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Racist cops protect racist zimmerman

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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You keep, conveniently, leaving out the fact that this black man (which is not a race BTW, which makes your whole argument invalid. A Black man from the Congo is not the same race as a black man from the Dominican Republic ) was in a gated community to which he did not belong. Not only did he have a physical similarity to those that committed previous crimes in that exact place (not saying that makes him guilty), he was, in essence, trespassing. Is a gated community not gated for a reason? As a community watch member of that GATED community, Z would have been perfectly within his rights to question T. In fact, that's what that position is supposed to do.

He didn't live there normally but he wasn't tresspassing, he was a guest of someone living there. The fact that Zimmerman is unaware of who the guests are there kind of makes him seem less competent as a neighborhood watch guy. I mean how would you like it if you lived in a similar place and a young friend or relative got killed simply because someone thought they looked suspicious and didn't know that person was your guest?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Supposbly it smelt like MJ and had weed residue. Could explain the skittles & Arizona iced tea....

Perhaps but really we should avoid points in this discussion that start with "Supposedly..." or "Could explain..." as that's just speculation. I mean was the person who supposedly smelled the baggie qualified to make that call? A sweet tooth could also explain the skittles and Arizona Iced Tea but I'm not ready to declare Treyvon had cavities. :)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Any concerned citizen can act the way Zimmerman did.If you have no business in a neighborhood...then anyone can ask the other person."Who are you ? or Hello"

Since he was a neighborhood watch leader...either he was voted or not isn't the question.

He was attacked by having his nose broken AND the back of his head cut opened.Zimmerman had the Right to use a fireArm according to the law "Stand your ground"

He is protected UNDER that law and the reason why he isn't arrested.

Anything else...is just under whatever you can add to the vocabulary of a pre-school kid.

Putting up picture of the black boy when he was 10 years old?? And he was 17 years old ??

That's like saying Whitney Houston now is 2 months sober!

Gimme a break...Stupid is ..Stupid does.

"Stand your ground" is a law enacted by the people who live in that county.Must have alot of victims tired of being attacked by a 6 foot 3 bully.Hence...The LAW.

Sure any concerned citizen can do that but that's not what Zimmerman did, he first chased the kid and then confronted him in a demanding manner. Had he just walked up to him and said "Hey, how you doing, I'm the neighborhood watch guy and don't recognize you are you a guest of someone here?" maybe Treyvon wouldn't have felt threatened? That's not what Zimmerman did though so stop trying to paint it like the kid attacked Zimmerman for no apparent reason. Had he done so then yeah the deadly force would have been more justified because it would be more reasonible that Treyvon intended to murder him. By chasing the guy without authority to do so rather then letting the police handle things Zimmerman escalated the incident and therefore is culpable for everything that happened afterwards and in absence of Treyvon having a weapon lethal force was not justified.

Oh wow first it was neighborhood watch captain and now leader. That's not how it is. He volunteered (read as self appointed) for a job nobody else wanted to do. I could put on a mask and cape and call myself captain community but it would not give me the authority to chase, stop or question people simply because I don't know them. The fact that he was not appointed and has no authority to do more then alert police to a potential crime is very relevent.

Yes he did attack Zimmerman but in self defense and yeah he broke his nose and otherwise fucked Zimmerman up which is further proof he wasn't qualified to be confronting suspects and the very reason why neighborhood watch people have no authority beyond alerting police. Zimmerman being the aggressor though did not have stand his ground on his side. The police did want to arrest him but were told there wasn't enough evidence to make the case. If he was all free and clear he wouldn't need to hiding as the alleged Black Panther hit for $10,000 didn't come about until after he was in hiding.

What picture the media puts up is not Treyvon's fault, he is dead. Yeah it's inappropriate as it helps fuel the whole race issue but then again my whole point all the way along is this should not be a race issue. I don't honestly believe Zimmerman acted out of racial hatred. I believe he was a frustrated homeowner that felt police don't do enough to deter crime in his neighborhood to the point of him taking matters into his own hands and his zealousness caused him to make a tragic error in judgement.

So your rational is that Zimmerman is okay because the law is the law? So in your mind there are no unjust laws. The law is just the law and if you break it then you deserve whatever you get? So all of us here who live where weed is illegal but still grow and smoke it should be locked up because the law is the law?


i'm starting to think that the cause of this actually sits smack dab in the middle between evil racist plot and poor kid with a good buzz and the blind munchies.

right at the intersection of murphey's law street and perfect storm place

no winners


Sorcerer's Apprentice
What I find ridiculous is how in the first photo he looks like he's capable of doing what is being claimed he did and in the second photo he looks gayer than Drake and about 3 years younger. That is not better quality. That is poorly manipulated. I'm shocked that you don't see it.


I see two pictures being compared that are not identical. For one thing, they cropped the left picture much closer to his face. If that was the original image, why can I see more of the background in the right image? The right image has definitely been altered, but, as far as I can tell, so has the left image. It is VERY dark and VERY grainy for someone to have been able to clean it up so much and make the details like the eyebrows (and ears) actually MORE DETAILED in the edited picture. Pretty hard to do unless you are cloning those eyebrows from a different image.

