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Racist cops protect racist zimmerman

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The police told the guy not to follow anyone.
The 911 operator told him not to follow the kid.
If he had let it go as he were instructed, the kid with skittles and iced tea would still be alive.

you are so full of shit!

I am a middle class white male living as a minority in a mostly black community. It's like having a special pass from the cops. I am very aware that my black neighbors are treated very different by the cops.

If there is no systemic racism, please explain why so many more black people than white people are arrested for cannabis possession, despite the fact that rates of use among blacks and whites are pretty much the same.

I am very aware of the special privileges I have due to the color of my skin.

As for the assertion that Zimmerman "is not white", come on, who are we fucking kidding here??? Go to any Latin American country and you will quickly realize there are white people there with special privileges. The classes came from a rigid, government enforced caste system based on eugenics style racial theory. Being "Latino" does nothing to explain away the real situation facing black people in the USA.

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He's white. His life has not been spent under constant suspicion. He belongs instead to the group doing the suspecting. This man belongs to the same club I belong to. The white people club. When I talk to a cop, I look him in the eye, I always speak with confidence, and I know my rights. If I were black, the rules would be totally different. I would have to lower my gaze, never challenge the authority, and I would have to be obsequious at all times. If I were a parent of black children, I would have to prepare them for how to deal with the police according to the rules black people have to follow.

Think about it. How many of you with kids have to have a realistic talk about how they will be singled out for extra scrutiny because of the way they look? As a kid, I had to MAKE myself look different to "look suspicious". It was exciting for me to be perceived as "up to no good". But eventually I was able to cut my hair and dress "normally". Black people are stuck being black for life.

sounds like some of us think "latino" means only the unskilled labor you see immigrating to the US from southern neighbors.

I will refrain from calling you an asshole because I believe you misinterpreted my post. You really put a lot of words in my mouth.

I was responding to someone who is not from the USA who had some strange generalizations about us.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
Without having witnessed events for myself I refuse to make such a broad,negative assumption.I still don't see the difference in naivety,or those that choose to make everything about race as opposed to what it really is.The media got over on most of you, or your predispositions on the issue did...lose/lose all around.


It is so not broad or uncalled for to bring up race in this. He called the kid coon on tape. then the cops don't even care to launch an investigation.

think about it like this.

Ask your selves this? If it was a 17 year old white girl named Betty, how would the community react to her murder? If that was Betty doing the same exact thing as Trayvon, do think Zimmerman would have even thought twice about her presence? Then lets stretch the imagination and say zimmerman would have perused a 17 year old a white girl, argued with her, and then shot her. Do you think the Zimmerman would have just been let go with almost no questioning of him or witnesses if he shot a 17 year old white girl?

Stop watching faux b.s. news they are corrupting your thought process about liberty and humanity.


if you want to get any subject spinning out of control in america then the way to do it is attach it to race , religion or politics. straight disinformation or writing a news article before they really have all the information is standard procedure now .......... divide and conquer

when someone gets killed we have "classes" for it from murder 1 to criminal negligence, and it pretty much depends on how the DA wants to charge you. now we are adding a color code to the game too.

homo sapiens> human being> person ........... no mention of color in the definitions of any of these words. but we can damn sure make laws that can spin it so there is some sort of confusion.

a person killed another person ...... the why should be a non issue if the system is ever going to work

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
^it is not meant to divide when you are pointing out obvious motive. this "Division" argument by white people period is fucking ridiculous. I am sick of it. People need to STFU with it already. It is completely invalid in this specific situation. Also The nation is not gonna get anymore divided than it is now unless a civil war breaks out, and then in that case I have a list of people in my head I am just gonna pop off asap for my pleasure, then it is off to the woods till the war is over.

The question why comes up. why did he kill him. when you examine the evidence in the case including zimmerman's own words, then you find the motive of race staring you in the face. He should not get extra punishment for it but he needs to be brought to trial for sure, as do the police in that call.


