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The situation may have changed up there. Maybe a local New Yorker can pipe in.

Yes, there's mainly a lot of financial issues and bureaucracy involved.

Obama, the blabbering moron, and his lead henchman E. Holder want to bring KSM back to the site where thousands were murdered though. Is it not enough that the whitehouse already simulated a terrorist attack against NYC using a 747?



in the thick of it
Holistic medicine is unfounded, unscientific, unproven flim-flam. If "Dr." Savage would like to prove himself, I recommend he take up the $1,000,000 challenge from the James Randi Educational Foundation.

I agree 100% that he should take up the challenge. I'm all for that. If he's wrong, he's wrong. I enjoyed and learned a bunch from some of his books.


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
ColBatGuano said:
I would also like for anyone who thinks Obama is trying to take away their freedoms, to tell everyone exactly what freedoms have been taken away, or what freedoms he is trying to take away. The president doesn't make laws, so I don't see how he can be the sole offender in what is, by design, a complicit structure of government

Guilty by association in his support of the Patriot Act and the negation of the freedoms granted to the American People by the US Constitution. Speaking from the position of a World Leader, the impact generated as a product thereof sets the standards and mentalities of societies on both a domestic and global scale. Both Neo-Liberal and Neo-Conservative representatives supported and instated the Patriot Act, something of which the American People had virtually no representation in the opposition of. That is not freedom; it is inherently tyranny and a misrepresentation of the Republic by the Corporate Elites. If you think that the instatement of the Patriot Act is in any way Constitutional, and is not an exercise of political corruption and the Stalinist Third Way, while you may be of an intellect that probably exceeds someone such as myself, you are asleep as a political scientist/analyst and have become complacent and receptive to the external conditioning of social norms and standards.

Let me ask you something? Just exactly what is “traditional marriage” or even marriage at all, besides an illusory concept of privilege to those who have the capability to spawn more wage slaves? Why do we need a State to recognize a union between individuals or collectives, let alone in order to get access to healthcare? Why do you think people get married just to receive insurance benefits, along with the reason for the public demand of State healthcare? So is the same sex marriage issue about restricting access to healthcare, or is it about religion? I’d say it’s about religion, considering they’re willing to compromise on and advocate State healthcare. Budweiser wants to profit from the prohibition of Cannabis, whereas Pfizer wants to exploit it through privatization and restricted personal possession (maybe even from herbal form), while privatized law enforcement has a hand in it all. Don’t forget about Big Tobacco/Agriculture and how they’re going to fit into the picture, hello cancerous GM Cannabis, goodbye Cannabis forever. The Corporate State will just lead to socialized State healthcare either way, in order for us to depend on the State’s existence. Both parties support our “occupation” in the Middle East, something that is not inherently “liberal” or “conservative.” All we’re doing is subjugating them to dependency after political manipulation and direct coercion, and ensuring our access to the leaching of their resources, while allowing privatized US mass murderers to be above the same system of which we espouse as a necessity to their liberation. “No reasonable expectations to privacy,” right? Why bitch about unlimited Corporate power within the State if you’re just going to condone it and become it? It doesn’t matter who’s representing you, they’re the same Centralized party. So, could you please differentiate between the parties in the Third Way for me, that aren’t based on petty or most likely previously addressed issues?

Religious favoritism / Pseudo-Nationalism (Totalitarianism) > Separation of Church and State. The “War on Terror” is a major instigator of the Pseudo-Nationalist tendencies within our society, just look at some of the posts in this thread. We cannot commonly identify ourselves as one race due to diversity within the US, but we CAN identity ourselves as America and fly the flag of Jesus/Yahweh/Liberty, in the farce of fighting for the freedom of the oppressed.

ColBatGuano said:
I have to ask again, sorry for the repost:

What is your definition of socialism? If you think Obama is a socialist, you don't really know what it means.

