Looking lush Edgey, those pics made my mouth water!
Hey edgey mate I found this on you tube that might be of interest to you: http://www.youtube.com/verify_age?next_url=/watch?v=S7jE7qzfgQs
And for stopping the PM on vegging plants use this mate: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bayer-48636..._1_1?s=outdoors&ie=UTF8&qid=1351171190&sr=1-1
It will form a coating over the leaves to stop it ever coming back
Thanks for the kind words everyone
Harry there's definatly more on it this time , I've cut in 2 stages so one half will be dry earlier than the other but I'll get a total weight sometime in the week
Dirk out of the two I grown this time #2 was easily the better , more dense and more psychosis than c99 but smells better
The last seed run was 22 and there's several nice phoeno's
so you grow the girl out once, crop her, re veg, crop her again and get more than before? Edgey that's fuckin great man. well, well done!!!
Will put a couple of photos of this Psycho Cindy 2 up if its OK.