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Rezdog said:
Take the facts,as presented,and accept them....or don't.
Hmmm… or..
Take the facts as presented and verify them, don’t rely on other people to tell what is “fact” or be sheep.

If I believed facts on face value I would still think marijuana is an evil narcotic drug, a bane on society.

Wait let me verify that..puff..puff.. Nope not true. :smile:


. . . .

Y'know what,Intrinsic_,nobody's asking anybody to be a 'sheep'.
If they don't like the information found here,then haul ass and get it somewhere else.
In case you type by braile,there's a bunch of frenzied fucking sheep in here already,and they're the ones shitting on our floor and causing unnecessary disruption.
This is what it is,and no amount of conspiracy theorist bullshit,half-assed theory-posting is going to change what happened.
In fact,it's downright laughable,this dreck,if it wasn't such a waste of expensive bandwidth,at such an improper time.


(Recent events aside,I haven't lost my barbed wit.)

. . . .
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. . . .

Unlike some of these zipperheads,I can't say I'm in this boat:

I know what's posted is right,and as valid as valid can be.
On that note,again,believe what you like-whatever helps you sleep.

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New member
IronLung OG said:
why do we need to get seeds for RC's Fund..... fuck that, all fromer og members who learned and benifited from OG should kick in 5-10 bucks x 100,000 people = enough cash...... ... OG taught me how to grow, it took my life from shit, to amazing. Simply put... without overgrow I would never beable to afford college, have 1/2 the self-confidence I have, or the indepence to enjoy a life that I could never dreamed of.... that to me is a srong statement. anyway we have taken enough from OG can we rally aroung our leader, and shock the world with an overwhelming show of support in the terms of cash.... I belive all we need is a PO box for RC and it will be full everyday with modest donations..... I don't want seeds I want to send a handwritten letter of support and as much cash as I have in my wallet.
I would have to agree with you completely......

And thx to Gypsy and OP who deserve credit for what they are doing....I can certainly take Gypsy's word on this.....I really don't think RC would pull a fast one.,...having members ripping up crops (some of which were huge), screwing people waiting on seeds, advertisers etc.,,just to run off to Europe,,,,,,If you were waiting on seeds, thats the chance you take and you know this,...it sucks big donkey dong but you have to take it on the chin and move on. IF he did....then we can all hunt him down, put him in a grinder and smoke him....but untill then, lets calm down, smoke a bowl, Thank Gypsy and everyone else a IC, for welcoming us into thier home.......asking the questions and seeking the truth is a good thing...but do it with respect. RC did do alot for the community....yes,I am sure he made lots of $$, like thats a bad thing? Call me a capitalist infidel, but making money and doing something you love is a good thing in my book.
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some of you people who defend GN are being every bit as rude, ot, flaming, and name calling as thoes who are calling bs

that said i have always heard gypsy is a stand up dood, usually u get mixed opinions of people but GN has a flawless reputation to my knowledge, and hes gonna wanna keep it that way so IMO if gypsy is wrong hes been lied to like everyone else... yet gypsy is someone we would consider in the loop so i think the story is probably right...

if interpol arrested RC there would be no records of it in canada


dmcheatw said:
....some of you people who defend GN are being every bit as rude, ot, flaming, and name calling as thoes who are calling bs
Aw,fuck you.:D :D

Chairman Kaga

New member
To me this is sad indeed.

Yeas, we want proof! One of North America (shit, the world's) biggest counter culture figures goes down, and with him perhaps a long list of people the feds could finger as "co conspiritors.'

I usually side with logic and good reason, and I don't understand why there is absolutely no media coverage to support this, and further, why the people who live in these forums blast the thinkers who ask questions. Please don't give me the hush-hush investigation theory, as the cat is now out of the bad so to speak. The media coverage would be huge on this. OK, I'm happy RC didn't keep a log file, but I'll bet his ISP did!

rez, Gypsy and the rest of the big posters should understand that if all the OG'ers gave RC even just $5 for help, he would pocket over half a million dollars. If you think charlatons would not plan for such a windfall, then all of you are nieve. Don't blast us casual posters when we raise a cloud of suspicion. If he had nothing, what exactly was he in trouble for? Why was he locked down for 7 days, and then get out? Did he make a deal?

Dope is easy to grow. you guys all act like RC and the people who run these type of sites are gods. To me they are all attention whores and ego maniacs.



