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This just keeps gettin' better and better.

Why does there seem to be an influx of name calling all of a sudden. I thought we were asking questions.... and getting the best answers from the best sources we have available.
Are not people allowed to ask questions with out being refered back with name calling?
People just wanna know what's going on.... if the people in the know have told us all they know then I guess we havta take their word for it.

I mean really it's not like it is any of "Our" business what RC's charges are... now does it. No one really needs to know this may be the start of a shit storm befalling many!

Really... who gives a shit!!
Now everyone chill out.. smoke a few and go check out the other threads on IC.... time to put this to rest... news and other fact based info will trickle in as time goes by.



It's a huge shit sandwich and we're all gunna havta take a bite!!

I have no ill feelings towards anyone on any forum.... I have harmed/ fouled no one... no one has fouled me.

See ya on the other threads! :wave:


Active member
well asking questions is one thing....now demanding and making false accusitions, conspiracys, and paranoia is another.

you all should get together and make a t.v show.



Gypsy Nirvana said:
...Look man...I'm just telling you what I have heard.....I thought that it was important for you all to hear this.....

....credible info?.......well I'm relatively credible and I have heard this info right?...

....If you don't think that I am credible and that I am talking a bunch of regurgitated hog-wash then say so ....and then take a long walk somewhere else that is more ambient for your countenance....

....I don't need to know all of the exact details right now...(but sure would like to).....all I am doing is being some sort of conduit of information for you to make a multitude of assumptions and thoeries about it .....it seems......

....there are always people who are not happy ....i am happy ....thank u so very much for the share....peace from the river


Templedogs said:
I would have to agree with you completely......

And thx to Gypsy and OP who deserve credit for what they are doing....I can certainly take Gypsy's word on this.....I really don't think RC would pull a fast one.,...having members ripping up crops (some of which were huge), screwing people waiting on seeds, advertisers etc.,,just to run off to Europe,,,,,,If you were waiting on seeds, thats the chance you take and you know this,...it sucks big donkey dong but you have to take it on the chin and move on. IF he did....then we can all hunt him down, put him in a grinder and smoke him....but untill then, lets calm down, smoke a bowl, Thank Gypsy and everyone else a IC, for welcoming us into thier home.......asking the questions and seeking the truth is a good thing...but do it with respect. RC did do alot for the community....yes,I am sure he made lots of $$, like thats a bad thing? Call me a capitalist infidel, but making money and doing something you love is a good thing in my book.

Avatar looks kind of familiar. Capitalist infidel? Monty?


New member
Gypsy and I have HAD OUR DIFFERENCES, I am sure many of you knnow that, that was a long time ago, and fighting online is silly ....anyway even though I do not personally like the guy, AT ALL...I still read this communities info, as we are all on the same team (whoever said we had to like our brothers and sisters anyway?) Anyhow, that said this guy does NOT owe any of you former OGers SHIT!!! Get on google and read!!!! I persoanlly feel that this is all prolly some bigger scamish schemish thing, but shit, I can prove NOTHING, nor can any of you. Until we can prove Narc Emery or GN wrong....well it feels like Roswell to me....sorry to post here GN, but well, I kinda stickin up fer ya here.... :yoinks:


Active member
you can't blaim all og'ers though, i know alot of good people at og and as you can see they aren't sticking their noses around and causing trouble, they are on the other forums doing what they did at og......the others are obvious.



New member
LOL yopu guys are rough in here aye? Well i definately did not come in here to argue, I have had enough of that, I am not blaming OGers exclusively, we have invited many "reugees" into my home forums, this mudslinging amongst us is crap though....like i said we are all on the same team..."united we stand"


Rezdog said:
. . . .

Unlike some of these zipperheads,I can't say I'm in this boat: ...

Rezdog, That was the second time you ignore a polite request. And was rude to me. Head up my ass????
Is this what others ICers were telling me about the maturity level here.

Is this indicative of the flavor of IC?

