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Real California Cheese

mr cheese

EddieShoestring said:
yeah man-strongly and unmistakably of cheese-
but this smell only really builds after it has thoroughly dried and sat in a bag for a few days-then it gets stronger and stronger with time-
again yeah-those buds in pic are well cured-


now this is one thing that iv never understood! how peeps who claim to have grown here say she smells like real cheese! she smells nufink like real cheese, well no cheese iv ever eaten,lol
she smells more like hospital diserfectante, you know that bleach type smell in hospitals? thats the only thing i can compair it to.

come on lads who can honestly say their cheese or cheese cross smells like actual cheese? be it mild cheese, parmazan cheese whatever.
if it does then iv obviously never had cheese!!!! which i find very very hard to belive,lol

mr cheese

EddieShoestring said:
yeah OCC -good luck with yours

my bro gave me some Cheese today with a little bit of the BBC cross to compare,they have been compressed but have a look-btw he's an excellent grower

close up Cheese

when they came out of the bag the overwhelming smell was the metallic/earthy/perfume of the Afghan in the BBcross-which is nice-it reminds me of other skunk kush crosses.
The Cheese is acrid sweet and cheesy-it reminds me a bit of baby sick. :redface: again the guys who have seen it for the first time todayhave all gone 'wow it really smells of cheese!' etc-

see how the pistils on the cheese are fat and pale whereas the ones on the cross are fine and wispy

are you sure its cheese then mate? cuz theirs noway bbc afghan could ever overpower the cheese smell! not a chance.
if im honest those top 2 pics look nothing like cheese up here in the midlands, and iv seen my fair share,lol....but like the other guy said its hard to see when so compressed.
just iv got the bbc n it could/has never overpowered the original cheese in terms of smell......just my 2 censt worth tho,lol.....sure they smoked goos so who give a f**k ay! lol :rasta:


Mr Cheese-if the cheese that you have tried/grown doesn't smell strongly of cheese then we have definatly been smoking different weed and this is where alot of the confusion stems from i think-

but i agree with you-if the weed is good the name is secondary



New member
to be honest i never thought it was named cheese because it smells like cheese, and i'm pretty sure it's not.

does your BBC smell anything like the other cheese?
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New member
why Good Afternoon Nspecta!
what beautiful girls you have there.. :headbange
i just had to revive this thread to remind you of that!
awesome pics! :muahaha:
fake K+ for you
Later! :wave:


mr cheese said:
now this is one thing that iv never understood! how peeps who claim to have grown here say she smells like real cheese! she smells nufink like real cheese, well no cheese iv ever eaten,lol
she smells more like hospital diserfectante, you know that bleach type smell in hospitals? thats the only thing i can compair it to.

come on lads who can honestly say their cheese or cheese cross smells like actual cheese? be it mild cheese, parmazan cheese whatever.
if it does then iv obviously never had cheese!!!! which i find very very hard to belive,lol

thank fuck for that i was beginning to think my cheese wasnt cheese cause i cant smell cheese, worries cause i actually got the clone from Luton lol
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Totally agreed. The real clone has some sort of hospital medicine type smell... I have said before like a mild Ben Gay cream, with a tad of sweetness or something.

That's my take anyway....


HashishinReidi said:
Lots of nice lkooking cheese about looking at all the pics .

I know this thread is about cheese ,Though i saw some folks was on about the G . Me and the bredbin have had the g for about 2 years, It was giffted to us from a good m8 from og .It has been around the same parts of the uk like the cheese has for a few years in the mids .

I would say the g is strong very stronger than cheese , and has a lovely smell and taste to it And the plant grows well. Though she streches alot when she is turned 12 12.And it stinks alot like the cheese just in a different way with a diefferent smell i would say a heavy hashy smell but with both you need oven bag to carry the stuff in lol as its stinks .But after toking both i would say the g is stronger than the real cheese and the bbc cheese.


obviously someone else knows of the "g" i was talking about ,,i totally agree "g" is a lot stronger than the cheese ,,heavy hash is the right description too :headbange


great thread and very good plant , i have one run indoor with her , but outdoor she is a BIG surprise on how good she is growing . one cheese girl will be around 18 feet in diameter when done . simply amazing , very good structure for outdoor growing of high yielding dank , she stay semi low and like to spread wide .

cant wait to see her finish

nice pix you guys



TrueCanna Genetics - Selection is art
ICMag Donor


Looks like there are a lot more of the real deal appearing in the USA, glad to see.....real interested in everyones opinions on how it stands up to all of your elites, I now have an educated opinion having recently smoked most of the Chemdog family and West Coast Kush's as well as quite a few of the other American elites.




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