I defined State Socialism very clearly by political philosophy of Karl Marx in my last post. Maybe you should read it? Marx is indefinitely the most influential and implemented philosopher of State Socialism, ever. Obama IS a Pseudo-Marxist, but our entire government is composed of Stalinist Third Way Socialists/Corporatists, it’s not just him. Stalin obviously drew heavily from Marx (as all State Socialists/Social Democrats have), as well as Lenin. Stalin’s Third Way (Social Democracy) embraces both Capitalism and Pseudo-Marxist State Socialism. Instead of utilizing Marxist revolutionary tactics to coup the State, it seeks to reform relations between the bourgeois and the proletariat by becoming the bourgeoisie itself. It doesn’t put the ownership of the means to and of production into the hands of the proletariat, it seeks to as the minority, preside over and economically/politically represent the proletariat as one centralized authority (Bi-Partisanship), under the illusion of a two party Republic.

It’s a facade of even Marxist Socialism; it’s the Dictatorship of the Corporate Elite over the proletariat, yet with still no abolishment of the class division that is common in both Authoritarian and Totalitarian Marxist/Pseudo-Marxist Socialist nations, due to the State not dissolving itself into a Communist/Direct Democratic society. The proletariat maintains the bourgeois, and in turn the bourgeois maintains the proletariat. Incorporating Capitalism into any form of Socialism will completely stand in the way of its final evolved form of Communism, an equal and classless society in collective ownership of all means of production and prosperity. This is why Trotsky as a true Marxist opposed Stalin, and all State Socialists eventually oppose Communism and shift to Totalitarianism or Fascism. The main objective of Marxism is to abolish Capitalism, not accommodate it by becoming it and keeping a proletariat to sustain itself. Stalin himself said that this model of Social Democracy (Radical Centrism) and Fascism were fraternal twins, and it still rings true till this day, because the combination of Capitalism into Totalitarianism will always in fact be Fascism. It’s actually a pretty universal term if you connect the dots; it all starts with a model of State Socialism that utilizes various forms of oppression, and eventually incorporates Capitalism into the State. This is why Marxist/Pseudo-Marxist State Socialism is the enemy of all Libertarians, despite the ultimate goal of Libertarian Communism/Individualism between the most of them, and why Marx kicked Libertarian Collectivist Mikhail Bakunin out of the First International.

I’m pretty confident that I know what Socialism/Communism is, especially compared to the vast majority.

ColBatGuano said:
While a looming national debt is a problem, claiming that it brokers economic slavery by the Chinese is unlikely. China is a production nation. The United States is a consumption nation. Economically, we are dependent upon each other. No one will buy their cheap shoes and televisions unless we do, and we can't get cheap shoes and televisions unless they make them. India and Brazil stand to be next in line to take over for China once they become a consumer nation. It is the natural flow of things.

You have no idea how much this sounds like Social Darwinism. Anyone with any form of rationality can and will not try to justify or normalize the actions of China’s Fascist government against its people, along with the social and environmental conditions of which it subjects them to. If you think humans are not beyond Social Darwinism, you’re kidding yourself, and you are the enemy to the future of humanity. The People’s Republic of China might sound cake to you, but 5% of the 1,000,000,000+ population dictates and prospers over the rest. Does that sound like equal representation to you?

It won’t be economic slavery of one Fascist nation over the other; it will be a collective enslavement of the proletariat of both nations by a single Central figure, like it already is. Our economies are dependent on each other because of the nature of Capitalism/Fascism/State Socialism and how it places the product of our labor, along with the means to production, into the hands of the bourgeois. This considerably restricts us (cost, regulation, outsourcing, mass produced Corporate/State competition, borders, nations, etc) from free association and economic representation on an individual or collective scale between the producers themselves, both domestically and internationally.

ColBatGuano said:
Actually, I was giving you the benefit of the doubt that you don't actually believe either the Democrats or Republicans are intentionally, or systematically leading us towards fascism. The term fascism is, from a scholarly perspective, very broad and widely misunderstood. There are many facets to it, and several historic interpretations of it (Italy, Germany, Spain, etc.) Nations don't quietly slip into fascism, nor do they remain there long. They dive into it with broad popular support, and are either beaten out of it or cast it off as undesireable. It is the rule of the majority which will bring about such a thing--not either political party. People have been arguing that America has been slipping towards fascism since Woodrow Wilson was president, and yet it hasn't happened. The Constitution still counts, the rule of law still applies, and the state does not yet control the media (clearly.) I don't see eugenics or forced abortion being championed. I don't see a denouncement of capitalism, or egalitarianism, or autonomy. I don't see evidence of a thug caste, or a gulag system. There is no evidence of domestic spying or harassment of citizens groups. Immigrants are hardly discouraged. Legislative power is still in the hands of the legislature. The list goes on and on. If it is true that America is becoming fascist, it sure is taking its time.