^it is not meant to divide when you are pointing out obvious motive. He should not get extra punishment for it but he needs to be brought to trial.

don't get me wrong brother i was not saying this guy should not go to trial ....... and i was not saying he was a "good" human either

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
when someone gets killed we have "classes" for it from murder 1 to criminal negligence, and it pretty much depends on how the DA wants to charge you.

a person killed another person ...... the why should be a non issue if the system is ever going to work.

In a manslaughter case, the decision as to what charges the perpetrator will face depends totally on the "question of Why?". "Why?" is what determines whether it is criminal or not.


In a manslaughter case, the decision as to what charges the perpetrator will face depends totally on the "question of Why?". "Why?" is what determines whether it is criminal or not.

i'm with ya ..... it's just that the "why" thing can be kind of like asking how many angels can dance on the edge of a razor blade. then the lawyers get involved and start with the plea bargains and things get even fuzzier.

IMHO the system would work if it was a little bit easier to see how the math works. as is i just don't think it does, and that does not only apply to "hate crimes"


3rd-Eye Jedi
well see as i see it race very much does figure out into it as its being investigated as a racial hate motivated killing and involving civil rights

this also makes proving he did it out of racial hate harder and I find it to be detracting as well

whether this dude used prejudice based on color or based on a persons demeanor the guy wanted to kill someone and this kid was made to fit a profile of people he thought worthy of murder


weed fiend
George Zimmerman Unprotected By Self-Defense Law in Trayvon Martin Killing, Florida Lawmakers Say

John Rudolf
Posted: 03/21/2012 6:57 pm

Republican state lawmakers in Florida responsible for a controversial 2005 self-defense law said it shouldn't apply to a neighborhood watch volunteer who shot and killed Trayvon Martin, an unarmed 17-year-old, in February.

Police in Sanford, Fla., declined to charge George Zimmerman, 28, saying they lack evidence refuting his claim of self-defense in the fatal confrontation. Under the 2005 law, called Stand Your Ground, Florida residents can use lethal force against an attacker if they believe their life is threatened, regardless of the location.

In recorded calls to police, Zimmerman describes following Martin in his car and calls him 'suspicious.' A dispatcher tells him not to pursue Martin, but Zimmerman persists. In statements to police, Zimmerman claimed that Martin then attacked him and he shot the teenager in self-defense, police said.

Martin weighed nearly 100 pounds less than Zimmerman and was found carrying only a bag of Skittles candy and a can of iced tea.

Police said that without evidence proving that Zimmerman attacked Martin first, they had no grounds to charge him with a crime.

Dennis Baxley, a Republican state representative and co-author of the 2005 self-defense law, said Zimmerman negated his ability to claim immunity under the law by chasing Martin.

"This law is for innocent, law-abiding citizens who are under attack by a perpetrator," Baxley told The Huffington Post. "Anyone who is out pursuing and confronting people is not protected by this statute."

"I think they need to go back and read the statute," Baxley said, referring to the Sanford Police Department.

Former Republican State Sen. Durell Peadon, another co-author of the law, said Zimmerman "has no protection under my law."

"They need to prosecute whoever shot the kid," Peadon told the Miami Herald on Tuesday.

Gun rights advocates also question the decision not to charge Zimmerman.

"I don't see why he hasn't been arrested," said Sean Caranna, executive director of Florida Carry, a gun rights group.

Zimmerman had no right to follow and confront Martin in the first place, Caranna noted.

"Being the neighborhood watch guy doesn't give you carte blanche to stop and question every guy you see walking down the street," Caranna said.

A spokesman for the Sanford Police Department did not respond to a request for comment.

Critics of the 2005 self-defense law said its broad wording led to a perception among Florida residents and law enforcement that the use of deadly force is justified in almost any circumstance in which a person perceives themselves to be in danger. The self-defense doctrine has also been invoked as a defense by hundreds of people involved in fights and shootings, complicating formerly straightforward criminal cases, legal experts said.

