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Reversed Backcrossing:)


ICMag Donor
my "Reverced Backcross" was a method of breeding i was going to incorperate into the f IBL`s.......

the NEW MALE was allways the end end end point of this project,,,,,i actualy stated that at the beggining of the thread


ICmag's Official Black Guy
i think its time to let you guys in, on some more of my best ideas:)

cannabis is normally a heterozygote species,,,,, this means cannabis has two sets of chromosomes,,,,,, one chomozone from the mother and one from the father,,,,,,,,, Through "Revercing", i hope ...:)...
I think that sums it up..haha..oh:joint:


ICMag Donor
lol........thats pretty funny forest,,,

i still cant figure out if im making sence to anyone:)

Donald Mallard

el duck
personally i think your lucky folks bother to respond to your threads rick, nothing intended ,, its just you dont seem to grow that much herb , just spawn idea s of what if , is it what if you could ,, should , im not sure ,, but for goodness sakes get a grow room , shed whatever it takes and get something going , then report back ,,
all this speculation is just useless ,, what if ,,
what if you grew some cannabis , tried some of your ideas and reported back your findings to us rather than the constant speculation ,,


ICMag Donor
donald - word! :joint:

this thread is gettin kinda useless & boring imo'


The Tri Guy
Rick, if you go through all this just to outcross at the end, then you will waste several years. If you end goal is to outcross, then just outcross from the original clone and have done with it. There's no point trying to replicate the clone through repeated selfing and ibling, only to then do an outcross.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
am i right in thinking that rick is selfing the clone first in the hope that it will make the desirable traits more likely to be dominant in the outcross?

are homozygous plants traits' dominant or more likely to be? (than heterozygous)


ICMag Donor
yeh your exactly right VerdantGreen bro

im trying to make the seeds breed better than the clone,,,,,,

rather than using the Cheese clone to make Cheese seeds,,,,,i think my chances are better using S1,,,,,or f1 "GMT Style".......

if people cant exept that Cheese S1 or "f1 GMT style" WILL breed better than the "eliete clone",,,,,then we have a conflict of understandin,,,an thats why this thread is mega long and boring

this thread is SO long because: we have a conflict of understanding!...


The Tri Guy
hey Rick, dont go using that "f1 GMT style", I don't believe in f1s myself. Im all about natural weed personally. I understand the concepts involved, but wouldn't use them in breeding plants. Though I can certainly see why Colina would suggest testing the validity of the clone to use as a parent by doing the f1. Though it isn't to strengthen the dominance of the genes but rather to test the content of them. If the offspring seem fairly uniform in the f1 generation then it would be a good candidate to use as a mother, though as I've said, my method would involve starting with an F1.


The Tri Guy
homogeneous doesn't equal superior, in fact more often than not, it equals inferior.


ICMag Donor
lol....your just as bad as me on this site:)..

so dont you agree,,,that

a f1 will be more homogeneous than its "eliete clone" mother"?

so then :::using a homogeneous f1 as a mother to~ START ~a seedline is a good idea,,,....you can allways make an F1 at a later date...?


The Tri Guy
well actually no I don't think it would be, however your original idea of the f1 backcross offspring probably would be. The problem with the later F1 is that the father can never come from such a line. And don't forget its one thing to have all the offspring within an F1 population being very similar to each other, its an entirely different thing to have them be great plants.


ICMag Donor
true,,,,,its hard work makin grate plants......:)

but when you say The problem with the later F1 is that the father can never come from such a line.,,,,,what about JJ`s Tresdawg,,,,,the way he has gone about breeding with the Chems is exactly the same way i would go about preparing a male to outcross with a f1

what id do is,,,,,,id get the ChemD and make f1`s then id take the f1 and cross it to JJ`s line,,,,this is a perfect example of how i would breed