It sure is, as does all evolution. Why impose abortion and eugenics when we needs more wage slaves? Absolute Centralization entirely negates true egalitarianism, so why address the eradication of it when it’s already taken place? The entire class division serves as a Gulag system with Corporate Jurisdiction. Thug caste? Think of the domestic suppression of civil protests and the freedom of assembly by means of State coercion.



















I've been to more than one of those events.

The Whole World is Watching American Idol and has settled for Bush III.

The majority is subjected to the tyranny of the minority by means of violence, misrepresentation, and direct manipulation. Yet if you want to defend yourself against this corruption, you are labeled a fucking terrorist or a nutjob, and pursued by the Patriot Act and State trolls. This isn’t even taking our Globalized Corporate Army into consideration.

Of course you won’t see Capitalism being denounced, Fascism is Capitalism incorporated into Totalitarianism. We were already a Capitalist Republic. It’s much easier to evolve to Fascism from Corporatism than go back to a Capitalist Republic, then to State Socialism, then to Totalitarianism, and then finally get to Fascism again. I mean, it’s really tempting to call us full blown Fascist right now, but it’s not q…uite there yet. Like I said in my previous post, radical changes are introduced gradually as not to attract too much public attention, while irrelevant or borderline obsessive products of the media/current events are blown out of proportion, even ones that were originally good intentioned. If Total Fascism doesn’t happen in our lifetime, it will in the future generations’ if something isn’t done to stop the progression. Is that something The People are content with being complacent about, are we truly a nation of nihilists? Also, it seems you don’t quite understand what autonomy means. A true state of Liberty is not selective, and in it there is no concept of “obey,” only mutuality.

Wired.com said:
Heads spun four years ago this weekend, when AT&T was accused of funneling every one of its customers’ electronic communications to the National Security Agency — without warrants.

A Jan. 31, 2006, lawsuit alleged major violations of the Fourth Amendment right to be free from warrantless searches and seizures. Such a sweeping breach seemed far-fetched.

Yet months after the lawsuit was lodged, the Electronic Frontier Foundation produced internal AT&T documents allegedly outlining secret rooms in AT&T offices connected to the NSA, which was siphoning all internet traffic, from e-mails to Voice Over Internet Protocol phone conversations.

But four years and a mountain of court briefs and rulings later, the legal system has never addressed the merits of the allegations — and likely never will. Even Congress has weighed in and passed legislation to prevent the allegations from being heard.

And many — including the former AT&T technician who produced the documents in the case and the EFF — believe the alleged dragnet surveillance program continues unabated today.

“Nothing has stopped the dragnet,” said Cindy Cohn, the EFF’s legal director, whose case had grown to include all of the nation’s leading internet service providers.

The Bush administration and now the Obama administration have neither admitted nor denied the allegations. Instead, they have declared the issue a state secret — one that would undermine the nation’s national security if exposed.

U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker, the San Francisco judge presiding over the litigation, did not agree. The judge ruled two years ago the allegations against the nation’s telcos could proceed.

But a major obstacle stopped the case dead in its tracks, before the merits of the allegations could be litigated, and before the judge could consider ordering a halt to the alleged dragnet.

That roadblock was an act of Congress, one voted for by Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois and then signed by President George W. Bush in July 2008. The legislation handed the telcos retroactive immunity from being sued for participating in the alleged program. Judge Walker tossed the case.

That same legislation also approved Bush’s once-secret warrantless electronic-eavesdropping arrangement — The Terror Surveillance Program.

Under the program, which The New York Times disclosed in December 2005, the NSA was eavesdropping on Americans’ telephone calls without warrants if the government believed the person on the other line was overseas and associated with terrorism.

Eyebrows were raised when the newspaper exposed the now-legalized program — a program considered by many as a breach of Americans’ privacy and an abuse of executive power.

In his defense, Bush said his war powers granted the presidency the authority to bypass Congress and undertake the Terror Surveillance Program.