Jeez Rezdog what is your problem with me? Not a rhetorical question.


Rezdog said:
It's fun,from time-to-time.:bat:

But with the OG youngin's it is an exercise in futility. These kids love the fact that they can get you pissed off. Gives them something to do between jack off session online in their moms basement.

Feeding the trolls only makes them happier, they love the attention. Best to turn your back and not pay attention my friend. As the last name suggests....



Dang, now I am really happy that I went out today and threw myself down the side of a steep icy mountain with long boards on my feet instead of sitting at my PC. I just saved myself a couple of hours by scrolling through all of the posts instead of reading every one of them. On top of all that I also got to sit in the sun, drink beer and smoke weed! :friends: :joint:

Thanks for the update Gypsy. I'm sure you know that during difficult circumstances, some people will get agitated and demonstrate bad behavior. Many of us appreciate your willingness to provide refuge and information.

Growers, you are responsible for your own situations, no one here is. Take information for what it is worth; if you can get better, please report it back to the rest of us. If you don't like what you hear, please disregard it.

As far as financial contributions in any form; seed purchases, donations, subscriptions fees, whatever, once again you have to make your own decisions about what things are worth to you. I find seed banks and web sites to both be valuable assets worth supporting.


Rez , Gypsy,

Thanks for the info and being so generous with your time. I left OG because of some of the non grow forums just wasting space. Unfortunately it seems that both the best and worst of OG have migrated here. In the last few days a lot of kid posters have shown up. Honestly, I only read the first 2 pages to say where this was going.

I am a little saddened by the arrival of the people that caused me to leave OG in the first place.

Rez, I just got Williams WOnder on sale. Can't wait.

Not every one from OG is an idiot.


Maybe you should make these announcement stickies...


New member
Poof I'm Gone said:
Ok I guess I'm done, this will be my last post (I think) in these "what happened" threads.
I had a bunch to say after reading all the post in all the related threads in the last 4 hrs or so but now that I've thought about it I see that it's pointless and half of it would probably get me kicked off or it will just get deleted so what's the point.

I'll just bring up a few points and things I know and leave it at that.
I'm not going to go back through all these threads and quote all the lame ass things said and misinformation. Too much work. I'll go from memory so I might get some stuff just a hair off... flame me for it.

1. Evidently there are many posters here that are new to this seed business and the internet MJ boards or are just totaly blinded and loyale to their board no matter what. Be it ICMAG,CW,OG or CC

I've been prevy to many facts of the behind the scenes going on's of these boards and the people that run them. There is not one that hasn't done some shitty stuff to folks, lied, mislead, and backstabbed people for their own personal gain.

The seed business is the most dirty, crooked, dishonest business I've ever had the pleasure of comming across. Some of the stuff I've seen and been told has just floored me. Some of these board owners and their groupie breeders should have their ass kicked. Us members have been scamed for ages by many. They fool you by donating seeds to "The cause" "Giving out freebies" ect ect. Making you think they are here to help the med. community and to change MJ laws. LoL
They are here to make money...nothing wrong with that it's just how you go about doing it.

This is a multi million dollar business folks and an illegal one at that. What happens when you mix big $$$ with illegal activities? People get fk'd that's what happens and the folks at the top of the food chain get rich. Greed takes over the best of intentions.

2. Comments about RC, Gypsy and Marc providing a place for us to converse and share and that we should be grateful for it.

Wake up! These boards are nothing more than a cash cow. They are a living breathing advertisement for their seeds and breeders. Word of mouth is the best advertisement there is and you can't buy advertisement like we the members provide.
If we all walked and quit promoting all these strains the board owners would shit and be begging folks to come back. It would hurt business big time!

3. No one (board owners/breeders) have a reason to lie about this. They are all buddies really when it comes down to it.

Bullshit!...see post #1 Plenty of reasons to lie and Bullshit us, too many to list really.
Not saying they are right now but there is plenty of motive and that's a fact.

