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So prove it or STFU OK? Why this need to be Right? If this is fiction I like it better anyhow.
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lumbo said:
Not to belabour the point, ex, but I think you nailed it. You can't prove a negative, so nobody will every really know what went down. Just like nobody will ever prove that the LockNess Monster doesn't exist.

I think this has everything to do with money and commerce, and nothing to do with the law. That's the way the world works, but I feel bad that we all lost a great website and some good people lost a lot of sleep and in some cases, their grows.

Well, it wasn't our website to lose since we didn't own it or pay the bills. And losing sleep over security concerns is just part of this way of life. And another crop is only 4 months away.

nice post
lumbo said:

But a lot of bad blood has been created by this whole sad affair, and I don't think we can blame the police for that. Some people seem to want to put all this behind us and move on to the next big thing. Ain't gonna happen for everyone.

that too!!!!!!!


New member


WeedWrapperMan said:
So prove it or STFU OK? Why this need to be Right? If this is fiction I like it better anyhow.

I just check the facts & report them.
As to proving it,if there was a record of an arrest I could have photocopied it & posted it to prove there was an arrest.But there is no record of any arrest.
As I said ,don't believe me,check it for yourself...go to the RCMP & SPCUM websites or call their press office ,call Michel St.Auger at La presse or Hubie Bauch at the Gazette & ask them about it...they'll tell you what I told you....nothing happened.

Who knows why OG closed down but there was no arrest in Mtl.


If RC was busted, there would be a public record of it within a week, especially if he was already released......

Unless the charges are being dropped, the prosecution might not file them then.


arrests are ublic record in my neck of the woods. Anytime your name runs through the courts there is PUBLIC record of it. There is no hiding this because they have computers and micro fish and all kinds of documents you can look at and even get copies of for like a quarter. Go look yourself up at the courthouse sometime. Or even your spouse!

Antique Hippie

New member
I stayed away from this almost a whole day...spent too much trying to find the truth and finding the same old crap...almost everywhere...still the same crap.
Said it before as is exeditor, sc has been consistant from the start as has HK...none has said or asked anything that was unfair. We were all part of a community that got uprooted and fair that we look out for our community. Starting to look like a Bush, Katrina pr dept is running it.(no disrespect intended to anyone) Everyone that is on the retail end of this has had mud thrown at them, some deseved, some of it not...some are known to have been in involved shady or slightly shady dealings, the whole business is shady because of legalities. I`m having problems understanding why I should blindly believe them now?? Same people would call you stupid for not doing your research...buyer beware. We are aware, thats why we`re asking. I`m not a fan of Reeferman...but he came forward and said he was undergoing a reorganization and to be patient...he gets respect from me for that...still not a fan, but closer than I was before. Kudos RM.
I`d also like to thank GN and the mods here. If this was OG/CW this discussion never would have taken place and most know it, ask Rez. If we`re going to start new, this is a damn fine start imho. Locking it if necessary is fair...binning fair discussion will only turn IC into another OG/CW. If folks don`t like the discussion they should stay away and let the mods keep doing what their doing so well. Peace and patience everyone.A.H


Let me say this, People who say, 'Keep quiet' about the law and charges are often up to something, someone with nothing to hide would not be affected by people speculating about what happened, and would come forward right away to quell any rumors of wrongdoing.

We might never know what really happened.
I have had plenty of experience with the law in Canada, and I've been ratted out by a friend with something hanging over his head (eh Polly?). One day your friend can have a charge, publily acknowledged, and the next court date he has might vanish, poof, no more charges.

Rc said through an intermediary that he has been charged with seed offenses, this is a drug charge, and there should be some sort of public record after this much time.
If any of his friends really care about him, they would advise him of all the negative speculation and suggest he have someone post something clearing up these rumors, if that can be done......

No court in Canada has the juristiction to say a person cannot talk about their charges, and anyone who shows their paperwork to a friend cannot be held accountable for their friend's actions, should they choose to talk about it, or even post said paperwork.

peace - tug


Snohoman from the pnw
I'll assume snohomish county?

I had a bad experience there in 2003, I was busted for reckless driving in Everett, when they found a roach in my car (Canadian in an american land) they arrested me, and when I made a stink about the way I was treated, they switched judges on me, giving me jail time right there after getting me to sign a waiver to face a lesser charge (they told me if I signed, I could go home).
Then the 'hanging judge' Weisman, rejected the plea, quoting how Canadians shouldn't be here breaking our laws when our boys are over in Iraq fighting a war....., and how if I had been smarter I would've kept my mouth shut more.
He then sentenced me to a year, suspending 350 days.
Car towed from the courthouse, no change of clothes, not enough cash for 2 weeks in the can, etc., wasn't that an illegal war anyway????????

Ah, the snohomish county jail for a week (max security), then Indian Ridge (medium security) for another, FOR SPEEDING, MOUTHING OFF, and being CANADIAN.

