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Reporting from Seattle, A Smoker's Perspective


Professor Organic Psychology
Well I'd say don't start doing a victory dance just yet. We still have a long way to go. I just hope that with it turning up legal for recreational use in some areas means that science will take advantage of the situation to do some serious and unbiased research now. I think once we start getting some solid reports that it's not bad for you like they've been teaching people all this time, that will really go a long way toward removing roadblocks.

If I am not mistaken you are one of the sites self proclaimed old timers. That means you have to know that in the contemporary history of marijuana usage these are the best times we have ever had.

At the very least there are sanctuaries for a marijuana user to go, free of persecution. It is not wide open in the whole country, but there are places for people to go. That is huge in itself.

What that also means is that we are turning the court of the public appeal.

Many many people do not appreciate marijuana and that is cool. But you have to be a completely obstinate rock to believe that marijuana is harmful, or have conflicted interest. A cop, prison guard, DEA chief, and many others make their good living from marijuana being illegal. Those people will use what ever propaganda is at their disposal to keep it that way because their lives depend on it. Those in government jobs have the backing and resources to continue this propaganda war. But the American people are one by one saying the Emperor has No Clothes. They are calling bullshit and demanding the truth.

Most of us in this site already know that marijuana is a harmless substance, a minor distraction compared to whiskey. Whiskey is akin to crack cocaine, in some people's views. And supposed medicines are far worse than alcohol. Girls are less likely to get so high on weed that they would have sex with someone that they otherwise wouldn't, no violent shoot-outs from pot smokers and someone doesn't smoke a bunch of pot and rape someone. Pot is harmless, and has substantial medicinal value.

The schedule of drugs that says that marijuana has no medicinal value is the biggest lie in this country. Valium and Xanax are better than Marijuana? All the pain pills base on opium are better? Alcohol is better? We are all calling bull shit and our numbers are growing. We just have to stay the course we are on, be cool, be patient. Changing government and public acceptance takes longer and requires more patience than growing a crop of herbs.

Things are better than they were a year ago in Washington state and are better since before California went medical. Things are improving, although it may seem slow. There will never be a magic moment in time for you to pop your bottle of wine, just a thousand magic moments along the way.

I say the only real losers in this contest are those that are in too big of a hurry. Harborside making $20,000,000 a year and going on TV. Just stay cool and maintain your course I say.
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While I agree with much of that, we already know that the government has a vested interest in keeping the "drug war" going and that the "obstinate rock" attitude you refer to is not only systemic in law enforcement but even now is still common in many voters. Things are clearly improving, but even though "these are the best times we have ever had" there's only a slight edge of a few percentage points for the pro-legalization voices, which doesn't always translate directly to votes.

I'd love to believe otherwise, but I suspect the federal government won't change it's stance until most or all of the states have already changed theirs. Here's to hoping that I'm proven wrong :D


Professor Organic Psychology
While I agree with much of that, we already know that the government has a vested interest in keeping the "drug war" going and that the "obstinate rock" attitude you refer to is not only systemic in law enforcement but even now is still common in many voters. Things are clearly improving, but even though "these are the best times we have ever had" there's only a slight edge of a few percentage points for the pro-legalization voices, which doesn't always translate directly to votes.

I'd love to believe otherwise, but I suspect the federal government won't change it's stance until most or all of the states have already changed theirs. Here's to hoping that I'm proven wrong :D

The Seattle Police have been really cool about it. It is a very liberal city.

I know that if we elected another republican president he could throw all this in court, but as it is now we have almost 4 years with a liberal lame duck declaring he has other fish to fry. If a republican or anit mj democrat is elected next presidential term he will have a lot of momentum to quell, and perhaps a very tough job on his hand as a result. And in the meantime I believe a lot of other states with budget deficits are going to want to make sure that Colorado and Washington do not maintain a monopoly on this.

I could be wrong and nobody knows anything for sure but I have hope and things are going good here so far.

Sorry for my bad English. I know I mess up my point a lot trying in here to project my thoughts.
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To Have More ... Desire Less
i must agree... everywhere w/ in state seems rather subdued...and simple...
almost like nothing has changed... just continued being the way it already was....

and the states effort to drag this along has backfired also...
they gave the liq. board a year to figure out the whole process... and setup of this process... well in the meantime, the whole idea has soaked in and saturated the public....

most everyone is either PRO~pot... or dos'nt see it as a big enuff problem to care....

the chaos will begin in August when the state hands out/...awards../the initial set of "GROWER"... licenses fro the state...
followed by the processor, and retailer licenses in November....

thats when the goofy schitt will begin


The Seattle Police have been really cool about it. It is a very liberal city.
From what I have seen and heard from others, you are a little spoiled in Seattle :D

I live somewhat North of Seattle and while things are definitely improving, we're pretty far behind you guys. Folks East of the pass are even farther behind, unfortunately.

