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6 cause it needs to be bigger so I can see her. 9 cause she is a HO from Texas, like my hero, Anna Nicole Smith.


7/10...would have been higher, but i have never really been a fan of winnie the pooh. Damn honey addict:joint:


Oh No! You were not supposed to recognize me! I better rethink this....lol

I'm gonna have to give you a 3 cause that guy looks like my first husband. Oh, the painful memories....:D


Active member
6 cause it needs to be bigger so I can see her. 9 cause she is a HO from Texas, like my hero, Anna Nicole Smith.

OHHHHHH Lola loves Texas HO's also.......I wish I had a better picture of Candy Barr.....but I could not use Anna Nicole's as she was a opiate Ho which we don't advise you and I....

but we understand she was a victim of greedy men who fed her them drugs to control her money/ May Stern rot in prison soon.

May Vicky/Anna Nicole RIP now and she left her kids stinkin' rich so I know she is happy up in weed heaven where us Texas Ho's go after we die....

Thanks for the laugh Lola:joint:...


It would be crazy to be wakin up to this dude staring at you in bed


10/10 . I can't see it, and I don't know what it is, but with a name like Satainik Mekanik, I ain't pissing YOU off! lol.

(Winnie has his jar of honey and a Colt 45 automatic) Can anybody put a Indiana Jones hat on him and give him a little whip? Maybe a holster? Thanks I have no Photoshop skills!

Ooohh! Darth Vader it is! Well, not a big fan of Darth, so I'm gonna have to risk pissing off Satan's Mechanic and say a 5. How about an evil car with green fog and flames SM? Or a photo of a lonely deserted old time mechanic on duty gas station, eerily lit at night with neon with a hearse parked out front?


No Longer a Human Watering Can
8/10 the force is strong with that one !!!!!

damnit i wanted to rate lolagirl's

edit :::: you snuck it in before me im a slow typer
:woohoo:10/10 for L.G. love the killer pooh

its darth vader !!!! L.G.
I love weedster's and well seismic, your never really touched my funny bone....kinda missed out on that culture a little bit. I wouldn't be afraid if I woke up seeing him, unless he was cutting himself.

Anyways, new avatar; kinda not sure what all the laws are trying to do but they don't look good. It is a lot like the Australian laws.


The Hopeful Protagonist
Of course CD's is a 10....although it smells a little like baby poo..... :nanner:

I think seismic's looks a little like Rick Ocasek.....




Yeah, I gotta give Cellar a 10 for sure. Wish I could download animated avatars....don't change it!

IGrow4Me: Good choice, nice colors, gotta give it a 9. I gotta quit posting in this thread, it's addicting...lol Had to post to let you know that baby poo remark cracked me up! It seems I've given out too much rep again today!

El Vexilix

I gotta give Lola a 10/10 , cracked up when I saw it , pooh looks like he has the signatue toy walk , the gun and mask makes it priceless .