The original judge (Moon) was good, as was the female prosecutor, and the police officers involved, but Weisman, who is a drunken lout drinking and driving himself takes the cake for asshole of the year.
I heard from all kinds of people in I. Ridge who say Weisman is a drinking driver, even hitting a bridge once when drunk, but doesn't face charges himself as a judge.
Kind of ironic for a guy who supposedly lost his daughter to a drinking driver.
Since then I looked him up on the web, and he has been reprimanded before, for 'expanding' his idea of what the law means a little too much, too often.

Btw, I. Ridge jail had 145 inmates when I was there, 139 for driving offenses, the others for drugs. One was a canadian who got caught drinking and driving, but fled the country, and was arrested again after getting caught drinking and driving AGAIN the next year, sentence; 1 1/2 years in an american jail.
I don't condone his foolish/dangerous activity, but 1 1/2 years for being over the limit, no involvement in an accident?

The american gov't and it's representatives never fail to amaze me......

ps, I miss Issaquah, Old Fairhaven, Pearl Jam concerts, and Grant's Drive-In in ****** (rootbeer floats/shakes), and the american people in general (they are just like Canadians, with an imaginary line drawn between us).
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tug said:
Snohoman from the pnw
I'll assume snohomish?

I had a bad experience there in 2003, I was busted for reckless driving in Everett, when they found a roach in my car (Canadian in an american land) they arrested me, and when I made a stink about the way I was treated, they switched judges on me, giving me jail time right there after getting me to sign a waiver to face a lesser charge (they told me if I signed, I could go home).
Then the 'hanging judge' Weisman, rejected the plea, quoting how Canadians shouldn't be here breaking our laws when our boys are over in Iraq fighting a war....., and how if I had been smarter I would've kept my mouth shut more.
Car towed from the courthouse, no change of clothes, not enough cash for 2 weeks in the can, etc., wasn't that an illegal war anyway????????

Ah, the snohomish county jail for a week (max security), then Indian Ridge (medium security) for another, FOR SPEEDING, MOUTHING OFF, and being CANADIAN.

The original judge (Moon) was good, as was the female prosecutor, and the police officers involved, but Weisman, who is a drunken lout drinking and driving himself takes the cake for asshole of the year.
I heard from all kinds of people in I. Ridge who say Weisman is a drinking driver, even hitting a bridge once when drunk, but doesn't face charges himself as a judge.
Kind of ironic for a guy who supposedly lost his daughter to a drinking driver.
Since then I looked him up on the web, and he has been reprimanded before, for 'expanding' his idea of what the law means a little too much, too often.

The american gov't and it's representatives never fail to amaze me......

damn I'm sure that will leave a bad taste in your mouth about america.


Marc Emery Speaks:


called Richard B at home at 10.39 eastern time, no ones answering.

I think he was raided, I just don't think he's been charged. A raid is an investigation, lots of people are at risk.

But the police don't have to charge him with anything. He could still flee the country (which I believe he has), and the police have all this devastating stuff on everyone who did business with Richard Baghdadlian.

The name Richard Baghdadlian is listed with the Quebec Registry of Corporations (418-643-3625) --- company registration 9102-1352 Quebec, Inc (Heaven's Stairway)

Home number 514-856-0244


This Marc dude is an opportunist to the Nth degree.
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Don't get me wrong, it was MY FAULT, but jail time for speeding?

TBolts, it would be wise to edit that phone #, unless it's yours, and you want strangers calling you......
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If he was jailed for a week, as earlier stated, there would have had to be charges......


Yeah it rains here, in the Pacific NorthWest where we don't tan, we rust...... lol

I want to post something about Marc 'the narc' Emery

I live in BC, Vancouver to be exact, and he has to be the biggest self-serving lying idiot that ever resided here.

His companies are all run by friends and associates, who give his friends and associates all opportunity while the general masses stand in line, his editors give out personal information about people (me), he runs what he sees will sell, not responsible journalism, is an associate of some of the biggest commercial growers in the country, and attracts all kind of attention to himself (who in their right mind would go on any store/forum/thread he owns, while he is being extradited to the usa, do you think they are done gathering evidence against him?), makes millions of dollars being a martyr to the cause, and then asks for donations to his legal fund.

If he didn't save any of that money for an attorney that's his shortsightedness.
Marc Emery (who is highly intelligent) is preying on what he knows to often be a gullible and naive culture. Shame on him.
If he rots in an american jail forever, it will only be HIS fault.
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God dam, news is out on cannabis culture, Mark did his homework well,
Richard B********** 514 856-****
Got to give him credit,


Give him credit for what? For posting Richard's personal info so all kinds of kooks and growers can call his potentially tapped phone?

IF ANYTHING, Marc 'the narc' Emery could have pointed out that he had found some info, but posting exactly where he got it, and even posting the information itself was about what you'd expect from a rat......
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