The passage of I-502 has leveled things somewhat, and for that I am grateful. On the other hand, mmj patients in places other than Seattle have often gotten a pretty raw deal in the past, and I expect the attitudes that resulted in those incidents to continue.

I believe a lot of other states with budget deficits are going to want to make sure that Colorado and Washington do not maintain a monopoly on this.
I certainly hope so! :D

I could be wrong and nobody knows anything for sure but I have hope and things are going good here so far.
I like your optimistic point of view, even if I don't always share it. We need people that feel like the battle can be won to keep fighting the good fight. Pessimism isn't constructive, even if it's sometimes very hard to believe that the government will ever change it's position.

Sorry for my bad English. I know I mess up my point a lot trying in here to project my thoughts.
Heh, I think I understand what you mean most of the time. Forums may be a convenient way to talk to a large number of other people, but it's not exactly the most conducive means to communicate exactly what you mean :D



Professor Organic Psychology
Okay so I have not gone medical because of a stupid little thing called pride. When I-502 passed in November and I was looking at the details I had decided that for now I just have to go medical to safely grow my own herbs. I had my vacation and the holidays to deal with and just didn't have time to mess with the whole doctor visit thing until last week. All of the weed that I have been getting from dispensaries so far have been from friends that already have a card. I didn't get to go into the dispensaries. Well that has all changed as I got my card Wednesday.

I went to the internet and found a MMJ clinic in my neighborhood. I emailed them expressing interest and a nice lady called me shortly after (that day) and we made an appointment. She told me I needed $175 cash or credit and a Washington state issued ID. No passport or other state ID would work. I scheduled an appointment in the afternoon Wednesday.

So as time draws near I am wondering what they are going to ask, if, in fact I would not qualify, and the humiliation of a doctor calling me out as just trying to beat the system. I am 6'2 and 220lbs, sort of a slim build, but generally healthy looking. I walk every day, play golf and eat right. I don't look like someone that needs to see a doctor and in fact I cannot remember exactly the last time I needed to actually see a doctor. I am in the house of some growers and asking them what their experiences were like. These guys are all young and healthy too, university of Washington students that ski a couple times a week. One of them heard I was going to Seattle Wellness and it was going to cost me $175. He suggested I go to the Hope Clinic on Alki beach for only $75. My thoughts were, "That's a hundred extra bucks to buy medicine".

So on Tuesday I call the Hope Clinic and they scheduled me for the same time as the other clinic Seattle Wellness. I cancelled my Seattle Wellness appointment and went to the Hope Clinic instead.

The Hope clinic is in Alki Beach on Mondays only or some thing like that, so I had to drive down town and to the University district. As I was walking to the door I passed a dispensary called The Joint. I liked that, as I am generally a joint smoker myself.

The Hope clinic had a bunch of mostly young people hanging around the waiting room and some were watching a video produced by the clinic with proper behavior as a medical patient. A little more exiting than your normal waiting room, but a waiting room non-the-less. I had to use the bathroom and there was only one. Someone was in it and banging around for what seemed like 15 minutes. I was pacing back and forth and occasionally knocking so as the person inside got the clue that others were needing it. Eventually a pie-eyed weird looking student emerges and I can go in. The room smelled of smoke. The fellow left the facility right after that or I would have confronted him in the waiting room. What a selfish asshole. You can smoke anywhere you want in the city now.

I finally got to see the doctor. He was a cool guy, needing a shave. I told him I had some injuries that nagged me and caused some arthritis pain. He nodded and asked if I had ever smoked marijuana before. I told him my age, place of birth and an honest answer to my usage. I told him I felt comfortable and understood the effects of various types of marijuana and my personal preferences. He noted the obvious uses of indica vs sativa strains for various complaints (i.e. pain keeping me awake at night, indica would be the proper selection). He told me to have a seat and watch the video until I was called up.

I was called up to the counter. I heard the fellow seeking tips from the lady in front of me (an attractive blonde college girl that looked very healthy). I was solicited mildly for a tip as well. I felt that was about as out of place as the kid getting high in the bathroom. They gave me a magazine with all kinds of coupon offers for the local dispensaries that they endorsed. I was given my card and headed to the Joint next door.
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sounds similar to the california medical rec experience! I did bring in a note from my regular doctor but I don't think they would have asked for it otherwise. I would think with I-502 implementation coming the pot docs are signing up as many as they can before the well runs dry...


Professor Organic Psychology
sounds similar to the california medical rec experience! I did bring in a note from my regular doctor but I don't think they would have asked for it otherwise. I would think with I-502 implementation coming the pot docs are signing up as many as they can before the well runs dry...

