real nice bush. Looks like it won't stretch much if any more. She is about 33" tall. Pretty even crown/canopy. MANY bud sites. This think could have a really big yield if it keeps up this way. Resin forming now too.

My SuperSilverHaze isn't quite as bushy as the Skunker at Day 27 of flower, but she is a LOT more stretchy. Resin has been coming for a week or so now on her. She had resin before the Skunker did even though the Skunker is 5-6 days ahead of her. And I had to tie her down some more. The main shoots coming off where I topped her last were growing like mad to the light. I had to install bamboo stakes and tie them over some. That was yesterday. Today the growing tips are already pointed back up...and grew another inch :(

I can't get to my own damn grow diary so I'll post these here.


Skunk Haze on day 28 of flower for last transplant to 11L pots

Skunk Haze on day 28 of flower for last transplant to 11L pots

Skunk Haze on day 28 of flower for last transplant to 11L pots

SuperSilverhaze on Day 23 of 10/14 flowering and final transplant to 11L pots.

Root structure was really good. Completely filled the pot.

shows my 1gal/hr dripper for my auto manual watering system.

After transplant. She was about 36" and growing here. I have since tied her over as described above.

23 day old buds
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Active member
Love the thread... this was some really good bagseed that another chef\grower and myself came to dub "The Chef plants". I got the seed from a bag that he bought from a server at work. Theeee server, if you know what I mean. I grew out 10 plants and selected the best 2. One for me, one for my partner. Don't know what it was, but it was sweet. Smelled like Mountain dew when it was flowering and had a fruity almost waxy taste reminiscent of Chap Stick. Up high... not foggy at all.. The kinda herb you smoke before you go to work to get a fresh perspective.
I ended up giving and smoking most of my harvest away. My partner... his 1st time out makes $1800 on a QP. I teach him... he makes the dough. So yes Motaco.... you are right, what was schwag, can be cultivated into something beautiful, it's all in the handling.

Here's some early flower shots.

This lil Sativa stayed really small.... when she was done the buds were nearly as big as a qt of OE.

and a shot from the Kali about to be chopped:



Active member
Here is a post Dubi made in the Congo thread in the ACE forum on root binding to control stretch, and re-potting. Good info, he put it perfectly imo
Sativas can stretch like hell at this point and a large pot before the flowering with new soil can produce excessive and innecesary elongation.

A small pot without new soil access to the root system will stop the stretching in the first weeks of 12/12.

Once the sativa has stopped to strecth after the 2-3 initial weeks of flowering (depending on the strain) then re pot her to the final pot with enough rich soil.

Sativa root system are very active even in flowering and can be re potted with great results even in advanced flowering (not good for indicas).

The plant has finished the stretching so she will use all the new soil and nutrients to produce a solid flowering.


Can I show you guys my Kali Mist F2 under 250W CFL?

Flowered for 124 days total.

Here she's 89 days into 12/12

Hashplant in the background and to the right.


Hi Motaco!

Hi Motaco!

Great thread..This is My KALI MIST(Serious Seeds)..I selected best phenos..Indica pheno 11weeks and sativa pheno 13weeks..This is Mamma-Indica pheno...>

Again selected best klons(now cca.12cm)...>

Planted into Bat Mix(Plagron soil mix with bat guano & perlit) and 12/12mode..After 5weeks change in 14/10

Sativa pheno...>


From klon..Method Dense Sea of Green..After 11weeks harvest..Indica pheno(Now 80-90cm)...>

After 13weeks Sativa pheno(Next 3weeks extrem heat summer 40-43C)..(Now 100-120cm)...>

Harvest Sativa pheno...>


Harvest Sativa(13weeks pheno)..

Harvest Sativa(13weeks pheno)..

Kali Mist is a very special plant..Extrem trichome production..>


5 months cured buds (indica pheno)........>

5 months cured buds (indica pheno)........>

Sorry upload problems..This is Mamma Indica pheno...>


I cannot possibly match up to what you guys show - pure beauties! - but here's my contribution anyways.


Jahwi's Joy, landrace Sativa from Ghana, 6 weeks old, 12/12 from seed under 2x55W PLLs.

Currently she's in a 6 liter pot, which is all she's gonna get, and pretty scrogged up :D



3 inches from pot-edge to screen :joint:


a quick question ,,,

In costa rica ,, we have 12/12 all year long ,,, the best strains i have had for outdoors here are Colombian Sativas , from fine colombian compressed ,, but the flower time and overall budstructure where not my types ,, i like the fact they stretch a lot !!!!

what are some of the most YIELDER , sativas out there to grow ,,
info please ,,



Active member
ICMag Donor
PERIPHERY, I assume those are air layerings. How is that working out for you?
Could you touch on your method?
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darn I posted a reply in the wrong spot, but my questions are, you said that they don't like to much N when in bud, I'm using 4-8-7, shes been 9 weeks in bud 82 degrees daytime temps 65 at nights, any different nutes that you may suggest, or leave it?
This plant is dr atomic thai cross northern lights, could go 15 weeks? Should we just give her ph'd water the last 4 weeks? thanks so much anna
Hi Motaco
I read the "mexican middies" topic and noticed a recommendation from you about the jack herer,selecting a sativa pheno.I'm really interested in the high you describe and maybe do the selecting part,but i ask for a little help.
First,i have sam's skunk haze going(well,they are germing) would the jach herer sativa pheno be mutch different?Both will be hazy,but maybe the jack herers higher potency is the key to that high?
The other question i have :you recommended buying 2 pack of seeds,is that a must?Im kinda on a low budget,is 1 enough or we need 20 seedlings to select from to get what we look for?

Edit : i wanna make f2s,so i figure 1 pack will be enough :joint:
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