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Revelation about Oil


Active member
I believe marijuana eats up these "bad" oils of which are not essential oils... And such would be a threat to the oil industry

Infact I'd like to see an experiment of either feeding it dead organic weed matter, or oil or gasoline, into the roots.. see what happens

"The Great Mushroom War"

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LOL..grow some marijuana and give it some gasoline and see what happens.ROFL!!!!!!! dude,,,seriously.how old are you and what level of education do you have?


it is worth checking out anyway... (gasoline or oil for marijuana)... perhaps in small quantities, but do not know, or parhaps just oily soil from weeds (perhaps straight oil or gasoline too much)..


The chemical composition of THC is C21 H30 O2 (without spaces, can't do subscript)... The chemical composition of Diesel fuel is (from wikipedia) "The average chemical formula for common diesel fuel is C12 H23, ranging approximately from C10 H20 to C15 H28." (again without spaces, no subscript)

Insanity is not what I strive for, I try to strive for genius. But genius does have its enemies, and roadblocks... And also genius is sometimes a work in progress..

Also pine oil has many oil and many are flammable, most contain Just C and H, (with numbers, like C10 H23).. Except for the resin acids, those contained an extra oxygen... For insance the Abietic-type acids and Pimaric-type acids type resin contained C20 H30 O2 but in different compositions...


hemp to clean mother earth

hemp to clean mother earth

I'm not sure this is relevant to op, but I had heard that the Russians planted cannabis at Chernobyl after their reactor meltdown. Used it to help with the clean up of the soil

Prairie Boy

I always say, there are no weeds. stinging nettle, edible, usefull as fertilizer. dock, another weed very common in the fields here, it's edible and in a book I'm reading concerning the agricultural(and cullinary) practices of around 1800 slightly south of me(the book is about belgium, I'm from the norhern netherlands), and in that book dock is named as a common vegetable around that time(together with only 4-5 other crops that were just as common)

dadellion are also a common weed here, apparently they were also introduced to the US, as a foodcrop.

The local Huterite colonie in my area makes wine outa Dadelions,potent shit,more like whiskey if ya ask me.


Well-known member
plants do not eat oil OR gather their energy from the ground. before making such wild assumptions try at least to study how plants work. the soil is there as a growing medium, for NUTRIENTS (not energy, which oils and fats are made from) and to hold water.
it doesnt matter how much you believe something, it doesnt make it true.
eg."i believe the moon is made from cheese....."
no. it just isnt. at least try and learn things, and respect the knowledge that people try and share, rather than just talking over it.

bad oil?!? good oil?!? do me a favor
Insanity is not what I strive for, I try to strive for genius. But genius does have its enemies, and roadblocks... And also genius is sometimes a work in progress..

...and humble too.
Seriously though,I applaud lateral thinking. But for lateral thinking within a scientific field to be anything more then fantasy/speculation you need to have a grasp of the basic interactions in your chosen field/fields. You're still a ways off,bro...


Active member
I'm not sure this is relevant to op, but I had heard that the Russians planted cannabis at Chernobyl after their reactor meltdown. Used it to help with the clean up of the soil
Yes, cannabis is an excellent concentrator of heavy metals (not oils). That cannabis would be highly radioactive from the metals it's pulled out of the soil there.

I believe marijuana eats up these "bad" oils of which are not essential oils... And such would be a threat to the oil industry
Ummmmmm.... NO. Not even close.
Trust me... there are NO oils in my DWC reservoir and I grow stickier (more oil) meds than anyone around. The plant produces it's own oils. Period.

I don't see much 'genius' happening in your area... without a whole lot more research and a whole lot less speculation on your part.
StevenSteve said:
The chemical composition of THC is C21 H30 O2 (without spaces, can't do subscript)... The chemical composition of Diesel fuel is (from wikipedia) "The average chemical formula for common diesel fuel is C12 H23, ranging approximately from C10 H20 to C15 H28." (again without spaces, no subscript)
*slapforehead* Wow... you haven't studied a lick of chemistry, have you. :( There's nothing *similar* about those two molecules.. period. Again... you need some serious study time in chemistry to understand that.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Active member
bad oil?!? good oil?!? do me a favor

LOL, I know right! BUHAHAHAHAH...Jr. rocket scientist there is gonna recite organic molecular compounds like as if he even knows what the hell it is he is copying and pasting!!

Still would love to know how old this person is and what level of education the 'budding genius' had completed.......

<add edit> I know I'm gonna hate myself but I just have to......The OP is a perfect example as to why some people should just stay away from THC. Way too much mind "expandatory" hallucinogenic substances floating around in that mind and also, that type of 'burnout' are the ones that give people who use cannabis for medical purposes a bad name.
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Well-known member
these substances are fine as long as people remember to think things through before going off on assumptions made without checking facts. allways have as much info as poss!!


My theory comes off wrong sometimes.. lol, not many people understand me. A revelation is simply an inspiring thought, meant to inspire or give clue to lead in certain direction of study, or lead you to knowledge.. Inspiration is not sometimes the form of knowledge, but the direction or breadcrumb to motivate you toward knowledge


So Steve, you are saying that there are plants that can feed off the decomposing matter of other plants?! What a revelation! Who woulda thunk?

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