My doctor was pretty laid back and fairly likeable.

The reason that I got my medical license was so that I can grow and so that I could go inside a dispensary. You can check out a lot of products in dispensaries, also you can network and learn, and get clones.

There may come a time when ALL med patients have to buy commercially through the new system, and perhaps old med people may be grand-fathered in. I have no real knowledge of such a thing, but I always do things so that I have options.

When I initially called they asked if I had been to the doctor. Since it has been years, the answer was no. However, I have had sports injuries and do have a doctor. I have not seen him in about 6 years, but did have an MRI test done and it was interpreted by my doctor. So they said in that case I had to pay an additional $10 for a medical release. However, I was granted my license on the spot and the medical release was probably just a way to scam another $10 out of me. I got the card despite not having any current medical records.

In Oregon you actually have to go to the doctor and develop a medical file with known failures of conventional treatment to qualify, and after that you have to pay Oregon $250 a year for the fun of having a card. That is substantially more expensive than the $85 that I spent in Washington.

One major point of my post here is that it pays to shop around for an issuing doctor. I saved $100 by shopping around, and although that is not the much money it is money that can be used at the dispensary. I ended up spending $160 at the dispensary that day so it was nice to have the extra $100.
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Sheesh! That was easy, huh? My wife and I had to provide two year's worth of medical records relating to a qualifying condition before they'd even make an appointment, and then $200 for the actual appointment/card itself.

Of course, there's not a doctor on every block up North either :D

I can take solace in the fact that I know my medical defense will hold up in court, I guess.

FWIW: I don't look sick or unhealthy, neither does my wife other than the fact that she needs a cane. It pisses me right the fuck off when you hear cops on TV saying "these people don't look sick". Thank goodness real doctors don't diagnose you based on initial appearances, huh? My wife is a hottie, they'd totally screw up her diagnosis :D



Professor Organic Psychology
Sheesh! That was easy, huh? My wife and I had to provide two year's worth of medical records relating to a qualifying condition before they'd even make an appointment, and then $200 for the actual appointment/card itself.

Of course, there's not a doctor on every block up North either :D

I can take solace in the fact that I know my medical defense will hold up in court, I guess.

FWIW: I don't look sick or unhealthy, neither does my wife other than the fact that she needs a cane. It pisses me right the fuck off when you hear cops on TV saying "these people don't look sick". Thank goodness real doctors don't diagnose you based on initial appearances, huh? My wife is a hottie, they'd totally screw up her diagnosis :D


You know I would suggest now that Washington Residents go to Seattle for the card. Seattle is a liberal bastion and competition is good when it comes to price shopping. The dispensary was next door. I went in there like a kid in a Candy shop.

I bought SSH, Hawaiian 100% Sativa, Thai x Cindy (Cinderella), Northern Lights, Maui Wowie, Jacks Cleaner. My favorite was the Thai and Cindy. It was an up weed and made me laugh and joke a bit. The Northern lights and for that matter the rest of the list really didn't live up to their reputations. The stuff seems to really get dry fast too, something else to consider when you buy. They said the Jack Cleaner was the most potent in the store and the clerk's personal favorite. I am not sure I tried any of that. I bought two 1/8ths of that list and a gram or two of the rest. I also bought a gram of Green Crack hash and some Blue Dream hash. The Green Crack was sort of brittle but the BD was good, gooey and a great buzz. I got both those grams for a total of $30. Buy one at the normal price and get the other for half price. All that I bought cost me $150. It would have been $160 but as a new customer I got one gram free. Sales tax in Seattle is 10%.

I seen a magazine that listed dispensaries and all of them seemed to give you a deal your first time in. Some sold 1/8ths for $25, others gave you a gram for free, while others just knocked $10 off of the bill the first time in.

I am getting a qp of some cuttings and small airy buds from a friend today of some stuff he calls Urkle for $150. I will be making some hash out of that, although I seen a lot of nice buds in the bag I may keep. This stuff is DARK DARK green, never seen anything like it, and it smells like perfume or something. I thought it smelled a bit like Trainwreck.


passing the gas
there is nothing like your 1st trip to a dispensary. I was in heaven and spent a couple hundred trying everything.

have fun collecting memberships and freebies.


I still have never even seen a dispensary, there just aren't any out here although there are a few delivery services around here supposedly. One of these days I may have to make a day trip out of it, just to see what dispensary bud is like :D


Professor Organic Psychology
I still have never even seen a dispensary, there just aren't any out here although there are a few delivery services around here supposedly. One of these days I may have to make a day trip out of it, just to see what dispensary bud is like :D

It will be just like you imagine it.. Buds behind glass in jars and everything you do and say is recorded. I didn't touch anything until it was paid for and handed to me. I felt like I was at a black jack table jajaja.