The internal AT&T documents, however, suggest the TSP was just the tip of an eavesdropping iceberg.

That’s what Mark Klein believes. He’s the former AT&T technician who provided EFF with the documents — which were exposed by Wired.com while they were under court seal.

“They show an untargeted, massive vacuum cleaner sweeping up millions of peoples’ communications every second automatically,” Klein said in a telephone interview.

“That’s inherently illegal,” he added.

The alleged dragnet operation apparently is having some success, according to a redacted Justice Department internal audit.

To be sure, Congress’ and the executive’s zeal to prevent litigation on the alleged surveillance dragnet was countered by the EFF and others. They then named the government, instead of the telcos, as the defendant.

It was ill-fated legal jockeying to skirt the immunity legislation.

The Obama administration claimed the government was immune from the latest litigation. Or if it wasn’t, the administration argued, the lawsuit could expose government secrets and should be barred. This despite Obama announcing he would limit the use of the state secrets privilege.

Again, the government and the courts declined to address the merits of the allegations.

This time, the same judge in the original EFF case sided with the government for reasons the government never claimed. Judge Walker likened the newest allegations to a “general grievance” from the public.

Walker ruled that the courts are not available to the public to mount such a challenge. The suits were barred, Walker ruled, because they seek “to employ judicial remedies to punish and bring to heel high-level government officials for the allegedly illegal and unconstitutional warrantless electronic-surveillance program or programs now widely, if incompletely, aired in the public forum.”

The EFF said it would appeal Walker’s latest decision. The appellate courts are also weighing whether Congress overstepped its boundaries when it killed the original allegations targeting the telecommunication companies.

Still, pending before Walker is another more-limited privacy case, one concerning the legality of the Terror Surveillance Program before Congress approved it.

That case, which tests presidential powers, is nearing its fourth year. It has bounced from an Oregon federal court to San Francisco federal court to the appellate courts and back — without ever addressing the allegations.

“The government,” said Jon Eisenberg, the plaintiffs’ lawyer in the case, “has been largely successful in evading a ruling on the merits of all these cases.”

Due to the covert nature of the Patriot Act and the NSA, along with being a Corporatist nation, it’s very unlikely you’ll hear of how it’s being implemented on an individual basis, at least for the time being. What’s the point in a lawsuit against the Corporate State that has free restraint from political dominion, along the printing of currency that’s beyond both our global and domestic means/obligations? It’s a monopoly on liberty, equality, and prosperity, where the majority suffers at the expense of the minority. Fluctuating numbers displayed on a screen are of no real representation of actual material value, which is kind of funny because it’s somewhat similar to the Monty Python quote about government and Excalibur. Fiat currency is the ultimate deception in our enslavement, along with the rest of the World’s. Believe that. Just to let you know, I have never watched any propaganda that was ultimately Anti-Zionist/Semitic once in my life. I have never been exposed to more than 5-10 minutes of Alex Jones at a time, not to say that I would isolate and completely discredit him.

ColBatGuano said:
I had to study fascism in college (in the mid-90's,) because I had an Italian history prof who was, for obvious reasons, into the topic. (The prof was Italian--the class wasn't Italian history.) At first, it made me think that America was, indeed, becoming increasingly fascist. Then, when the other students started saying as much, he was quick to smack-us-down intellectually. He strongly disagreed, and went on for a class or two explaining the differences. Part of his lessons included the notion of fascism being a defunct concept, and how the rule of law in America prevents it. He went on and on about how people don't really understand what the word actually means, how it was applied to a broad and opposing set of ideologies, and that is why I consider it an epithet today. It is also why I take the position I take now.

Maybe you can enlighten me in how Fascism can be prevented with a Corporatist/Third Way Socialist State, along with defining ‘defunct concept’? Can your professor’s lectures be validly applied and held relevant to the status quo, from a full spectrum political perspective? And as far as majority rule, do we just wait until it finally happens until we attempt to liberate ourselves from the State, while they’re attempting to make it near impossible to do so? In Capitalism, the State justifies its existence to protect private property rights - and in Socialism, it justifies its existence by the dependency of economic representation of the new proletariat until/for stability. How complex does political and economical self representation have to be? While you may have been coerced into the study of Fascism, I chose to, and I also enjoyed it. Want to know why? Because I learned the true nature of the enemy, and why it must be opposed against all odds. It is both Capitalism and Marxism.

