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MynameStitch said:
you guys trusted in the mods before all this junk happend why you guys losing faith now?
seriously now cm'on think about it, why would they make up stories they are the ones that have nothing to gain by this and i have trust in gn and op and the mods who have been trying to get the info out to as of whats going on

Just maybe they're being spoon fed a lie?Who knows only time will tell,things do seem odd though. :confused:


New member

mastercheefer said:
Exeditor, I don't know who to believe as this is a bogus internet forum but, what would your explaination be for the sudden disappearance of these websites? I'm not sure what your trying to get at, that whoever sets up this fund is trying to scam us out of are money?

I said before ...you don't have to believe me...you can check it out for yourself..make the phone calls check the websites I listed on a prior post
if you're in montreal go down to the courthouse(palais de justice) & check the boards.
I'm not going to speculate why the OG went down...I don't know any of these people & can't say what their motives are.I'm not interested.
All I did was what any good journalist does when he smells a story fishy or otherwise...I checked the FACTS.
& yes if someone sets up a legal fund for a nonexistant arrest it's indeed a scam & if you give you've been scammed.
Again I say,I'm just an exjournalist & editor(now enjoying my retirement with some good Homegrown)with 25 years of experience with no axe to grind who still will try to track down the facts of what seems to be a scam being perpetrated.
Someone said you can't prove a negative but as I said...you get arrested here you leave a public trail.
No trail...no arrest.QED
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honey oil addict
you seem to have your shit together. some people say RC made a deal with the pigs and therefore isnt being busted, but others will be. if this is the case, and he was initially arrested, is it possible there would be no record of the arrest, once the deal was made?


Tell ya' what,gang:
I know specifics about this that haven't been posted,and I can assure you,RC was arrested.
You aren't being told everything because it'd be detrimental to the situation.
Now quit with the bullsjit speculation and go kick a wall.


Hey guys finally i can post!Another "Og Refugee" I think all the peeps wantin proof shud just lay off man i mean c'mon why wud gypsy or anyone make that shit up???


i believe rez, but i will say this:

#1 - Kut - yes, you would have no record. You would have whatever record you wanted - depending on how well you snitch. Usually, they charge the person with the lowest charge possible, put them on "snitch probation" (there's a real name for it, but i've never snitched and i'm not a P.O., i can't remember the exact name) where you don't have to take piss tests, you just have to "check in" every month with your arresting officer/the detective you made the deal with.

i know real snitches, and family member's of their's, who've verified this, not to mention i heard it from various LEO's mouth's first.

secondarily, i think exeditor has many good points :
and rez, i've seen papers from people that were trying to put me in prison :
and i didn't realize it until my door was gone and my house full of unwanted people :
i know that won't happen to you - God willing, anyway, i'm a big fan of your's -
but i do think, unlike some, that it will happen to some people connected to this situation,

and i think the continual "everything's fine! RC's free! back to normal life!" coming from entities other than you is a little bit loaded, because people were slipping,
and i think it's fair to say
things aren't what they used to bee


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Rezdog said:
Tell ya' what,gang:
I know specifics about this that haven't been posted,and I can assure you,RC was arrested.
You aren't being told everything because it'd be detrimental to the situation.
Now quit with the bullsjit speculation and go kick a wall.

It is not speculation that there is no record of any arrest.This FACT.
You say you know things...Nonsense.
You can't say things like that & expect to be beleived
That's old Communist /Nazi /Bush style propagandizing...believe us, we know what's happening...we have secret knowledge you don't.
I live in the real world & have been reporting about (& the secret world behind the stories) it for 25 years

Also In Quebec,if arrested you can't be held incommunicado for a week.

Also re the previous post...if you are arrested it leaves a public trail as I keep saying...yr scenario doesn't fit,,,,they might try to get extra info by promising a shorter sentence but generally here they don't do plea deals like in the US


Too much 'I heard this, I heard that" BS.

If RC was arrested and charged (paperwork submitted), there would be a public record in Canada. Anyone can find out about it if you know where to look.

If he snitched, we would never see a public record, but why would he admit he was busted if he snitched? That's either BS, or a 2 digit IQ......

Let's hear from RC through a third party (lawyer, official statement), and stop speculating until then.
This is a dirty business for some, so ANYTHING is possible. Watch how you represent, don't post private info, get a code program for business details, etc., etc..


REZDOG, please be quite unless you have help to offer with our investigation. This is serious! No more clowning please. Do something useful email NORML about this they have an ongoing investigation, I am unable to right now.



Active member

Best post in this whole thread. Well said Myron.

RC is a stand up guy, he allowed my fund to exist on HIS site, using HIS bandwidth. He didnt have to do that. If all he cared for was the $ he would've told the guys that got it going to fuck off.

I agree everything I know about RC since I started at CW 6 years ago has pointed to him being a great guy but I don't really know him. Also he takes his normal cut from the charity auctions so why would he turn you away? It was one more avenue for revenue.