The left image HAS to have been altered (at least cropped) because (as I said already) you can see details in the background of the second image that don't exist in the first! Which means they were both edited down from a shared source.

Anybody got the original image?

And even if some media asshole is trying to play with racial emotions by photoshopping the image to make white people more sympathetic, it doesn't change the fact that a 28 year old MAN chased a 17 year old BOY in his car, ignored police instructions to knock it off, thereby instigating a confrontation that ended with him unharmed and a CHILD dead.

Listen to the 911 tape of the woman calling it in. You can hear the cries for help in a high pitched, child-like voice..... and then the gunshot... and NO MORE CRYING FOR HELP.


You can hear the cries of help from the beginning of the clip until around 0:45, where you hear an obvious gunshot and then no more sounds from outside.

Even the dispatcher remarks, "the cries seem to have stopped since the shot."

We don't need to lynch the guy, but it might've been appropriate to have arrested him at the scene and have him tested for drugs and alcohol (the way they tested the CORPSE of the victim.)
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You don't see any difference, really? 2 words: retina display . You don;t see how they smoothed out his face, made him look more doe-like and younger? It actually JUMPS OUT at me. If that was his picture, why doctor it? They didn't doctor any others. Why that one?

Probably the same reason why as the other side put up that false "Treyvon now" picture. There's two sides to the race game and both are being heavily played which is all the more reason to keep race out of it. There is more then enough to justify an arrest then just racial inequality or profiling. But man it sure is amazing to me that several pages have gone by with the false Tryvon now pic being posted several times and nobody whipped out the real one until someone ripped out a cleaned up version of the real one. Then bam, a post or two later the real deal comes out. How come the real deal picture didn't come out one or two posts after the gangbanger false "Trayvon now" picture? That would suggest one or more people here were/are perfectly okay with a false portrayal of Treyvon that helps make him seem less innocent. I man sure, as long as it makes your point, what's wrong with distorting the truth right? :rolleyes:


Sorcerer's Apprentice


I took the image that we're discussing into photoshop. I grabbed the image on the left and I added a tremendous amount of brightness and contrast to the image. Do you notice how it doesn't get any more detailed when I do this? That means that it can't possibly be the original photo, but has to be manipulated in much the same way that the right image was.

Look at the ears and the eyebrows. Notice the lack of detail, even when the picture has been blown up and lightened.

(And for the record, I'm not the least bit frightened by the person in either image.)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
HK, I don't agree that Z didn't have the right to walk around his own community and if he did actually talk to T, why would he need authority to do so? Actually, if you think about what we know, Z wasn't even on watch that night. He, allegedly, was out doing errands when he spotted TM. Why couldn't he, as a concerned member of a gated community, walk where he wanted to and speak to who he wanted to? Fact is, Z had a right to be there, T did not.

Fact is Treyvon did have a right to be there. He was a guest staying at his Father's fiancee's house which was in this community. Also you make it sound like Zimmerman was just out for a stroll, saw someone he didn't know and said "Hey, how you doing? Are you from around here?" That's not how it was. It's been confirmed that Treyvon was on the phone with his girlfriend 5 minutes before the shooting and that Zimmerman was chasing Treyvon and Treyvon was heard saying "why are you following me?" before Zimmerman said anything andthat what Zimmerman said was "what are you doing around here" which is hardly the cordial innocent scenario you're trying to portray. Now knowing the history of racism in this country especially in the south you would likely feel threatened if you were a young black and some seemingly white guy came along and said "what are you doing around here" I mean come on all that's missing from that question is the emphisized word Boy! at the end.

As for the fight all we have is Zimmerman saying Trayvon started it. Treyvon's girlfriend who only heard things and the phone she heard thru was dropped when the fight started and then a 13 year old who only saw Zimmerman beaten and on the ground just before the shot was fired but did not see when the fight started or who started it. I'm sorry but I'm not going to just take the word of the guy who would be even guiltier then he already is if he started the fight, that he didn't start the fight. Unfortunately since he killed his attacker after provoking the whole incident their is no other person to corroborate or dispute Zimmerman's accounting. Which is rather convenient for Zimmerman.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
What I find ridiculous is how in the first photo he looks like he's capable of doing what is being claimed he did and in the second photo he looks gayer than Drake and about 3 years younger. That is not better quality. That is poorly manipulated. I'm shocked that you don't see it.

View Image

I'm shocked anyone can make such sweeping judgements just because of a single picture.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
gated community is the reason. I never said Z acted properly just that he was within his rights to walk where he wanted to and talk to whomever he chose. He didn't say, "Freeze motherfucker! This is the police!" I'm sure he is sorry. Wouldn't you be sorry if you were in the world of shit that he's in? The fucking President has talked shit about it.

