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Really disturbing. HR8971 classified

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
Well, I stumbled upon this vid which is in congress. Read by rep. John Haller. Please see this and tell me what you think. HR8971 bill

I don't know about you but this is really scary shit. The part that got me was "classified flesh eating", "classified, due to their enormous size and other worldy strengths"




Oh yeah, and have a merry christmas:xmastree:
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Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
If you don't want to click here it is:

Rep. John Haller Introduces A Bill ---

Congress will now vote for approval of HR8791, the "Homeland Terrorism Preparedness Bill." Said bill requests emergency response funding, up to and including -- ah... I'm sorry this section is classified -- ah, dollars to prepare for a national level terrorist attack and or attacks from ... [CLASSIFIED]. Funding for first responder personnel and vehicles would be doubled if said attack leads to more than eighty percent of national population being effected by [CLASSIFIED]. This funding shall convenes in conjunction with the first attack on [CLASSIFIED], or the first large scale outbreak of [CLASSIFIED], dependent upon which comes first.

Civilian and military units shall be trained in containment and combat of [CLASSIFIED] including irradiated [CLASSIFIED] with possibility of [CLASSIFIED] airborne [CLASSIFIED], [CLASSIFIED] flesh-eating, [CLASSIFIED] and or all of the above in such event as [CLASSIFIED] spewing [CLASSIFIED] escape are released or otherwise become uncontrollable.

Air Force unites may also be directed to combat said -pause- [CLASSIFIED] due to their enormous size and other-worldly strengths. Should event occur in urban areas... Jesus... -long pause- ah... that's classified... far surpassing our darkest nightmares. Should casualties exceed [CLASSIFIED] body disposal actions shall be halted and associated resources shall be reallocated through [CLASSIFIED] underground [CLASSIFIED] protected birthing centers. -ah- New Bill of Rights shall drafted and approved by [CLASSIFIED].

Having now reviewed the bill, I ask you to please cast your votes.

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
Did I mention it was passed.

I know, I know. Things like this don't matter on a weed site...but there you go

HEY TROUBLE, your invited. Please discuss.


Th@ is scary..
Carte Blanche for NO REASON GIVEN!

Scary.....Are they expecting something like this soon?

That video is fake, by the way. Perhaps if you checked your sources more fastidiously you wouldn't appear to be a paranoid nutjob.


Active member
"They" maybe already have a plan of spreading flesh-eating nanobots or something, that could be one of the reasons the bill got passed (if it's even real?), to keep the money machine rolling, no matter how many people die. If that's not satanic I don't know what is...

But, if, like the bill writes, 80-90% dies/get ill, money may be the last thing on peoples mind. And that would make people much easier to enslave in some form. Can you say Stockholm-syndrome? This is maybe one the real main reason to pass a bill like that? Not that many in the US and all the "Western World" isn't already somewhat enslaved, by their job, TV, insecurity, society, the group(s) we hang in and so forth...

And yes, I can see how all those listed scenarios can be very real, and none of this I write is for fun. Of cause it would horrifying if something like that, in the bill, happended. But all I ask, is to be critical about why "they" recommend and pass it.
It can be a good thing. But again, there may be more to it.
Some of the real people in charge, not representatives (what do they really represent, if not the people), has all days seen down on common man, and used them. It's all much more quiet, subtle and discret nowadays... Sometimes, that is (;
Look at 9/11, one big massive, global scam to lead war, get resources from all Eurasia, enslave minds and get bigger!

And if this bill is no direct threat right now, somebody might use it to their advantage later on. It only takes one human or a little group, to make big change.

I know, I sound like a conspiracy-nut. Take it or leave it...

Edit: hm, fake vid? Nice one ;)


spreadin da love
fuck you green thumb fox news isn't fake.... buy into the governments shit lies if you want assfuck
Typical Faux News audience mindset...
LMAO at anyone who thinks fox is anything but a right-wing lie machine...

Here's a list of the hundreds of lies put out by fox... http://foxnewsboycott.com/tag/lies/

We don't have to just call out Fox News - ALL THE NEWS STATIONS - portray bullshit to mislead you to believe whatever the hell they want you too.

The news and the newspaper are all crap. The best part about the newspaper to me is the Sports section or the funnies.

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
Ok, didn't do any reasearch on it since I was going to bed right before I posted it. The reason I brought it to icmag was for that reason. To get informed, thats why. Instead of judging me could you please just point me to your facts instead of just calling me a paranoid nutjob. Seemed real to me.

I'm researching it now...



I dont care what anyone can put out here on line about fox news if you havent watched it and I mean for an amount of time,why is your opinions worth a fuck?I've been hearing this shit for 5 years at least fox news is this fox news isn't that and all usually said by someone that you just know has never watched it.I think fox news is the best way to get information on whats happening more than any other news out there.I guess its not groovy for a pothead to admit to watching fox news haha
I'm not sure what you mean when you say to point to our facts, but that video says in the description that it's fake and an annotation pops up within a few seconds saying that the video is a hoax. I don't know how you could miss it even if you tried.

I've had debates with you before on my previous alias here about 9/11 and other conspiracy theories and you've come up with some terrible evidence supporting your claims. You really need to be more skeptical about these kind of things, as people are always looking to perpetuate bullshit; whether it's the government or Jim Marrs.


Lammen Gorthaur
Why is anyone surprised? Twenty years ago, the so-called "progressives" of today had a different name; they called themselves "communists" because they believed the communist revolution would sweep the world and they were riding the crest of a whole new wave of history where the rights of the ruled were always subordinated to the needs of the state. Their economic philosophy was (and remains) unworkable because it was never really an omnibus approach to economics, it was a "belief" founded on wishful thinking (kind of like the ideas that you can spend your way to prosperity and borrow your way out of debt) that caused much harm. The defeat of communism as a workable system of political economics meant the adherents were not killed or permanently imprisoned to prevent them from poisoning an entirely new generation.

Now the chickens of this new generation are coming home to roost (as it were). The time is here; a new wave is coming where the rights of the state are made to be more important than any other consideration and there is the political will of those elected to see it through no matter what the cost to those who are being ruled. The idea is to control human behavior so that humans can be manipulated into peacefully signing away their liberties and rights in favor of fascism - the cult of political thought that believes it can only exist as long as all that would oppose it are permanently inhibited or removed from contention. It is up to this generation to make that choice and to decide what the rights of future generations will in fact be. A new opportunity is here and change has been promised. The current administration is composed of people who, on average, have no experience in the private-sector; they have grown to maturity in a shadow-world where the exercise of government's power is all they have experienced and this has provided them with a false wisdom. They have succumbed to the idea that they will (finally!) be the ones to right all the wrongs, to set the accounts straight, to make the great decisions of policy and economics that will result in a new world order of peace, compassion, equality and fraternity and they will suffer no rivals, no alternatives and no other political theories or the experience of history to impune upon their judgments.

If they are right, they will be the first ones in over 10,000 years of recorded human history and economics to accomplish this feat.

It leaves you with a question and a thought.

What are the realistic odds that these people are right when - so far - all of their policy decisions have already failed?

This is the change you asked for and I hope you have some change left when it is all over and done with.

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