That's business though. He ran a successful one for quite a long time. Considering all his hard work I hope he comes out ahead in the end regardless of what has happened.

I don't know RC, but OG was a great site, and IC's is as well, after all they're letting another site crash at their place......

Do you think, since their membership has gone through the roof in the last few days, that when their advertisers reup their contracts they will have to pay more? Sure GN has a great site and I appreciate it but I'm sure he appreciates us almost as much as his advertisers do. This is a business isnt it? Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Everyone out there should be entitled to entertain all the theories, and then do the followup reseach and act accordingly. Many have way too much at stake not to.

Thank you again Gypsy for being a great host and giving us a place to discuss or fears. One day your advertisers and yourself will benefit from this and that is only right.
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New member
suzycremecheese said:
I agree everything I know about RC since I started at CW 6 years ago has pointed to him being a great guy but I don't really know him. Also he takes his normal cut from the charity auctions so why would he turn If it isnt being presented they should be permitted to do the research Ex-editor is doing and post about it without being labelled trolls.

Crazy to some but ex-editors theories make the most sense with the evidence that is before us. Everyone out there should be entitled to entertain all the theories, and then do the followup reseach and act accordingly. Many have way too much at stake not to.

Thank you again Gypsy for being a great host and giving us a place to discuss or fears. One day your advertisers and yourself will benefit from this and that is only right.

Hey suzy
thanx 4 that....but I don't deal in theories....only FACTS
& the FACTS are that there is no record of any arrest in Montreal
THe RCMP,Montreal police& quebec provincial police have said they know nothing about it!!!!Call them yourself & ask.
Maybe I should get the RCMP press rep to post here to that effect!!!

As Duffy Moon said ... Arrests=Paper trails...he's been there ...he know the drill
That's a fact not a theory
THe arrest story is the fiction.


DancesWithWeed said:
Holy pieces of shit!!If you know more than anyone else then STFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yer the one who keeps clogging this thread sayin you know better but you havent added anything but a pile of SHIT!Get a life move on,serious is this all you got goin for you.I like the whole "Our investigation :pointlaug .Man i cant wait for losers like you to leave.I also like "stop speculating" but thats all ALL of you guys have done.You guys could turn gold to shit!DWW

Ya talking to me. I don’t think there is any thing to current story but it is prudent to start checking.

I’ve been searching the web the last ten days for outside information. Been contacting NORML. JJ retain a lawyer for advive on the busts in Canada concernig seed business. Others have contacted news paper if they heard anything

What have you done! Well?


New member

Intrinsic_ said:
I’ve been searching the web the last ten days for outside information. Been contacting NORML. JJ retain a lawyer for advive on the busts in Canada concernig seed business. Others have contacted news paper if they heard anything

What have you done! Well?

Intrinsic...in my research,NORML was one of the 1st places I checked when 1st saw this story before checking locally in Mtl.
Norml follows all dope related action & busts
there was never anything on this even 15 mins ago

Like you say & I said....DO THE RESEARCH....The truth is out there
...you just have to look...anyone can do it.

Also in this age of bushite misinformation anyone who believes
everything they read without double & triple checking is out of their minds ...& gets what ever the neocons give em & deserve it
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So what's being Insinuated Now? RC took the money & Ran & GN is covering for him?

So what's being Insinuated Now? RC took the money & Ran & GN is covering for him?

In the guise of this thread? Is it just me or is there very little sense being posted here? At this point who cares who knows what and who's bullshitting? No sense in screaming for what you can't have. If you are concerned about your Orders at CW and HS continue to be. Do you really want to look into your funds right now? Ask all you want but these questions seem to be getting No Answers. If you are concerned about your security because of the OG CW disappearance and what might have been contained in their servers you should have better protected YourSelf. I think a bunch of peeps are freakin because they Hooked Up with other entities on the Net. I think some kids need some attention (or a nap). I think I need a Bong Hit.
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Cant we just leave this thread alone until someone like OP or GN or DG post on it . Man it just floods the boards with the same old stuph ... just chill and let someone that knows something real post. All the wierd crap that can be thought of is not going to help. Just be still for a bit and let someone that is actually in a position to really know something post.Everyone has had a week to get all the wild ideas out of their systems now lets just sit back and wait for some truth. Thanks everyone :)


just sitting here :lurk: days now of the most halarious fun i ever read on these rc posts.... rez..you crack me up ,keep that whip coming...its like a a old karate movie with dudes gettin the shit slapped outta them and flying around..lol

gypsy turn my old account from fewmonths ago back on would ya..pleeeeeez


New member


Babbabud said:
just chill and let someone that knows something real post. All the wierd crap that can be thought of is not going to help. Just be still for a bit and let someone that is actually in a position to really know something post.Everyone has had a week to get all the wild ideas out of their systems now lets just sit back and wait for some truth. Thanks everyone :)

What I posted is real truth..not speculation or conjecture.
I spent a couple of days researching,checking court records,checking with reporters & cops.
No wild ideas..just FACTS
read the facts.... check the facts for yourself
truth will set you free.
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