"On a practical level, it seems that prosecutors in Florida are much less inclined to pursue homicide charges in cases when someone claims self-defense,' said Scott Sundby, a professor at the University of Miami School of Law.

The Martin shooting is now in the hands of Seminole County prosecutor Norman Wolfinger, who said this week that he will bring the case before a grand jury in April. The U.S. Justice Department and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement are also involved in the case.

In a statement, Wolfinger pledged a "thorough, deliberate and just" review of the facts. "We appreciate our community's care and concern in this case," he said. "It is our community too."

Weeks passed before Wolfinger took any action, however, leading some to question whether the matter would have ever reached a grand jury were it not for the public outrage that erupted after Martin's parents called for justice.

"If it were not for the public outcry I think it's very clear that the prosecution would not have gone forward," Sundby said.

A spokeswoman for Wolfinger could not be reached for comment.

Sundby agreed with Republican lawmakers that Zimmerman's apparent pursuit of Martin exceeded even the broad bounds of the self-defense law, which loosened the standards by which citizens can use deadly force to repel an attack or stop a violent crime in progress.

"You cannot provoke the confrontation. You cannot be the instigator and then claim 'stand your ground,' Sundby said.


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^this law is like a straight up loop hole for murder.... and I am as pro gun rights as it gets. I like the Idea behind the law. that way you can shoot muggers, but it was structured so badly and vaguely.

....And all this bitching about the facts is kinda annoying. zimmerman made sure that many of the facts died when he murdered treyvon. I am sure that was the intention though.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
from ABC News

ABC News was there exclusively as the 16-year-old girl told Crump about the last moments of the teenager's life. Martin had been talking to his girlfriend all the way to the store where he bought Skittles and a tea. The phone was in his pocket and the earphone in his ear, Crump said.
PHOTO: Trayvon Martin, 17, was fatally shot by neighborhood watch leader George Zimmerman.
ABC News
Trayvon Martin, 17, was fatally shot by... View Full Size
Neighborhood-Watch Shooting: Girlfriend Speaks Watch Video
Trayvon Martin's Alleged Killer: 911 Calls Watch Video
Florida Teen Killed by Community-Watch Member Watch Video

"He said this man was watching him, so he put his hoodie on. He said he lost the man," Martin's friend said. "I asked Trayvon to run, and he said he was going to walk fast. I told him to run, but he said he was not going to run."

Eventually, he would run, said the girl, thinking that he'd managed to escape. But suddenly the strange man was back, cornering Martin.

"Trayvon said, 'What are you following me for,' and the man said, 'What are you doing here.' Next thing I hear is somebody pushing, and somebody pushed Trayvon because the head set just fell. I called him again, and he didn't answer the phone."

The line went dead. Besides screams heard on 911 calls that night as Martin and Zimmerman scuffled, those were the last words he said.

Trayvon's phone logs, also obtained exclusively by ABC News, show the conversation occurred five minutes before police first arrived on the scene.

From Mediaite.com

On Tuesday’s AC360, CNN’s Anderson Cooper spoke with two witnesses, Mary Cutcher and her roommate Selma Mora Lamilla, who were at the scene of the gated community, The Retreat at Twin Lakes in Sanford, Florida, the night Trayvon Martin was shot to death by George Zimmerman.

“So you heard some sort of whining, some sort of commotion outside?” Cooper asked.

“We were in the kitchen, with the window open and the blinds pulled. So we had complete view from outside,” Cutcher explained.

Cooper asked her what was the first thing she saw.

“By that time, you hear like a shot — like some other noise,” Lamilla described.

“You heard the gunshot?” Cooper interjected.

“Yeah, I run away from my backyard and when I just get into the point of my — like my screen, it stopped me, I look at the person on his knees on top of a body,” Lamilla elaborated.

