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what about the Pete Carrol to the Seahawks deal? thats crazy....


Horse-toothed Jackass
That IS strange. Supposedly Carroll makes 4mil or so with USC. College coaches salaries have really become on par with NFL coaches salaries (college football is BIG business, and you dont have to pay your players anything other than a scholarship). Dont know why he would give up a good gig at USC to coach the Seahawks, even if they throw him an extra mil or two, unless he's that greedy. Also, you have to figure he's much more likely to get the axe in the NFL than at SC (he could probably coach for life at SC if he wanted). But we'll see if its finalized. I dont expect that you're quaking in your boots at the thought of having Carroll coach your divisional rival, are you Gr8shoe?


Say what you want haters..........hahahahaha


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"quaking in your boots"...um no...in the NFL he cant hand pick his team from all of the top players....it will take some time....I really dont know If he can be a good NFL coach....we all know he is a great college coach but i dont know....Im hope'n he helps out the hawks because right now they blow....

wow how bout them.....jets..


Horse-toothed Jackass
Good win by the 'Boys, they're playing well now, maybe they have more than a chance against Minny. After that, a rematch with NO looms?
After losing their first game at their new stadium, I didnt expect much from them, but they're hitting their stride now so who knows, America's Team could be in the Superbowl...

Supposedly Carroll would want more personnel control if he goes to the 'Hawks, so he can handpick his roster. Sounds like a recipe for disaster, but Paul Allen can afford to lose a hundred mil or so trying to bring to a winner to the Pac NW.
Arent they a divisional rival with the Niners? You WANT them to get better? Then again, Ive taken pity on Detroit fans this year... But as bad as the 'Hawks have looked this year, they are nowhere near as bad off (for as long) as the Lions.

Did we just get sticky status?

heavy dank nugg

I think the Carroll experiment will end like all the others before.see Steve Spurrior.A weekend of no contests so far.I expected Balt. and Dallas would win but I thought N.E. and philly would at least put up a fight.Now that my Steelers are out I find myself rooting for the Ravens. odd feeling to say the least.but Id like to see AFC north take the crown 2 yrs in a row... Id like to see Rivers get a ring then it would be the class of 2004 1st round qb's all got 1 We all know the best of them was the last to be drafted...but Eli and Rivers are both good too. Steelers pick 18 th. Id like to see a oline revamp. and mabey a couple of decent corners .


dang next week is gonna have some good games....cards vs saints.....dal vs vikes.....bal vs indy.....jets vs charges......thats sum good football right there.....


I started up some squares at work.....5 squares for 10 bucks....so 50 bucks a quarter....for the cowboys vs vike's game....o and thanks for make'n this NFL thread a sticky.....


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
howzit footballs brothers and sisters...?? Hope all is well.. Cough Jamarcus russell sux camel cawk... we coulda at least won a few more games if that bust woulda not played... Anyhow thanx for keeping this thread alive that rocks.. good luck to all that are still in the playoffs... wow the cowboys finally broke thru...
saints ending on a poor note maybe is what they needed... Patriots looked terrible, as the jets are a scary team right now.. and what can ya say about ole Number 18 he will be ready.. aight fellas bbl peace..



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Here is the next round of playoffs.. Good Luck to all..

Sat-16th @ 2:30pm Cardinals @ Saints
Sat-16th @ 6:15pm Ravens @ Colts

Sun-17 @ 11:00am Cowboys @ Vikings
Sun-17 @ 2:40pm Jets @ Chargers

Woohoooo That there is some good football!!! Again good luck to all who's teams are still in this fight... peace..



whats up sackoweed, haven't seen you in a while man....what do you think the raiders are gonna do? fire cable? cut Russle?

And yes thats gonna be some damn good football there this weekend....


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
gr8 i think they need to fire both. Simply because winning is BIG biz and neither can get that done. Russell is more inconsistent than yummybud at picking up women.. As for cable he stuck with russell for to long and think about if the raiders woulda started gradjkowski maybe just maybe we woulda won the opener against the chargers, and quite a few others that were close.. Oh well hindsight is 20/20... And as for Caroll going to the seahawks I say he will not do it again.. If im right when he coached in the NFL his best season was 9-7 with the jets IF, im right.. He is a college coach and needed to go to michigan.. hehe.. Anyhow ill be watching with joints a plenty this weekend.. cya on sunday.. hehe, Good to be back around family and friends here at IC... thanx peace



Horse-toothed Jackass
Wild game in AZ on sunday. I was watching it with a bud and we thought once the Cards were up 31-10, it was over. A TD by the Pack plus an onside kick and another TD and it was a game again.
When OT started, I remarked that the Cards hadnt blitzed in a while; rushing 3 or 4 got them zero pressure and Rodgers was just killing them. Lo and behold, they sent a corner blitz again (the last time they tried that, Adams had a clean shot on Rodgers but completely whiffed) and this time got a fumble and more than that a score. Bit of a facemask on the last play but oh well.

We've got the Elite Eight coming up this weekend, any predictions? Maybe NO-AZ will be a shootout but it could wind up 17-10, you never know.

My predictions:

NO over AZ - the Saints make up for their 3 game layoff.
Minny over Dallas - in the Dome, Favre and AP prove too much for the 'Boys.
Indy over Balt - When Peyton plays the whole game, theyre unbeatable.
Chargers over Jets - the Sanchize will make a couple key turnovers.

No upsets here...


I think that the Cards are gonna beat the Saints, dont know why but they looked kind of scary to play right now....

I think that the Cowboys are gonna beat the Vikings....the Cowboys D Line will give the Vikes O Line some trouble...Farves last game???maybe.....god i hope i dont have to go threw another season about is he or is not coming back bs again....

I think that the Ravens are gonna beat the Colts, Joe Flaco better come to play this week because that 4-10 bull shit last week will not cut it there, If he repeats last weeks stats they will lose...

now this brings me to a game that will be pretty hard to call, at least I think...i think that the Chargers are gonna lose....for some reason I think they will be rusty....while the Jets are pump and ready to throw down .... Mark Sanchez will make a mistake or two...but I think that they will win this one.....LT's last game at home? maybe......


yea big D, but the saint aint won in about a month now....there might be some rust....and the cards look to ready to rumble....

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