Active member
Well Poof was a friend of mine and I don't think he said anything that deserved to get him banned.

Poof if your out there try to let me know where you end up somehow.
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God, some of you people are idiots!

I'll start off by saying that I have been involved on the business end of things with Gypsy and his endeavors for quite a few years now. I've spoken with the man, I've spoken to a rather lovely lady at his shop and furthermore ... I've had personal correspondence with some of the people here. Gypsy nor his staff should be questioned here as they should be given the benefit of the doubt with regards to their honor as they have ALWAYS stood by everything they've said and done historically.

How dare you question their honor NOW? Some of you ingrates come here as a refuge and bring some of the garbage that was spewed on OG in the lounge. THIS IS NOT THE LOUNGE. People come here to laugh, trade stories, compare notes and ask questions... not question people's characters.

Understandably, the current situation is nervewracking to some, but Gypsy wouldn't lie about what was told to him. If what he heard is right or wrong, it makes no difference, he is simply telling you what he heard... and Gypsy is not prone to exaggeration.

While some of you DEMAND things, realize that in the grand scheme of this all... you are nothing of value. The people who have ANY right to demand here are the advertisers (IN PRIVATE) or the breeders (IN PRIVATE) with RC because it is afterall their relationship.. NOT YOURS.

Now while many of you will sit there and say... "But im out $100 bucks"... to you i say SHUT THE FUCK UP. I no doubt that you have saved more than that growing your own or profiting enough that whatever you lose is a pittance in comparison. If you're worried enough about being caught, then shut down, there is no need to cause that much undue stress to such a paranoid/stressed psyche. If it's just the fact that you're out money, then one more time STFU.

So simply put.

1. Don't question a person who has a history of doing the right thing simply because you're a cynic and confused.
2. Don't come into someone's home and insult them.
3. You have NO RIGHT to demand ANYTHING from ANYONE related to this issue as you had no serious business partnership (obvious exceptions to this rule do not apply) with RC.
4. For the most part, everyone here knows that they got into something illegal where you live. If now you worry about it, then you're an idiot. You should have covered your ass from the get go, if now your shittin bricks, then you're ill prepared and deserve what you get.

Antique Hippie

New member
"I know what's posted is right,and as valid as valid can be."

Awwwh Rez ya crack me up. :laughing:

I think its very fair that folks have questions. Its fair from where i`m sitting to think that maybe GN, OP, Rez all are telling what they believe...and maybe is, the truth. With no disrespect to them...fact is we won`t know what the truth is until it does come out. Maybe RC, whomever he may be...has been arrested under his real name, on an matter unrelated OG. Maybe. :confused: :listen2: :smoke: Peace. A.H


I wasn't going to comment but I am getting fired up a bit, so here goes.

If you don't like what Gypsy is saying then go find out for your damn selves!!!
How dare you jack-asses from OG come in here and sully our site then call the integrity of the guy who operates it into question. Gypsy is and has always been very forthright and honest to the best of my knowledge. I have been here for a while and have seen no reason to doubt what he posts. If you don't like it, the internet is a vast wealth of information, go find more info yourselves. :cuss: :cuss: :cuss:
On that note, sorry for the rant but this is getting ridiculous.

One other thing,

Has anyone ever thought that RC is under-investigation? Maybe he has been charged and there may be more charges added on. If he posts any first hand information it may come back on him. Perhaps his attorney has informed him to say nothing? Perhaps he is looking out for himself and his family and feels that he doesn't owe any of you pricks any explaination right now? So those of you that think he or anyone owes you an explaination are selfish bastards.

GO GET THEM REZ!!!!! :asskick: :asskick: :asskick:

Thanks and sorry for going off.
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Chairman Kaga said:
rez, Gypsy and the rest of the big posters should understand that if all the OG'ers gave RC even just $5 for help, he would pocket over half a million dollars.



^Absolutely agree. Gypsy is as credible a source without a doubt. He's in the biz and chillz with RC. Put away the foil hats people, and show our hosts some damn repsect.

I've also had my run-ins with ICers....but we've been here for 10+ days now...Time to stop acting like chickens with their heads cut off.


. . . .

....Anybody with an extra $10K a month lying around,go start a New Overgrow.
Put up or shut up,someone's paying for the bandwidth that's being wasted,as I've previously stated,with all this drecka,nd it's simply ridiculous.
Nobody owes any of you shit for an explanation,you're lucky you're privy to anyfuckingthingatall.
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