“So you saw Mr. Zimmerman on top of Trayvon Martin?” Cooper questioned.

“Trayvon, exactly,” Lamilla said.

“When you say on top of, how so?” the CNN anchor pressed.

“Straddling him,” Cutcher replied.

“His legs were straddling him?” Cooper followed up.

“One on each side, on his knees, with his hands on his back. I immediately thought, okay, obviously if it’s the shooter, he would have ran,” Cutcher detailed. “I thought he’s holding the wound, helping the guy taking a pulse, making sure he’s okay. When she called to him three times, everything okay, what’s going on? Each time he looked back, didn’t say anything and then the third time he finally said, ‘just call the police.’”

“But at that time it was so dark,” Lamilla added. “I just saw this person. When she started calling the police, I saw Zimmerman walking with — touching like his hair, like kind of like confused back and forth to the body.”

Lamilla and Cutcher described Zimmerman pacing around the body, following the shooting, and disputed that there was any indication of a fight.


Zimmerman told police that he'd gotten out of his truck to read a street sign to see where he was, when Tayvon jumped him from behind.


weed fiend
... Zimmerman told police that he'd gotten out of his truck to read a street sign to see where he was, when Tayvon jumped him from behind.

IMO, that's bs. Zimmerman wasn't at the street sign when he shot the victim, they were several houses away from the SUV.

This may not be prosecuted as a hate-crime but IMO, aggravating circumstances will apply. IMO, Zimmerman is a stalker.


I think the scariest thing is how in 24 hours the "American Idol Nation" can be completely mind controlled .

Truer words have never been spoken.

It is hilarious to me that people can be so heated and jump to conclusions based solely on what the media feeds them, from hundreds or thousands of miles away so many of the online experts already know it was a rasist murder of an innocent young man walking back from church, from your recliners no less. Sorry my facts are wrong, he was just getting some skittles, sorry bad info.

Then there are the also a million anti gun experts on world events that are jumping on the band wagon, articles about "concealed carry Killers" who are just hunting the country murdering whoever they come in contact with. Just as ignorant.

My point is only that, no one really knows what happened besides a young man was shot by another person. EVERYTHING that you have been fed by the media is what some attention seeking journalist wrote, and was allowed to release to the public in an attempt to one up the rest of the ambulance chasers in that bottom feeding profession. the race card is instantly thrown, the police are evil, the white devil was out to murder. bla bla bla. No one really knows anything yet, don't buy into what you are being fed until more facts are available. They are in..ves...ti..gating still.

Everything you have been fed is likely a very small portion of what will come out in court. If it was murder he will go to jail but Im pretty sure it will have nothing to do with internet forum arguing.

it is pretty funny to watch.

Im sorry someone got shot for whatever reason, but lets wait and see what really happened, don't believe everything you are told by fox news.



The Young Turks break as it down as to why the story Zimmerman gave is total bullshit.

Trayvon Martin Final Phone Call With Girlfriend

I read a comment someone posted on youtube that the reason the cops may be on Zimmerman's side is because he may have worked with them somehow and could have been an informant and may have some dirt that may make the department be seen in a negative light. I do think something is up with the way Zimmerman keeps getting away with things.

Also that Fox news story sound like complete Bullshit that is made up to just go against the rest of the country as they normally do. They are being rebellious to be rebellious. The person's name is "john", he saw someone in red on the ground not a big guy vs. a little guy which is a big difference, his story goes against Zimmermans' own story and what you hear on the phone call, he comes out now after all the media and citizens of the country is speaking out AND he goes to FOX news of all people. If you can't see it's bullshit I should tell you shit takes like chicken you should try it sometime. Fox news is really for the troublemakers and sad people.


All of the media is full of shit, does not matter what chanel or paper they work for. Every media outfit has their own beliefs and moral tone that the editors twist into everything they release.

Any real or tangable evidence is surely not being released to the public.
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