Nobody said he didn't have the right to walk around his own neighborhood or talk to whoever he wanted. That's not what he did though. He followed someone for nearly 5 minutes and then when finally asked why he was following he answered by asking what sounds like a threatening question. "what are you doing around here". You make it sound like he was out for an afternoon stroll and as he passed Treyvon while walking said "My lovely weather we're having".

What I did say was he does not have the authority to pursue and question a suspect. He did the right thing at first and called the police and reported someone he felt suspicious and potentially up to no good. If that were true then wouldn't confronting him be potentially dangerous or did he feel no danger because he had a gun and that his neighborhood watch volunteer gig gave him all the authority needed even after being told by the 911 dispatcher that he shouldn't be following the suspect?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Does he not look subtly younger to you? Does he not appear less-menacing? I don't want to keep going around and around with you on this. You either see it or you don't. Hundreds of thousands of people have seen it and agree. Not that that is a reason for you to agree with it. Like I said, you see it or you don't. What's obvious to some is less-so to others. :) But again, why doctor just this one photo out of the few that have been shown? This wasn't for the cover of Vanity Fair.

Wow you've talked to hudreds of thousands of people about a picture that just got posted here last night? I mean you must have right or how else could you possibly know they agree with you?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
you guys have fun arguing about something that we have all have no idea about what really happened because the media likes to spin shit....

im going to go get SUPER deep in pussy for awhile.....


Have fun, ride hard and put her up wet.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Not at all. Drugs were mentioned and a narcotics officer was dispatched. If he mentioned fire, the fire department would've been dispatched. That's how that system works. Why would they send another type of cops, for example: HOMICIDE or Homeland Security , when that wasn't mentioned?

I made that point because it was suggested a while back that it was evidence of a cover up by the police that they sent a narcotics officer to a shooting rather then a homicide cop.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
HK, c'mon man. You know what "peruse" means. There is no law against "perusing." How could there be? He was well within his rights to "peruse."

Peruse = read, study, examine, analyze... our brains do that without even trying... well some of us. :D

I think you need to go back and reread things I'm pretty sure I said persue as in to chase after or follow someone not peruse. If I did say peruse it was a typo. Sorry but this thread is moving to fast for me to bother with trying to catch spelling mistakes and hopefully if I did make such a mistake anyone here would have enough sense to figure out what I meant. Nobody ever says peruse a suspect. They might accidentally type it that way though.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Perhaps but really we should avoid points in this discussion that start with "Supposedly..." or "Could explain..." as that's just speculation. I mean was the person who supposedly smelled the baggie qualified to make that call? A sweet tooth could also explain the skittles and Arizona Iced Tea but I'm not ready to declare Treyvon had cavities. :)

Should've been proven beyond a reasonable doubt before punishing the kid for it. I mean look now, this is being used to paint a picture of his character, even in death. They have field-testing kits for just this sort of thing. Unless he admitted it or they actually did use a field testing kit...

I'm white and was suspended for a week for smelling like marijuana in CA where weed is pretty much legal.... Was the high school officials who suspended me a highly trained narcotics officer ? No. Did they have any evidence or a field testing kit ? No. Was I high as fuck and smell like chronic ? You bet your ass.... It amazes me how far some of you can convince yourself thatits impossible thatvtrayvon was anything more than a 10 year old pop warner player who was racially victimized at school leading him to spending the da day reading his bible with his pa pa when he took a break to buy skittles and iced tea when a racist crazed Zimmerman ran him down and murdered him without reason than call everyone a racist who thinks there may be more to the story - which is what were coming to find out as more information begins to surface on both sides of the story....


ICMag Donor
I find it hard to believe so many people are trying to "defend" or to "justify" this murder. And yes, I said murder.

This Zimmerman is a wannabe cop that had made hundreds of 911 calls. In my opinion, he chased the kid down and got the kid scared. He may have grabbed him to detain him and they may have scuffled. I would have. The kid probably smacked him trying to get away and Zimmerman shot him. I could give two shits about some "hoodie" that the news makes a big deal of. The guy murdered the kid and needs to be brought before a Grand Jury.

I hate to say it. But if Zimmerman were black and the kid was white it wouldn't have played out like this.....


GRAND JURY! i think i said that way back, get the media out and let the tentions cool, then air it out with the proper motives known . all these rumors and defense of rumors are just that. he said; she said! RUMORS and guesses.

JJS says murder and i agree but i say mansaughter, as he was attacked.

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i have very little doubt about the fact that zimmerman DID start this shit ..... but i can't (and until i can, won't) say that it was racially motivated. some members seem to think i am giving zimmerman a get out of jail free card and laying all the blame on a dead kid. i never said that, and i never will.

if there was a set of "complete moron with a gun" laws then i would be fine with him being convicted under that set of laws, but the hate crime thing at least from what i see just does not apply.

if zimmerman starts spouting racist shit like the guy who decided to drag someone to death on a chain behind his pick up, i will be the first one to say max him with every tool they have in the legal system..... but i don't see that happening.
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