ColBatGuano said:
If you'd like to see the closest thing to life on another planet, watch this recent documentary from VBS. One of their documentarians got into North Korea on a tourist visa from a Chinese consulate and managed to shoot this footage. It's absolutely fascinating. There are fourteen 3-5 minute segments. Part thirteen is where you will see why any outsiders are allowed into North Korea at all. It's incredibly weird and freakish.

This link will take you to part one--just change the numbers in the address to access the additional parts of the piece: http://www.vbs.tv/newsroom/vice-guid...-korea-1-of-14

The North Korean State is the enemy of the individual liberty and social equality of the people of North Korea, something I fear they may never know. North Korea is a Totalitarian government; combine Capitalism with it and you’d have a Fascist government such as China. Combine Corporatism with Totalitarianism and you’ll also have Fascism. Are you getting the drift yet? While certain political ideologies and terms may be open to broad interpretation, when used correctly they are of no less severity, regardless of the differences.

DiscoBiscuit said:
My high school band did Anarchy In The UK a lot better than that.

What’s up Disco?

The Sex Pistols were a highly publicized darling of the media that both slandered and exploited Anarchy while it was gaining a strong movement amongst the working class in the UK. The formation of the Sex Pistols was in the fashion of a boy band created by the media. Your high school band had bad taste in music and a flawed perception of Anarchism. While they may have contributed to the UK punk movement, Libertarianism philosophy is in no way a product of the Sex Pistols, nor did they in any way intellectually contribute to it. On the contrary, this band did:


That song was written in 1981. Orwell wrote ‘1984’ over a half a century ago, and as a Pseudo-Libertarian Socialist, strongly opposed Stalin. Regardless of the many examples of current Libertarian societies, collectives, and individuals, while Classic Libertarianism may seem to be mostly philosophical in nature, so was Marxism. Let me let you in on a little known fact; Pierre Proudhon, Mikhail Bakunin, and Karl Marx all collaborated together on numerous occasions, and eventually went their separate ways. Libertarianism is just as relevant as Marxism, domestically and globally. To strive to comprehend political philosophy/science is to know the nature of politics itself

I’m going to cramp Spastic’s style and throw up a little bit of literature.

MarquisBlack said:
Oh look at that. A homegrown terrorist. What was I just talking about?

Get ready everyone. This next year is going to be different.

For the better or for worse? Stick or hit, dude?
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Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I’m going to cramp Spastic’s style

Bro, I would love to see you cramp my style some more! That was an incredible post laden with hardcore academia. Man, talk about laying it out all on the table. Political science in true form.

I'm humbled.

I concur that we always think we are more evolved than we really are. Humans still thrive off the same passions as from we have evolved. Many, if not most, are corruptible given the right situation.

History has shown to always repeats itself. Why would the pages of our history read any different from the civilizations that came before us?

What makes you and I so special?

Nothing at all, IMO.

But then again, my history isn't even relevant according to M-Theory. F'ing black holes! What are you gonna do? :dunno:
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Uhh, spent the last hour making food and trudging through that dissertation of a post.

I'm currently watching the Vice Guide to NK pt. 4. On the Pueblo's video, they said seamen and I started laughing uncontrollably. Then I thought I should share that with you guys.

So I did.


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Bro, I would love to see you cramp my style some more! That was an incredible post laden with hardcore academia. Man, talk about laying it out all on the table. Political science in true form.

I'm humbled.

Thanks man, but in all actuality, I’m the one who should be humbled by your support. I regard both your and Marquis’s perspectives on the reality of the status quo to be invaluable to the Libertarian movement, and the bonafide representation of what the Constitution was truly intended to be.

I concur that we always think we are more evolved than we really are. Humans still thrive off the same passions as from we have evolved. Many, if not most, are corruptible given the right situation.

This is why Anarchists attempt to stimulate Social Consciousness within the masses, something I’ve noticed you taking the significant burden of in your role as a member here at IC. This would be known as Social Responsibility, something of which we, when lower in numbers, cannot take the entire burden of. To play on a quote of the Marxist Guevara “We cannot lead the people, the people must seek to lead themselves.” The sad thing is, both Marxism and rampant Capitalism never gives the people the means to.

