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Personally I'd like to thank those who have done their best to provide as much up to the moment info, good info, as was to be had, OP, Rez, endured alot of verbal abuse and never lost it (at least entirely, how much bs can one put up with while trying to help people you don't even really know), remained the most calm out of anyone. We've all been soiling our pants for a week, tension's been very high, sleepless nights, to tear down or not, major ass concerns. Ultimately anyone knows that there's risk involved, and maybe it's easy to become too comfy with posting info that one should give a second thought to putting out there, so maybe a bit of rethinking about doing so is in order to cover one's as on the internet.
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I think Rez has been drinking. He's somewhat violent today. Fuck, I'd be pissed to if people were fuckin' talkin' smack to OGers and OG admins. So I can't blame the guy.

They don't have to tell us shit. We don't have a right to know shit. If you don't like it. Bugger off!

Now what we need to do is stop with the bullshit posting and take a fuckin' smoke break.

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ITA said:
WELL I have to say REZDOg at least your consistent...

I'm sorry you were dropped on your head,repeatedly,in infancy.
That you cannot easily view a clear witticism leaves me no doubt that you should always wear your helmet,even at your wittle compooter.


New member
I agree senor,

But then again one does not have to come hear and read it or respond to it either EVERYONE IS HERE BY THEIR OWN CHOICE.. people who dont want to read it should just stay out of the thread ..

Rez N the Gang Are seasoned veterans, no one has said anything that they have not heard before, or said themselves about others ....



I am certain that LEOs are watching this shit and laughing at the chaos they've wreaked in our community. This thread should be locked. It's 11 pages of the same shit over and over. Nothing is being accomplished other than cannabis people finding reasons to harsh on other cannabis people.

I agree with Rez on just about every point, though I wouldn't have duked it out for 11 pages like he has. We'll know what we know when it's time for us to know it. Demanding info here isn't gonna get you anywhere.


New member
cmon thats all you got

cmon thats all you got

rez you come straight out of a comic book and everyone knows you are the biggest loser besides Marc emery ..

now go wipe your daddy's cum of your lip :dueling:


Ah,what to say?
No drinking tonight,it's just been a long-ass week-plus.
The HS/OG/RC fiasco's been a mental drain,trying to keep up with all the happenings,and trying to quell fears that it's The Big One,weezie!
This 'boards gone from a few hundred members to a few thousand,and with it we have a retinue of idiots,morons,douchebags,and transplanted leo and wanna-be rent-a-cops,disrupting the Whole Shebang.
<<If I'd said 'Shabang',then a whole new junior-grade Conspiracy Theory is born:
"Rez said Shabang was part of it,I saw his name mentioned in some part of one thread or another!" THAT sort of ridiculous mamby-pamby drivel.
Then you have a whole boatload of junior geniuses at HardlyGrowing-dot-snore,who've been instrumental in accomplishing absolutely nothing but blather and conjecture while this whole tragic situation has unfolded.
Those guys did nobody any favors.
Is that enough to seem a bit fucking tired of it?
I think so.



New member
Kalotermes said:
Your fukkin brutal bro!!!!!!
I'm loving it.:woohoo:
Buncha disrespectfull souls are all I see. :moon:

get yur head out of rezs ass :kissass: he aint gonna give you seeds or nothing


Guess lurks missed somthin...

wanted to get into dwc and tap the guides. oops.

Whatever is going down, stay strong and keep growin.


ITA said:
rez you come straight out of a comic book and everyone knows you are the biggest loser besides Marc emery ..

now go wipe your daddy's cum of your lip :dueling:

Ignorance and mockery need not apply. This is why we stopped participating in OG in '04. Children post crap. Be usefull or be quiet. One might see how one would fold up shop too for the likes of this kindgarten antic.


New member
I take that back your a bigger loser than Marc Emery that pick is older than the dust in your mommas panties lol


New member
lurkocious said:
Ignorance and mockery need not apply. This is why we stopped participating in OG in '04. Children post crap. Be usefull or be quiet. One might see how one would fold up shop too for the likes of this kindgarten antic.

why dont you go play in traffic :lurk:


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
....Can we all just settle down here?....

...Like I said....I will let you know more about the situation as and when I hear any new information regarding it......

...Let's not turn the thread into some silly slanging match any more than it is already.....
ITA said:
rez you come straight out of a comic book and everyone knows you are the biggest loser besides Marc emery ..

now go wipe your daddy's cum of your lip :dueling:

Your daddy cum in your mouth often ITA? You sound like a real punk-bitch, getting crazy behind your computer screen. Easy to do, I imagine. HH



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