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Racist cops protect racist zimmerman

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weed fiend
Anybody watch The Last Word last night? Prior to the interview, Zim's lawyer was on the set reviewing the questions he'd be asked. The lawyer got up and left the set, presumably to avoid making any false statements.

shooter - in hiding

witness - in hiding? he won't come forward

lawyer - :chin:

I get it that some aren't willing to give Martin the benefit of the doubt and recognize that Zimmerman appears to be a trigger-happy bigot.

But giving Zimmerman the benefit of the doubt, especially under these circumstances is a stretch.

So how long will Zimmerman remain in hiding? How long does it take for a broke nose to heal?:)
So what exactly is a neighborhood watch Capt. suppose to do? It's obvious he has called the cops in the past,any previous incidents?All 'hoodie' related complaints?

He must be the white Hispanic(sounds like a new classification)boogey man.

I'm actually shocked at how many of the 'labeled' are so quick to label.So sick of the bullshit.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
I'll tell you what he is not supposed to do. He is not supposed to shoot unarmed people, just like any other human being on this planet.

Also everyone pissed about Zimmerman being labeled a racist or Bigot is officially being labeled a retard by ME. No matter how many times these idiots are reminded that Zimmerman called Treyvon Martin "COON" 2 minutes before he murdered him, they just keep choosing to ignore that fact. It is on the fucking 911 tape clear as day.


here. I got your trophy for you. It's a man with his head up is own ass


weed fiend
So what exactly is a neighborhood watch Capt. suppose to do? It's obvious he has called the cops in the past,any previous incidents?All 'hoodie' related complaints?

He must be the white Hispanic(sounds like a new classification)boogey man.

I'm actually shocked at how many of the 'labeled' are so quick to label.So sick of the bullshit.

Try to consider the fact that nobody cared to call Zimmerman like they saw him until he decided to roll vigilante and murder a neighbor's visitor.

Zimmerman - "They always get away." - Infers guilt. Otherwise they have a right to "get away". And here's goofy dick running around with a Gloch strapped to his leg. Gad damn Barney Fife.

"fucking coons" - fucking bigot... with a gun

Zimmerman's lawyer walked off the set of an interview, presumably to avoid having to answer whether Zimmerman even owned property where he played deputy dog.

I can see folks not being ready to give Martin the benefit of the doubt. But giving Zimmerman any empathy at this point requires tuning out a lot of shit that suggests the guy's not only a hater but willing to act on it.

BTW, I was wrong about Zimmerman calling 911 46 times since the stand-your-ground law was enacted. Zimmerman actually called 911 46 times in the last 9 months.


I'm not taking sides by any means, but we are white and a black cop pushed wife down and lost our baby.....don't hear about that do ya?


weed fiend
So what exactly is a neighborhood watch Capt. suppose to do?

Firstly, they're not self-appointed, not packing and they typically go through official neighborhood watch training programs that emphasize not going after perps. They only assist the police by reporting what they see. That's why it's called neighborhood "watch" as opposed to neighborhood "shoot".

It's obvious he has called the cops in the past,any previous incidents?All 'hoodie' related complaints?

He must be the white Hispanic(sounds like a new classification)boogey man.

I'm actually shocked at how many of the 'labeled' are so quick to label.So sick of the bullshit.
I'm not shocked and I wont call it bullshit but you're quite possibly compartmentalizing the facts.


does someone have a link to the infamous phone call with zimmerman dropping the "c bomb".

i know that i am computer stupid but is seems like in everything i find they are busy talking about what was said and arguing with each other but they are not spending a whole lot of time (read: none) actually playing the tape


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
I find it hard to believe so many people are trying to "defend" or to "justify" this murder. And yes, I said murder.

This Zimmerman is a wannabe cop that had made hundreds of 911 calls. In my opinion, he chased the kid down and got the kid scared. He may have grabbed him to detain him and they may have scuffled. I would have. The kid probably smacked him trying to get away and Zimmerman shot him. I could give two shits about some "hoodie" that the news makes a big deal of. The guy murdered the kid and needs to be brought before a Grand Jury.

I hate to say it. But if Zimmerman were black and the kid was white it wouldn't have played out like this.....

I haven't seen anybody try to justify this. At most, everyone has said that Zimmerman shouldn't be tried and convicted in the press without anyone knowing the details of what really happened. You have (1) "my opinion", (2) "may have", and (1) "probably" in your short statement. The fact is, punching someone in the nose and trying to beat their brains out against the sidewalk is not a reasonable response to an overly-curious, or even aggressively curious neighbor.

One of the basic tenets for the justification of lethal force taught in ccw classes is that the use of that force must be a in response to an immediate or imminent threat to your life. Someone beating your head into the sidewalk would certainly fall into this description. There is evidence that this took place, and is probably why the police kicked Zimmerman free.

If this is indeed what happened, and everything that I have read indicates that it was, Trayvon escalated the encounter far beyond what should have happened. However, I agree that releasing Zimmerman immediately was an unbelievable response by the police and there should have been a far more detailed investigation.


I hate to say it. But if Zimmerman were black and the kid was white it wouldn't have played out like this.....

How did white get into this? Zimmermen is NOT white. He is Hispanic with a Jewish last name. Let's call a spade a spade, this is not white on black racism. I'm not saying Zimmermen isn't a racist, he just isn't white. I think the news media is trying to start a race riot so they would have plenty of news to cover. Nothing leads the 6 o'clock news like a structure fire.



3rd-Eye Jedi
i have very little doubt about the fact that zimmerman DID start this shit ..... but i can't (and until i can, won't) say that it was racially motivated. some members seem to think i am giving zimmerman a get out of jail free card and laying all the blame on a dead kid. i never said that, and i never will.

if there was a set of "complete moron with a gun" laws then i would be fine with him being convicted under that set of laws, but the hate crime thing at least from what i see just does not apply.

if zimmerman starts spouting racist shit like the guy who decided to drag someone to death on a chain behind his pick up, i will be the first one to say max him with every tool they have in the legal system..... but i don't see that happening.

being guilty of a civil rights hate crime, that is waking up to purposely accost people because of their race is not type of racist people are claiming zimmerman is

i for one think his racism was the reason for his suspicion which is completely illegal as a cause for suspicion includiong for police

its very simple too argue and defend this "give zimmerman a
fair shake" position without doing the same for trayvon is biased at best

i would like to know why treyvon doesn't get equalateral consideration

he never had a criminal record yet zimmermna did

among others
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