History has shown to always repeats itself. Why would the pages of our history read any different from the civilizations that came before us?

What makes you and I so special?

Nothing at all, IMO.

I couldn’t agree more. Modern America tries to differentiate itself from the rest of the World under the illusion of Liberty, Religious/Nationalistic righteousness, and the luxury of inane commodities at the expense of the 3rd World, who for the most part don't even have potable drinking water.

But then again, my history isn't even relevant according to M-Theory. F'ing black holes! What are you gonna do? :dunno:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” - Thomas Jefferson

“The Anarchists are simply unterrified Jeffersonian Democrats. They believe that the best government is that which governs least, and that that which governs least is no government at all.” - American Libertarian-Individualist Benjamin Tucker on French Libertarian-Socialist/Mutualist Pierre Proudhon

All of our histories are relevant, what’s important is to learn from them, and to pass on what we recognize as the errors of our ways to the future generations. I say this in full confidence that you already know this, brother.

Uhh, spent the last hour making food and trudging through that dissertation of a post.

Do you have objections to any of that issues that I’ve addressed that you would like to touch down on?

Just to let all of you out there know, if this is how this thread ends, this is also how the world will end, and how your children or your grandchildren will die. Complacency and apathy. Time stand stills for noone. I ask for anyone else reading this thread from within the US or outside of the US to share their perspective of our Nation, given this would probably be the time to do so.

Lol, let me ask this. Who is the Totalitarian Fascist that will attempt to counter for the State? That or are we going to resort to name calling?



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
what the Constitution was truly intended to be.

“We cannot lead the people, the people must seek to lead themselves.” The sad thing is, both Marxism and rampant Capitalism never gives the people the means to.

Thank's for that brother.

The second wave of the all day loans is starting to hit. These loans are going to make the sub prime mess look small because we are in such a hole right now.

These were No doc, "liar loans" with teaser rates starting at 1%. People are defaulting right now on the teaser rate of 3%. They are due to reset this spring. I believe we are coming into the double dip for us.


Whitney Tilson and Glenn Tongue of T2 Partners.

The world economy is going to be be OK IMO. But the Federal Reserve is cooking the books by monetizing all this debt at the moment setting up the ponzi scheme end game. Madoff was a tiny fish. The Fed is a massive Bernie Madoff.

Pretty soon international players are going to stop showing up at the table and even dumping bonds. That's when the pain comes.

It's the death spiral of all failed nations who's money is based on nothing.

The Federal Government buys all this toxic debt up with loans from the Federal Reserve who prints the money and then taxes you too get it. The big money moves overseas and you get left to foot the bill.

I hate sound bleak and I'll have say I might be pulling my tin foil hat out, but I think we've been asleep at the wheel for a long time and the government class and the banking cartels have slipped the rug out from underneath us.

The Constitution was meant to stop all this. All men are created evil, is the part they left out, and given absolute domain seem to destroy each other. I don't know that we ever move past the "State Of Nature" as smart as we think we are it always seems to be a dog eat dog in the end.

Some may think that this is tragic commentary, but here is where I would challenge that. We all know that good lies within us too. In the cycle of things good eventually trumps evil. This site and these people pull together to fight one small faction of the what has come out of Washington since the 1920's.

I love what this country was founded for. The spirit of it, anyway. Freedom of belief.

We have been sold that we are entitled as Americans. That we are supposed to have the keys and drive the world and that we could have everything forever.

That is not freedom. George Washington was well aware of the threat that massive standing Army's were to the Republic.

Why has mentality been lost? Because the Constitution has been lost. That's what made us different. We have, slowly over time, been sold as slaves in true American greedy fashion. But, the ugly truth is nothing is free.

I've learned in life that it is often the hardest things that give you the best outcomes. We are only human. Life was never meant to be easy, but you get up each day and bind together to survive. One day at time if need be.

Greed is like America's cancer. You never think it will get you until it shows up at your doorstep and then it puts everything into perspective.
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Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
All of our histories are relevant, what’s important is to learn from them, and to pass on what we recognize as the errors of our ways to the future generations. I say this in full confidence that you already know this, brother.