I've kind of lost my train of thought here so I'm going to jump to the next thing real quick.

We are doing excattly what LEO wants. We need to stick together as a group. No CW against OG, OG against ICMAG all of us against CC..LoL That's hard isn't it.

Fk all these board owners and breeders, it's about us the members and growers of these boards. We are the ones on the front line putting it out there risking our families freedom for the plant and a little pleasure. Not to say that some of these folks don't take risks too but they get paid very well for it. I don't and I don't think most you don't either.

Do any of you realize MJ is worth more than gold? And that if you go after just seeds it blows away the price of growing for buds? Give that some deep thought.
A fully seeded plant can be worth $100,000+ where as in buds it's worth 3-6K
Naaa...no room for corruption or greed there. How many seeds do you get when you go buy wild flowers at Wall Mart for $2...Think about it...these folks are getting rich.

This last week has really made me do a lot of thinking about all these boards and the seed business in general, not that I haven't been doing it for a along time but this recent stuff has really motivated me again.

I have a very close knit circle of friends who feel basically the same way. We are all fed up with the insane seed prices and the genetics hoarding. Between us we have or can get any of those "who's dick to I have to suck to get it" strains folks want. We have been talking and hopefully soon you will see reasonable high quality genetics for sale. I like to see so and so charge $50-$300 for strain xxx when they can get it for $20

That's about it...in closing I'll add, out of all the breeders I've met and talked to there are about 4 (commercial) that I truly trust and are doing what they do for the right reasons and truly have a heart of gold and want to help....one posted here recently and that is Dman. The rest know who they are and how I feel about them.

See ya, I'm going back to my corner now and just watch for awhile.
Have fun and sorry if I pissed anyone off...too bad.

I didn't say half of what I really wanted to say.

'people' never seem to recognize corporate reality.
buyers are the movement...and you are getting fleased.
do the fuking math.
oh, no...maybe go in posting incessent bullshit--sheeple.

in other news...
I feel for whomever is fucked due to LEO's attacks on weed farm.
but you'd think there'd be more documentation of a grevious crackdown.


New member
The Anti-Moron™ software on my PC went crazy when I started to read your posts. You wouldn't know a clue if it walked up to you, bit you on the ass, and announced 'I AM A CLUE'. However, I'll consider letting you have the last word if you guarantee it will be your last. How true is Stanislaw J. Lec's famous remark: "Every now and then you meet someone whose ignorance is encyclopedic."

That being said, thanks Gypsy for letting us crash here and keeping us updated on the current events as they unfold.


New member


acar said:
in other news...
I feel for whomever is fucked due to LEO's attacks on weed farm.
but you'd think there'd be more documentation of a grevious crackdown.

I worked at hightimes for less then a year. After an argument with my boss, I quit. The argument started because I was confronted about my questions regarding why a certain person there was recieving phone calls and emails from the US Goverments DEA. This person was heading up the business dealings with OG. It started around the time hightimes came to OG. My questions were answered last monday when OG shutdown.

"Poof I'm gone" has it correct. The seed business is huge and the money is made in gouging. Everyone has their own cliques and clinger-ons. Gypsy has his, and RC has his. When it comes down to it, it's all about the dollar. (if your canadian, it's all about the loony)

I don't know this rezdog, but I'm assuming he's affiliated with resevoir seeds? looking at his posts here this thread, I find he's incredibily ignorant, arrogent and immature. Most unprofessional seedbreeder I've ever seen. (I thought emery was bad!) Yet, he's a sponser of this site so he's going to get VIP treatment. This is how the business works folks. I've seen it from the frontlines at hightimes.
While OG had it's small cliques, it remained relatively un-biased as far as freedom of speech went on the boards. Thats why it was ultra-sucessful. This board remaining as is, will not. But I assume thats exactly the way gyspy wants it.
While I am a fan of gypsy, some of the company he keeps I am not. I hope this changes. Good luck all. This will be my only post. I just needed to say what I saw at HT.
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