If you are where I think you are, you are in heaven now. But you still need to drive on down to the big city and gets some free stuff and see the carnival.


To Have More ... Desire Less
it get's even better once U learn the ropes, and U'r way around the better shops...
and then only frequent 2-3 that really suit U'r mood and mind...
oh.... and the selection VARIOUS... place to place....even worst...is the lack of knowledge by the budtenders....those are the spots i avoid


Professor Organic Psychology
it get's even better once U learn the ropes, and U'r way around the better shops...
and then only frequent 2-3 that really suit U'r mood and mind...
oh.... and the selection VARIOUS... place to place....even worst...is the lack of knowledge by the budtenders....those are the spots i avoid

Yeah I have a lot to learn. The knowledge of my circle of friends is not the same as what we see on a site like this. I talk to some pretty bad growers here as far as knowledge and lineage of specific strains, and frankly they are useless in regard to finding some perfect clones. I am wanting to get clones for Super Lemon Haze, Blue Dream and some kind of 8 week strain like a decent kush or Northern Lights. I have heard so much shit being talked about the Blue Dream, but I like it. It makes me laugh and smile. I also like this stuff I just smoked at the Joint called Thai x Cindy. I get a laugh and a smile out of that stuff too. Anyway, with clones it is hit or miss. I need to find a way to find out when a certain clone is available and I need to do that soon. My flower room is going to be perpetual with an 8 week, 10 week and 12 week strain that is replaced as soon as it is taken out. It should work fine. I can make the lights do anything I want so I am not too worried about maintaining a perfectly even canopy. I don't want some wild ass plant growing all directions either. Anyway, that is the first iteration of my grow plan, subject to change. Probably the most sought after plant for me right now is the Blue Dream and that seems pretty common around here.


Professor Organic Psychology
Yesterday I was driving on one of the main drags in West Seattle (Delridge) and seen a couple walking down the street smoking from a decent sized glass pipe. They were a couple blocks from the police department and police drive up and down that road constantly. Personally I have smoked in public a lot myself, but I usually use a joint. I think the attitude is shifting to people just doing it now pretty much everywhere. I am sure some folks will be cited for smoking in public, but it isn't a real concern. Everyone would prefer a stoner in public than a drunk if given the choice. Nothing I hate worse than an intrusive drunk. I think we are at a major milestone of shifting tolerance for MJ again. I know that I talk about weed whenever I want now without using code words and I am not worried about the smell of it. Fuck em if they don't like it.

I say this as I was driving home from a dispensary with a growing mj plant in a beer cup in the cup holder in my car. I got some more of that Green Lightning bubble hash and some super Blue Dream buds ($15 per gram). The Super Blue Dream is very very frosty and compact. Funny that last night after smoking some I sort of went to sleep. I had about half a beer and a few puffs of the Super and next thing I know it is 5:00 am. Regular Blue Dream usually picks me up and makes me chatty. Since Blue Dream is supposedly a clone from California this Super Blue Dream may be some other person's attempt to copy it.

Okay I have been ignoring the hype on the GS Cookies, but I read the other day some guy was willing to spend a lot of money and time to get a GSC clone, and the fear is that it is a fake. Is GSC Really that good? I am looking for a dispensary in the greater Seattle area that has some of it to try. I usually avoid hyped up shit, but what is the risk to try a little? I guess my only real fear is really liking it and not being able to get a clone of my own. Anyone know of a shop with some GSC let me know and I will swing on by to get some. If you know about it let me know if you know if it's the real deal or not. This business is so unregulated someone could make some Blue Berry and call it GSC without any real risk.

Personally, I think the hype is about the rap star that is involved in it, not the quality of the smoke.


Professor Organic Psychology
The cookies is a very tasty smoke indeed!

I will be getting my cookies cut in about two weeks. I questioned the authenticity and was assured these cuts are legit, Platinum, and come from the bay area. All these clubs here have photos of Steve DeAngelo in them so maybe they have the bay area hooked-up. Nothing makes me madder than buying a bud and especially a cut on the counterfeit.

My Blue Dream clone that I just got seems to look like the same thing I see growing on the web. It's all a big crap shoot unless you are connected with the right man. I have only been in Seattle since September.

The BD clone is starting out slow, as usual. Have to wait for it to explode into growth. I intend to make many clones off of this one. I have a couple outdoor spots I plan to drop a couple plants off at besides me highly structured indoor grow. If I get anything at all outdoors I will likely just make hash out of it.

Man I got some Grape Ape at CPC the other day and that shit wasted me. I had no idea that strain was so potent. One hit and I was flying. I only got two grams of that so I need to get some more.
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