Couldn't have said it better myself. I was citing something from Hawkings Universe in Nutshell while high as kite. Possible multiple Universes, possible multiple histories. This one right here, right now is certainly relevant for you and I.

People will learn, the lessons will be hard. It's going to come down to who runs to back to the elite tit when the house of cards come down or will we remember that it is from this tit that the milk is poison and stand for ourselves.

America survived the Great Depression because we bound together in our family units and grit through it. However, if this is to be known as the Greatest Depression our family structure has all but evaporated in the last decades.

We have replaced family for governance and ease of life. I'm afraid that rooster is about to come home to roost.


What the asshole did today in Tx, that was terrorism.

No, what the asshole did in Austin was an act of a man who was criminally insane. The guy wasn't right.

The reality is had planes never flown into the WTC, this guy probably would have never gotten the idea to fly a plane into a building.

He'd be like a normal crazy person and build a killdozer.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
The wheels keep on turning and we are nothing special. A few pages of the same thing in a history book.



You guys don't understand the truth man there's aliens man and see the government they know about the aliens but they don't want us to know about the aliens. If we find out about the aliens man then everybody's idea of god is thrown out the window man and then society destroys itself because without god man we've got no morals. People will walk the streets as if it were Sodom and Gomorrah. The government is keeping the truth about the aliens from us to keep us as wage slaves. :joint: :joint: :joint:


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
You guys don't understand the truth man there's aliens man and see the government they know about the aliens but they don't want us to know about the aliens. If we find out about the aliens man then everybody's idea of god is thrown out the window man and then society destroys itself because without god man we've got no morals. People will walk the streets as if it were Sodom and Gomorrah. The government is keeping the truth about the aliens from us to keep us as wage slaves. :joint: :joint: :joint:

I can't quite tell if you were being factitious and/or sarcastic. If you making fun of us, then laugh it up now :biglaugh: because there isn't going to be anything to laugh about this year and next.

It's going be big frowns all around town amigo, but what do I know?

I'm just some dumbass lunatic on the computer. :biglaugh:

We'll see exactly who is laughing in the coming years my friend. Laugh it up indeed.


I can't quite tell if you were being factitious and/or sarcastic. If you making fun of us, then laugh it up now :biglaugh: because there isn't going to be anything to laugh about this year and next.

It's going be big frowns all around town amigo, but what do I know?

I'm just some dumbass lunatic on the computer. :biglaugh:

We'll see exactly who is laughing in the coming years my friend. Laugh it up indeed.

facetious and sarcastic, everybody knows that wiley ol' stoner who always has his mantra ready, tin foil hat guy . that's where the :joint:s came in.

I think people underestimate the resilience of the American people. I don't know if you guys are all big city folk, but in the midwest I know plenty of people who aren't about to roll over and will take a stand.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I think people underestimate the resilience of the American people. I don't know if you guys are all big city folk, but in the midwest I know plenty of people who aren't about to roll over and will take a stand.

I do not my friend! We will come together and beat this, but being prepared is half of it. Knowing what is going on around you is much of it. Situational awareness is everything.

I moved out of the city about a year ago. I'm in the process of building my farm. Me and my family are going to be fine. We've dumped all of our debt.

I'm not sitting on here ranting for my own good. My house is already in order. Is yours?

You can certainly call me crazy all day long.
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Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
tin foil hat guy

BTW, I'll be selling them for $5.99 this year. We shall see who is right in the end. I would wager my academic knowledge of governance and history over your thinly veiled HOPE.

HOPE is not a plan my friend, but let me know what it all works out for you. I am rooting for you. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't.



Do you have objections to any of that issues that I’ve addressed that you would like to touch down on?

Just to let all of you out there know, if this is how this thread ends, this is also how the world will end, and how your children or your grandchildren will die. Complacency and apathy. Time stand stills for noone. I ask for anyone else reading this thread from within the US or outside of the US to share their perspective of our Nation, given this would probably be the time to do so.

Lol, let me ask this. Who is the Totalitarian Fascist that will attempt to counter for the State? That or are we going to resort to name calling?

Don't get me wrong, I was delighted to read the post and I'm more of a democrat than I am a republican. It was just loooooooooooong and I wanted to say something :)
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